Prologue: Filip pg 1
They are on a shipyard in the dark of.Jupiter's moons. They are being attacked. Or they're attacking. I'm not sure. Point is things are blowing up and blasting off and all sorts of stuff. It's hard for me to understand or care cause I don't know any of these people. The point is that the outter planets are in chaos as former Martian ships are being used for I guess terrorism or whatever as people are using them to steal materials from shipyards as they head to the other solar systems through the ring.
I'm assuming anyone reading this has already read the previous four books in the series. Mostly cause that person is me.
Chapter One: Holden pg 11
Now this is a plot line I can sink my brain into. They are at the OPA repair yard. The Roci is busted up pretty bad and repairs are gonna take a while. Especially the side of the ship that had the rail gun mounted. The new repair chief said there were so many microfracures that the main supports on that side would allow need to be replaced. 28 weeks, he sent an itemized spreadsheet to Naomi. He's good and very organized. But interacting with him reminds them of Sam, the old repair chief, and she's dead. Killed by captain Ashford during book three. So they're all a little sad when they're talking about repairs. It's been three years since the end of the last book. The payment from the U.N. Just came through so they've got plenty of money. So Amos buys Indian food with real chicken 🐔 for dinner. Even so, Holden is hoping Fred Johnson will pay for the ship repairs. Fred Johnson has the best coffee. It's ruined Holden on regular coffee for a while.
Chapter Two: Alex pg 22
A new viewpoint, we'll see how well I can absorb this new information. New Viewpoint, but it's a character we know, Alex is the Roci's pilot. He's got a lot to worry about. Holden and Amos's relationship is a bit fragile cause they're both such alpha males. Holden and Naomi is always a worry cause they're lovers. If that goes wrong, this whole situation is over. Alex has been on a.lot of.long haul ships. Long years in the Mars Navy. Followed by long years on private long haul.ships. A lot of pilots that are used to doing the inner runs from earth to the moon to Mars try doing long haul trips out past the belt and can't handle it. He has always had these exact same worried on every ship he's ever worked on. Doesn't matter if you are a crew of four or hundreds. Always gotta worry about egos and romance.
Alex and Amos spend a lot of time together because Holden and Naomi have coupled and pretty much spend every moment together. Alex is talking about his unresolved feelings with his ex wife. He didn't have the courage to break it off but his wife took the hint when he was gone for a few years and ended things. But loose ends weren't wrapped up. they just sort of ended. So he's thinking of going to Mars for a while.
when they get together and talk Amos steals the spotlight and says he has to go back to Earth and tie up some lose ends. Holden transfers him some walking around money and off he goes. Alex basically does the same thing but Mars.
Chapter Three: Naomi pg 33
Damn, I wonder if everyone on the crew gets their own viewpoint this book. Naomi is hanging out in the bar with other belters. They're playing a better bar game that involves that throwing balls. She's doing this with people who used to work with Sam so there's some sadness there. I'm sure sad.
this song is called, I'm sad so very very sad.
Holden shows up and everyone is all starstruck. Naomi tells him they need to talk. She wants to hire more crew. Normal crew for a ship like the Roci is twelve. They at least need to hire four more crew so that if someone dies, they can still operate the ship. Holden hates the idea. We're not just a crew, we're family. Naomi says that's the problem. Holden Says he's at least willing to talk about it when Amos and Alex get back.
Naomi gets a call. It's some guy named Marcus. Marcus says Filip is in trouble. Filip from the prologue.
Chapter Four: Amos pg 41
Yep, all four members of the crew get their own viewpoint this book. He's on Ceres, heading to the moon then somehow he'll figure out how to get to earth 🌎. He doesn't want to go back. He is going because Erich called him to say Lydia is dead. Lydia used to be Amos's moral compass like Holden is now. He has a tattoo of her over his heart and often thinks what would Lydia do?
Amos has a lump in his throat. That's a grief lump. He misses Lydia even though he hasn't seen her for twenty years. He has three hours to kill before his flight so he spends it slowly drinking beer. he settles in a level on the ship with belters. All the levels are segregated everyone with their own kind.
thugs some to sell "insurance". Amos has made friends in his corner of the deck and tells the thugs this corner doesn't need insurance. They leave and Amos goes to the shower. The thugs jump him in the shower 🚿 and Amos beats six guys unconscious. He doesn't have a lump in his throat during the fight. He goes back to his corner and tells the dad of the group the money 💰 he would have given for "insurance" should go to buy his little girl I've cream 🍦 .
Chapter Five: Holden pg 52
Holden and Fred Johnson have a chat. Fred is worried about OPA breakaway terrorism. They see their way of life ending and they're pissed. Attacking ship yards and even earth. Naomi says she has stuff to do without him. Starting at Ceres. If she doesn't call tii frequently, don't read too much into it.
Everyone has an adventure to go on. Everyone except for Holden. So he hangs out with the repair crew working on the Roci. He's real lonely. He's never been alone before. The closest thing he has to a friend is Fred. This is additionally hard cause he's famous. Everyone wants a selfie with him, but he's not making any friends. He gets a call from Monica, the Lady that ran the documentary in the slow zone. She's also on Tycho and wants to talk. They go out for sushi cause Monica has an expense account. She shows him a video of a ship going through a ring gate and disappeared.
Chapter Six: Alex pg 63
Alex goes to Mars. The trip is uneventful. But there was a baby on his ship. How well does a baby handle a trip at three G? He messages Bobbie to see if she wants to do lunch. I'm psyched. The epilogue from the last book was Bobbie agreeing to work for avasarala. I was worried nothing would come of it in this book with the Roci's crew being our viewpoints.
He is staying with a cousin. They go out for some garlic noodles. He drops in on his ex wife. It's pretty awesome cause she's working in a real garden on Mars. This is the future here. Real air being created by real plants. She gives him a firm but polite no. She has a life and he's not part of it. Bobbie messages him back. Says drop by any time. Also, she might have a favor to ask.
Chapter Seven: Amos PG 73
Amos takes a shuttle from the moon to Earth 🌎and it's rough. Space is nice cause there's no turbulence. He makes it to New York city and the second he touches land the cops are there to greet him. They take him to Avasarala. She thinks Amos was sent by Holden to kill someone. He says he's here to give his respects to a friend that passed. Their name is "none of your fucking business" and that's the end of the conversation. He finds a baller hotel to spend the night in and finds Lydia had a husband and the obituary claimed she died peacefully in their home. If that's true, Amos won't have to kill anyone.
Chapter Eight: Holden PG 83
Holden is talking to Monica Stewart, documentary lady in case you forgot, and she's talking about thirteen ships that have disappeared going through the ring.
Holden talks to the OPA head mechanic about this who has the following advice:
“Don’t look for the missing ships,” Sakai replied. “Look for the new ones that show up. "
Holden gets a message from Alex. He doesn't have much to say in return. Sometimes work friends are just that and you remove the work and you got nothing to talk about.
Holden decides to talk to Fred Johnson about the missing ships. Holden presents the theory that Medina Station—nee Behemoth nee Nauvoo - the hub of all the ring gates is complicit in the disappearance of these ships. Fred tells him to let it go. Holden isn't gonna let it go.
Chapter Nine: Naomi PG 93
Naomi is on Ceres. She's making her way somewhere and she's pretty sure she's got a tail. She has nicknamed him wings cause of his long silver hair. She loses him and makes her way to a dive bar way deep in the Ceres core where rent is cheap cause the spin feels like spin rather than gravity.
wings shows up at the bar. Not cause he followed her here, but because this is his home base. He talks to a HUGE guy. Turns out huge guy is Naomi 's friend from back in the day. They go into a back room. One of the.people in that room is Filip, Naomi's son.
Chapter Ten: Amost PG 103
Amos goes to Philadelphia to see lydias widower. He seems nice. He tells Amos that he's losing the house and going back on basic cause the guy bankrolling Lydia has stopped cause she's dead. the bankroll guy's name is Erich. Amos tells him he's not gonna lose the house.
Amos goes to Baltimore to see Erich. he roughs up a prostitute and her muscle. The muscle take s him to Erich. Erich calls him Tummy and asks if he.killed anyone. He hasn't and Erich explains to the rest of the crew that means Amos is still being polite.
Chapter Eleven: Alex PG 114
Alex has done everything he figures he's going to do in Mars and it's time to leave. In a flashback he and Bobbie talk about how Avasarala wants Bobbie to look into all the Martian ship parts that are disappearing from the scrap yards. Bobby wants Alex to help her. In the present Alex is thinking he's not gonna do that. He's just gonna go back to the Roci and be alone. He gets to Bobby place and there are guys with guns roughing her up. He attacks and Bobbie also fights and between the two of them they make the bad guys run away or die or whatever. He lies to Bobbie and says he was coming to tell her he would help and she says these guys weren't caring ❤ about stealing ship parts. They were just asking her questions about Alex.
Chapter Twelve: Amos PG 124
Amos goes to talk to Erich about the old man Lydia was shacked up ☝with keeping the house. Nobody dies and the old man gets to stay. Amos calls Avasarala and asks where they locked up clarrisa Mao. He wants to visit her before he leaves earth 🌎forever again.
Chapter Thirteen: Holden PG 135
Holden hires a developer to mine the ship data to try to find the ones that have disappeared. He finds a likely candidate that might be parked on an asteroid near mars. He sends a message to Alex to see if he can go check it out. He goes to tell Monica about his findings. She doesn't answer. He calls security to see if she left. They say no, but also there has been no sign of her for a day. He asks them to send a crew to check it out. There's no sign of her and her place has been tossed. Good news, no blood.
Chapter Fourteen: Naomi PG 145
Filip has sixteen people.that need saving. Filip thought Naomi would bring the Roci and it would be easy to get everyone off. That's not happening. They talk more and it turns out that where Filip needs to go is the same asteroid group that Holden wants Alex to check out. So Naomi goes to this shady shipping company that they used to run jobs for back when the Roci was working out of Ceres to see 👀 if they'd be willing to rent her a ship on the down low.
Chapter Fifteen: Alex PG 157
Alex is looking up old navy friends for.leads. He gets Holden's message and is looking for a way to get a ship. Things are a little cramped at his cousins h p use. He calls bobbie. Shoes at a hotel. He's gonna try to get a room there too. He asks if she might be get a ship. She has a ship. Julie Mao 's old racing shi p.
Chapter Sixteen: Holden PG 167
Holden and Feed are looking for Monica. They have been following the video feed from when she was last seen. They think they have a lead as they see her going into a roo m And then two.people come.out with a container big enough to hide a person in. They follow where that container went to and they search every container in that room. They don't find her. Fred calls for a station lockdown. They go back to re search her apartment and Holden starts poking at her tablet. They end up connecting it to what they think is a tiny camera Monica might be wearing. They see the inside of a sealed.shipping container. They scan the station for closed shipping containers and they find one that's warm.
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