Sunday, April 25, 2021

mist born CH 15 - 21

CH 15 pg 256
Kelseir is still alive.  He made it back to the hideout.  Sazed is the one that saved Vin.  Things are dicey.  Vin might die.  Kelsier is utterly unapologetic when Dockson repeatedly gives him shit for how stupid this was and utterly stupid and insane it was to bring Vin with him.  All he cares about is killing the lord ruler.  If Vin had died but Kelsier had made it to the inner sanctum and was able to use what he learned there to kill the lord ruler he wouldn't regret it one bit.

CH 16 pg 266
Vin wakes up and Kelsier apologizes.  She's been out.for two weeks.  She goes back to the estate.  She Sazed about what he is.  He explains he's not an alomancer but what he does is something similar as it used metal to make him remember things he knows 172 languages.  He translated the boo k vin used as a weapon.  His people are not allowed to procreate.  He has no balls.

Ch 17 276
Vin is getting ready for a ball.  She's gonna wear a pretty red dress.  Kelsier shows up and shows her a picture and tells her its from his wife.  They talk about how his wife was the one that betreyaed him.  His wife swore she wasn't the one to betray him.  But the lord ruler thanked her when they were caught.  And everyone else thinks it and she's dead anyway so what difference does it make.  Anyway, he'd rather love someone and be vulnerable and risk the chance of betrayal than live life always suspicious and untrusting.

CH 18 pg 287
Vin goes to the ball and the first thing that happens is that lord Venture plops his books down at her table and begins to read.  Nobody is asking Vin to dance cause Venture's presence at her table is intimidating.  She makes lovey eyes at some boy and they dance and she tells him that Venture is just a friend showing her the ropes of noble life in the big city.  He's been like an older brother.  This opens the flood gates and she dances all night long.  She's very tired.  Some nobel lady demands her presence.  Turns out this is lord ventures fiance.  She wants to use Vin in some social games and makes it clear that this is more of an order than a request.  Venture leaves and then Sazed comes and they leave.  As they're waiting for their coach vin witnesses a skaa boy get murdered by one of the town guard.

CH 19 pg 310
Kelsier is going around doing some info gathering and rumor mongering.  He starts dressed as a lord talking to a skaa.  The goal here is to see if there's any rumors about house Renoux.  The only info he really has is that Renoux is buying more weapons than he could possibly sell so one might be able to buy his surplus cheap.  He also repeats all the stuff about Vin and Eland at the ball.  
Then Kelsier gets dirty and plays the roll of the skaa spy and meets with Lord Venture.  He seems to know everything.  He knows Kelsier is in town organizing a rebellion and he's heard about the eleventh metal.  But he doesn't know what the eleventh metal is good for.  Most importantly, house Renoux is not on his radar.
Kelsier goes back to the mansion and talks to Sazed and Vin about the ball.  He feels like Vin is falling for Eland Venture and cautions her not to trust him.  He reiterates how disposable everyone is to the.likes of house Venture.

CH 20 pg 326
This chapter is all vin hanging out with Kelsier's brother.  He's good at the metal that lets him sense what kind of metals other people are burning.  Vin talks a lot about her tragic past.  They talk about family dynamics.

Ch 21 pg 342
Kelsier how to see the cave hideout where they're hiding the army.  Kelsier finds a doubter and makes him fight a true believer that's way smaller and slower and weaker.  Then he uses his alomancy to have the weak guy win.  The idea is that with Kelsier on their side it doesn't matter that they're way outnumbered and overmatched by the empire.  

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