Wednesday, January 4, 2023

legion's memory first 4 stories

Story 1: drive pg 1
Solomon Epstein, inventor of the Epstein drive had a life on Mars before he invented the drive and accidentally killed himself. This is back before Mars was truly independent. Except for the ever present existential dread of Earth invading for whatever reason, it sounds like a good life. He had friends he enjoyed hanging out with and a job he liked and eventually an SO he was planning to grow old with. As he's being crushed to death by the g forces of never ending acceleration that's only now possible due to the efficiency of his drive design, he thinks this is going to change everything and it's a bummer he won't be there to see it.

Story 2 butcher of Anderson station pg 26

This one's fun cause it's two stories at once. One is the story of Anderson station from Fred Johnson's point of view. The other is how he ended up working for the OPA.

Story 3 gods of Risk pg 55
[To the tune of Rudolph the red nosed reigndeer.]

You know Bobbie Drapper the famous Mars marine. But do you 
recall? The least famous Draper of all. David, the chemistry student. 
He cooked up some drugs. 
He gave them to a guy to sell them, 
that guy"s name was Hutch.

Shenhannegans ensue.  Hutch is thinking killing David to tie up loose ends is a good idea.  Luckily Bobbie folloed David and beatsh Hutch within an inch of his life.  Hutch agrees to let bygones be bygones cause he doesnt want Bobbie to continue said beatings until his life is extinguished.

story 4 the churn
the chrun is a term the criminal underworld at least the ones in this story use to describe the phenomena of the powers that be bringing in a group of government thugs to get tough on crime.  One such churn is happening in this story in Baltimore.
Amos Burton is a crime boss.  He's got a guy named Erich working for him.  Then there's this guy named Timmy who's working for Erich.  Timmy killed a guy and Amos wants to talk to him about it.  Amos finds himself being charmed a bit by Timmy and decides not to kill or fire him or anything.  He tells Timmy that his job is to protect Erich.  I suspect it's because while Amos sees value in having a violent murderer around, he doesn't want to send him on jobs unsupervised.  So Erich will be the brains to Timmy's brawn from here on out.
Timmy's mom is dead.  He's still close with one of her old friends Lydia.  They do sex sometimes.  This seems to be a friends with benefits situation.
Erich and Timmy are doing crime stuff involving fake identities and what not.  Erich is kinda heads down doing whatever when Timmy sees an anti-crime sweep coming and grabs Erich and runs.  The downside to Timmy's heroics is that Erich's computer is left behind and that's real bad.  They talk about a DNA lock that I don't understand.
Timmy sees the writing on the wall and tells Erich to hang tight while he takes care of some business.  Said business is making sure Lydia is ok.  He's got an abandoned island he takes Lydia to.  He takes Erich there too.
Timmy goes to see Amos Burton cause he's the man with the plan.  Amos gives Timmy a gun.  A gun he should shoot Erich with cause right now the cops just have a computer they can't use.  If they also catch Erich, they'll be able to unlock his computer and then they'll have way too much info they can use against Amost Burton.
Timmy goes to the island to kill Erich.  Lydia talks him out of it.  Timmy goes back and kills Amos Burton.
Timmy then gets picked up by a chrime sweep.  He ain't too woried about it cause he's undocumented and it'll just be a mater of time before they let him go.  But then the sweeper is all "you're Amos Burton and you've got a space ship to catch." and Timmy is all like "GOD DAMN IT ERICH!!!!"  But he's not that upset about it and he catches the space ship.


DiceAdmiral said...

It's Memory's Legion

DiceAdmiral said...

So I've done the 3 you have here so far. I like the premise of all of them but the first two are just too short IMO. They set up an interesting scenario and then there isn't time to explore it. I'd kind of like to have read a story about Epstein's doomed romance where we get some dramatic irony because we know he won't survive. Or maybe a longer story about Fred Johnson dealing with his guilt for longer than a couple pages. Maybe going from place to place for a bit before running into Dawes.

I liked the third story. It has a fun premise and we also got to see another side of Bobbie in between main books and I always likes me some Sgt. Draper.