Chapter Seventeen: Alex pg 177
Alex meets an old navy buddy at a coffee shop to talk about missing ships. The waiter gives him a fancy chai cardamom honey latte cause he's famous. His Navy Buddy sends him to another guy who sends him to another guy who's dead. Apex gets questioned for eight hours and tells Bobbie all about it. His pitch is they should take the little racing ship to check out the asteroid holden told Alex about.
ch 18 holden 188
Fred and holden open up the cintsiner they think Monica is in and there she is. There's some negotiations between Fred and Monica on how the story will be handled and released. They bring in the new repair guy to interrogate him. He doesn't give them much but its clear he hates them.
ch 19 naomi 198
Naomi buys a ship to give to Philip. They say their goodbyes and she tells him that he could join her on the Roci if he wanted to. He says maybe after. She hugs a big belter she knew from the old days goodbye but he doesn't let go and he squeezes her until she blacks out.
ch 20 alex 208
Alex is feeling out the controls of the razorback. She's quick and nimble. The Roci is real sluggish by comparison. But the Roci is a ship you can live on. The razorback is a one cabin racing ship that can only fit two people. They're burning 1 G heading to the Hungaria asteroid to look for Holden's ship. Alex and Bobbie talk about the Navy days. Alex asks if she could go back to the Navy. She tells him there's no going back for her. They've got a long way to go so there's plenty of time to chitchat. As they get closer, sensors go off and Alex realizes they're being painted with targeting lazers. Must be a stealth ship cause nothing shows up on the scans as a ship. The ship fires missles at them. Alex goes as fast as he can toward the UN fleet and sends a distress signal. Someone on the UN fleet shoots countermeasures at the missles. In a desparate attempt to not die, he dumps the core and that's what the missles blow up instead of Alex and Bobbie.
ch 21 naomi 218
Take chains they fashioned to bind us and use them as whips
ch 22 amos 228
Amos is at the max.prison where clarissa Mao is being held. There's bad news. An asteroid has landed in North Africa. The electric grid is in ruins. The closest city has been flattened. Amos goes down ten floors to see Clarissa. She doesn't get any news, so Amos tells her the whole Ilus story. Ann alarm goes off,.the guard comes by to tell them the place is on lockdown. Another asteroid has hit in the Atlantic ocean. Amos asks real nice and the guard let's them watch TV.
ch 23 holden 239
Tycho station is under attack. This happens at the same time the new s of the asteroids hitting earth and the Martian prime minister's ship has been attacked. After a lot of fighting, they get control back. But the attackers got what they came for. They stole the wall of Fred's office with his safe. That's where he was keeping his protomolecule sample.
ch 24 amos 250
They are hanging out watching the news when suddenly the whole place shakes and goes black and Amos falls down. Emergency lights come up. Another asteroid must have hit much closer to where they are. Amos is pretty sure his hand is broken. Clarissa is ok. Amos convinces the guard they gotta evacuate. It's three.guards one other prisoner Amos and Clarissa trying to get out. They try to take the stairs. At a certain point there's no more stairs, they're just rubble. It's gonna be a looooong day.
ch 25 naomi 261
lots of chitchat between Naomi and filip. He talks a out how this is all him. He got the Martian stealth technology to do the meteor drops on earth. She talks about how Marco got so much blood on her hands. Now he's done ✔ the same to filip. It haunts her, all these people that she helped Marco kill. She tells Filip to.come talk about his feelings when the horror of what he's done kicks in and he starts to consider suicide. He says she's dead to him.
ch 26 amos 272
Amos and Clarissa .She it out of the prison via the elevator shaft. The other prisoner killed two of the guards so they kicked him in the nuts and threw him back d own the elevator shaft. The plan is to figure out how to get to the π moon.
ch 27 alex 282
Alex and Bobbie are on a Martian ship. Beats being dead. They eat grill cheese sandwich and they get grilled by the Martian interogators. But.things are.relatively cool cause Bobbie and Alex accidentally saved all their lives and they know it. So people are being nice.
ch 28 holden 293
Anderson dawes terrorists as a legitimate part of the OPA. He has invited Fred Johnson to come.out to.wherever he is to a meeting with the other OPA leaders. Fred has also been invited by Avasarala to come to the moon π and meet with earth π and mars leaders. Holden is eating Thai chicken π curry and it is not good. He talks to Feed and Drummer about all this. They tell him Medina station has gone dark. There's also 25 ships that used to be Martian stealth ships heading that way. They can't do anything about it, so they're going to the moon. Holden calls Alex to let him know he'll be seeing him sooner than expected.
ch 29 naomi 303
Naomi decides it's time to try to shake down Marco for information. They have some heated talk. At the end of it Naomi is pretty sure that they tried to kill Fred Johnson and he is still very much in danger because the new head engineer at Tycho who Marco told Fred through Anderson Dawes he's willing to do a prisoner exchange for has put Naomi's old software that can blow up ships on the Roci and it's just a matter of time until it is triggered and kills Fred and Holden.
ch 30 amos 313
Amos calls Clarissa Mao Peaches and in this Chapter the book starts calling her peaches. So I will too.
Amos and peaches meet a nice old man who told them to avoid the preppers due east. So if course Amos heads directly that direction. He offers to trade the guy a water thingy in exchange for guns.
Peaches comes out of nowhere and kills the prepper. Nobody comes out for revenge so Amos goes inside to check it out. They get a bunch of supplies, including "a stack of surprisingly boring pornography". He and peaches have a heart to heart about the morals of what they've done. She explains that if you kill someone in order to steal their stuff you're not the good guy. Amos's response to that is he's gotta get back to his ship.
ch 31 alex 324
They are heading to the moon. But pretty soon there's trouble. The support ships are starting to fire on them. They are out gunned and out manned and out planned. They are being borded. The plan is to put Alex, Bobbie and the Martian prime minister on a ship headed to the moon π while everyone else acts as a distraction. There's an incoming message. It's not a tight beam, it's a broadcast message. It's Naomi.
ch 32 naomi 334
The belters are getti mg ready for their sneak attack on the Martians. They have Martian uniforms and they are practicing talking π like Martians so they will think they are regular Martian ships. She gets strapped into a crash couch. She is pretty sure if she gets the high G injections, hers will be full of sedatives. So she wriggles her way out and avoids the injections. She sneaks around the ship and finds some tools and is able to send a message to Holden.
The software controlling the magnetic bottle has been sabotaged. Do not start the reactor without reloading the hardware drivers from a known good source
"he doesn't let go and he squeezes her until she blacks out."
Incorrect. One of them holds her in a bear hug while a second one nabs her in the leg with a sedative.
I think you're going to regret saying that.
"ch 30 amos 313
ch 31 alex 324
ch 32 naomi 334"
What happened here? Did you not finish the section?
You neglected to mention that Alex and Bobbie met the Martian PM on the ship.
*jabs her in the leg
Stupid phone keyboard.
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