This is about the wierd suburban land where country turns into city. Like Hillsboro. I didn't get much out of this chapter.
glossary VII edgelands pg 249
edges, hedges and boundaries
boodge - to stuff bushes into hedges to confine livestock - Herefordshire
cuasnog - wild bees nest - Irish
he reused hare-gate
shard- gap in a hedge
BMV - of agricultural land: Best and Most Versatile
combar- sharing work or equipment between neighbors, mutual assistance
meat-earth - good and fertile soil, as distinguished from clay, gravel or sand
antony - runt of a litter of pigs
gimmer- ewe between first and second sheer
riggwelter- sheep that has fallen and can't get up becuase of the weight of its fleece
ch 9 stonebrooks pg 263
This chapter is vaguely about geology. What its more about is Jaquetta Hawkes's book "A Land" which is about British geology. There's fun contradiction in A Land in that it has a general we are all the same cause all land everywhere is made up of similar rocks, yet it also speaks of Britain's uniqueness. She gets all political in parts and as a result she ended up with some fans maybe she didnt want. There was a part talking about how noted fascist and author of Tarka the Otter Henry William was a big fan of her pro British isolation ideals. Also her writing. He had to wait months to get ahold of a copy, so I expect its a well written book.
Glossary VIII earth lands pg 279
Minerals and rocks
cataclastic - exhibiting a structural character due to intese crushing and pressure
eoliths - name given to earleist worked stones
rupestral - living among or occupying rocks or cliffs.
Mud, Humus
lick-ups - clay clods dropped by wheels passing through heavy land
soil and earth
dough - thick clay
jingly - warm, easily crumbled, stony soil
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