Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Broek eye ch 67 to end

 Ch 67

Teia is starting to catch feelings for Kip.  There could be all sorts of cool stuff about what she's doing I'm this chapter. But the only thing the thirteen year old boy that writes the female viewpoints cares about is her relationship with Kip.

Ch 68 

Liv's dad meets her in the town opposite the jaspers on the sea.  He tells her the broken eye is trying to kill his wife.  He secretly gives her a knife.

Ch 69

Teia and Mr murder argue and fight and stuff.

Ch 70

Kip goes to take a bath and one of the great lady's of the land cones to appeal to him.  The color prince is about to overrun her state if the chromeria army doesn't stop him.  She asks kip to Mary her.

Ch 71

Mr murder tells teia to steal a shimmer cloak.

Ch 72

Teia steals 1 robe a little burned. This is bad she was supposed to get two. Worse than that, as shes trying to go wherever kip is there and he's all, we gotta talk so they go to his quarters and Mr murder is following them.

Ch 73

Kip tries to talk to tiea about his feelings. It doesn't go well. He tells her about Tsisis's marriage proposal. This whole conversation isn't happening in a useful manner.

Kip punches a bag hard.  He finds that Gavin has hidden magic the gathering cards in the punching bag.  Then the cards kinda affix themselves to kip and he starts having visions and the librarian that sent him to card lady is there and he thinks he's gonna die.

Ch 74

Teia is here.  Maybe talking to people and doing stuff.  The important thing is that she finds  kip and pulls the cards off of him.  But it doesn't matter, he's already dead.

Ch 75

Kip's opinion of death is the same as my what my mother in law says when she's disappointed in a movie.  "That isn't what I expected. "

Abandoned is there and it's a giant library and the cards are there and touching them is important but I don't understand it and kip is dead.

Ch 76

Kip is dead.  Not for long though. Tiea does some sort of magic cpr and he comes back.

Ch 77

Zymon is in town.

Karris is a tragic story

Ch 78

Gavins captors are gonna burn out his eyeballs and return him to his dad and then before Gavin can talk an assasin will kill him.

Ch 79

Tiea tells kip he has to flee.  She's already got. A guy with a boat to get him out.  This conversation is cut short when grandpa shows up.

Since zymon is back and he didn't get the cards for his grandfather he won't be prism. Grandpa guves kip two options 1 Stay and Zymon will kill him or marry whatsherface and be grandpa's soy.

Ch 80

Kip has absorbed the cards that are blank now.  So he has these involuntary card visions.  In this one he's Young Dazen Guile and he's talking to his mom and Janus boring and she's gonna tell him about black lux9n and it's gon a give him nightmares.

Ch 81

Teia decides to use her shimmer cloak and follow Kip's grandpa to see what he's up to.

Ch 82

What he's up to is making zymon the prism.  Teia thinks Mr murder is going to kill the white as part of that endeavor. 

Ch 83 pg 611

Gavin has a few moments of hope before his eye is stabbed out by a red hot poker.

Ch 84

Gavin's sex slave tells karris that her spies know where Gavin is.  Karris and some black guards go to save them. 

Ch 85 pg 632


She climbs a mountain to get to the super violet seed crystal.  The guy the color prince sent with her tries to put the black lux in necklace on her and gets a knife in the heart for his trouble.  Now it's just her and the seed crystal.   

Ch 86 pg 635

Karris and the black guards save Gavin.

Ch 87 pg 653

Acknowledgements pg 759

Saturday, April 20, 2024



Ch 1

Girl is main character.  Her dad makes pots.

Boy is girl's friend.  They still hang out even though he goes to high-school in a different town and has to take a train.  She waits for him at the train station for him to come back and they wall home together.

Boys dad has been acting weird.  He's really into spirals like you don't even know...

Boy's dad asks girl's dad to make him a spiral pot.  Girl delivers the pot to boy's dad and boy's dad says he doesn't need it.  He doesn't need any spirals cause he can make his own spirals now.  At which point he makes his tongue into a crazy spiral.  Girl does the only rational thing and runs away in terror.
Boy's dad commits suicide by bending himself into a spiral.

Ch 2 

Then things get weird.  When boy's dad's body is cremated the smoke in the sky becomes a spiral.  Then at a certain point boy's mom swears it looks like her dead husband's face.

Spirals are making her crazy.  It all goes to a horrible end when she stabs herself in the ear to get rid of her inner ear spirals and dies.

Ch 3

Girl has a friend with bangs.  Bangs is always getting hit on by boys.  She gives them all the cold shoulder.  That is until she meets girl's friend that's a boy.  She's claiming he's her boyfriend now that his parents are dead.  Bangs falls hopelessly in love with boy.  Boy funds out Bangs's horrible secret.  She has a spiral on her forehead that metiphorically sucks the boys in.  Having had his parents both die from wierd spiral stuff he's not into Bangs.  Bangs tells another boy to lure boy to the park.  Boy comes.  Bangs's spiral has gotten larger.  Like it's her whole face.  The other boy gets angry because bangs promised to go out with him if he lured boy to the park and now she says she won't. He hits Bangs and bangs literally sucks him into her head with the spiral.  It goes out if control at that point and she sucks herself into a spiral. 

Ch 4

Girl's father goes a little crazy in this one.  Remember when boy's father was cremated and the smoke created a spiral in the sky?  Well the thing I didn't care about was that the ashes then flew through the town and deposited themselves in dragonfly pond.  Girl's father took clay from the pond and used it to make pottery.  It looks fine when you mold it.  But when you fire it the pots and plates and what not turn all spirally and grotesque. Shenhannegans ensue and his kiln shed burns down.

Ch 5

Girl is friends with another guy.  This guy is in love with a girl.  Real forbidden romance Romeo Juliette situation. They do this fun thing where they stretch out their bodies and they twist together like snakes making whoopy. They swim out to sea together this way never to be seen again.

Typos are fun.

Ch 6

Girl's hair starts spiraling at the ends.  She's getting Hella attention for it. It's like that's what the hair wants.  Another girl LOVES the spotlight and her hair does the same thing.  It's a spiral hair dual.  Boy is like, fuck this.  The spirals killed my parents and I gotta take these spirals out.  But the hair ain't having it.  It kinda tries to eat boy.  But the boy ends up winning the day by cutting the hair.

Ch 7 

There's this other boy that likes girl.  He's annoying. She tells him he's not interested and he still keeps annoying her.  But that problem sorts itself out...

 But before he died he sent her a jack in the box as a present and it tells her it's all her fault and he's gonna come for her.

She tells boy about this and boy solves the problem by digging up the annoying body and chopping it to pieces.

Ch 8

Boys turn into snails in this chapter.  It's Hella gross.

Ch 9

The long dormant Lighthouse starts sending out wierd spiral light at night.  It makes people spin around uncontrollably. Kills some boats men.  Some dudes go to check it out and they never come back.  Girl's little brother checks it out.  The stairs to get to the top are impossibly long.  But they eventually make it and find the missing dudes.   Their bodies have been burned real bad.  Girl realizes it's almost sunset and the Lighthouse is about to turn on.  They start running down the stairs to get out.  One of her brother's friends doesn't make it.  I was legit scared we were gonna lose girl.

Ch 10

Pregnant women are drilling holes in people at the hospital and drinking their blood.

Ch 11

Girl is still in the hospital. 

This one is wild.  The pregnant women that were vampiring have their babies.  The babies can talk.  Also they grow back their umbilical cords and placentas and they look like mushrooms and the doctor harvests them and feeds them to people saying they're mushrooms.  The babies can talk.  They convince the doctor to put them back in the womb.  The mom then needs to drink blood to feed the baby.  The doctor holds girl for a mom with reemplanted baby unspirals her tongue and it's like a mosquito and she jabs ot into the neck...

...of the doctor.  The doctor dies, girl runs away.

Ch 12

There's a hurricane and its horny for girl.  There's a very exciting set of scenes where boy and girl run away from the storm.  The storm ends up getting them.  But it harmlessly deposits them in the pod in the middle of town.

Ch 13

Girls house was destroyed by the hurricane  .  They are moved into a shitty apart,emt.  The neighbors die from having weird spiral spikes.  Girl's family gets the same spikey spiral things and there's another hurricane so they can't go to the hospital. The creepy neighbor guy becomes a spike monster.  Somehow he dies.  The weird spikey spiral worts go away when the hurricane ends.

Ch 14

The town has been destroyed. Four more Hurricanes have come and the pod swallowed them all.  Now the slightest movement can cause a tornado. A reporter comes thinking she can help somehow.  She doesn't.

Ch 15

Only the crappy row houses like the one girl's family were moved to are still standing.  They re PACKED with people.  Gangs of people thay can ride tornados have formed up.  They're the only ones earing because they steal the rescue food that's flown in.  Girl and her family are kicked out of their own house.  Thers a runin with a tornado gang.  Girls dad is blown away.  I hope he's OK.  Boy shows up to save girl from a tornado.

ch 16

Things continue to be bad.  No one can get out of the town. The snail people are  a big problem and girls brother turns into one.  Also, people are eating the snail people.  They are delicious. 

Ch 17

Trying to escape girl notices someone extending one of the row houses that are the only buildings left standing.  Girl notices that the row houses all face the pond.

Prediction: they extend all the row houses and it makes a giant spiral around the pond.

Boy is wearing a sheet around his neck like a cape and he looks like a dork.

People want to eat.girls brother.  Instead she has him go down a steep.cliff, which he can do cause he's a sticky snail


Ch 18

Making their way to the center of town is rough.   Especially with how dorky boy looks.  They lose everyone they were with on the way.  The people finish building the row house spiral and boy and girl make their way to the pond, which isn't a pond anymore.  It's a giant stone spiral staircase.

Ch 19

There's a giant underground spiral kingdom abd everyone is all spiralled up together just like the lovers in chapter 5.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Broken eye ch 34 through 66

 Ch 34 pg 225

Kip can't use the restricted library because his grandfather used his promacho power to stop anyone but him from using it.

Ch 35 pg 232

Gavin is still alive on the pirate ship.  The slave named Orlam unl9cks h8s chains.  Gavin kills some dudes and cuts the lines connecting the pirate boat to whatever boat they're attacking.  Gunner could have shot him to stop him, but he doesn't.   Now the ship with Zymon who's captain wants to kill gunner is after them.

Ch 36

Kip plays cards with his grandpa. His grandpa wants to find zymon and make him the next prism.  In return for the info he makes his grandpa promise to try to find Gavin.

Ch 37

Kip and his boys go to the library. They are in the most forbidden of libraries and they find that librarians have been moving stuff from other libraries here so people that can go to the other libraries couldn't read this stuff.

Ch 38

This chapter was worth the wait.  The broken eye takes Teia unto their bosom and tells her their story.  Of their people that found salvation after the prism war on the other side of the desert.  Of the prehistoric teaches they found from the original broken eye from before the time of prisms.  Of the first prism that was one of them and betrayed them to take over the world as the first prism.  They take all the blackmail items and melt them down and they offer her membership to their ranks.

Ch 39 pg 264

Gavin thinks maybe something good will happen if he gets stabbed by the luxin sword again.  The guy he asks is like, illl hold it, but you gotta run into it or something cause if it doesn't work like you think, I'll be keelhauled for murder.  It doesn't work.

Gavin argues they should go to Jasper and they'll get double the money than going anywhere else.  But the guy that was from the other ship that freed them in the first place is like, dude, no.  Your dad is primachos now and Last time you saw him he stabbed you.  If you go back to jasper he'll easily kill you now you can't draft.  And even if that doesn't happen, you and your dad are like two giant rocks and we're likely to get crushed between you.

Ch 40 pg 269 (nice)

Cruxer finds some stuff about how babies are sacrificed as part of the ritual to create a green god and suggests that maybe they just shouldn't look into restricted stuff anymore.  Maybe they find THE thing Kip has been looking for and it maybe would win the war but it's got a horrible cost.  Also, what if the other side figures it out and starts doing it even worse.  It's a pretty convincing argument. You wanna win, but what if winning turns you evil in the process.

But this is Kip's thing and he wants to do it and so everyone is just going to keep going along with it even through Kip doesn't even know what he's looking for.

Ch 41 pg 276

Kip and the rest of his black guard squad are doing whacky training drills.

Ch 42 pg 287

Gavin argues with orlan and tells fuckalot to hold onto the rifle f or him and he jumps into the sea before they get to Rath.

ch 43 pg 292

Gavin is trying to swim to shore.  It doesnt go well.  He almost gets hit by a boat and then he grabs onto its fishing nets but shenanigans ensue and he ends up trying to swim to the bridge support.  He thinks hes got a chance.  But then a dolphin kicks gis ass.

Ch 44 pg 298

Kips group does pretty good at the whacky training drills.

Ch 45 pg 308

Teia's part of the whacky training didn't go as well as hoped.  She's picked up a tail.  The team has a plan for such a scenario. The tailee tells a team mate who's tailing them and they take care of it.  But Teia's tail is really good.  He avoids them and gets to Teia alone.  Unfortunately for him she's real good at killing and he ends up dead.

Ch 46 pg 313

Gavin was attacked by trained dolphins and was brought to the strap or color or someone thats in charge here.  He decides the best thing to do is scream at the top of his lungs who he is and who his father is and whoever helps free him will be rewarded.

Ch 47

Things are rough for kip's blackguard team.  Tiea does not love that she killed a guy.  None of them are really enjoying things.

Ch 48 330

Kip and the black guards go down to the docks and a guy reads a loooong list of names of people that died in the war.

Ch 49

Teia is forced by the blind eye people to do a test where they shine color on her body while blindfolded and she has to tell them what the color is.  She does very well if the broken eyes are to be believed. 

Ch 50 pg 341

Karris is Teia's new handler for the white and Teia tells her the tale of the color skin test.  There's some stuff about how important secret identities are . But then karris shows Teia it's her .

Ch 51 pg 350

Ironfist and his brother do a demonstration fight amd it's got a real morphius is fighting neo kinda vibe.  I guess Ironfist's brother is gonna be involved in the future.

Ch 52

Karris and Marrisa have an awkward hangout. The Thirteen year old boy that wrote this scene really likes to make sure we're well aware that karris is insecure. 

Ch 53 pg 364

The color prince is making a new God.  This chapter is from the viewpoint of a lady that was at the freeing at garrison.  She's hecka smart and good at luxin. She thinks she would have been the god of she wanted to be, but she doesn't.  I don't blame her.

The color prince kills the guy that was going to be the god and says this lady is gonna do it.  

54 370

The white explains to karris that Marissa is in charge of the chromeria spies, but she needs Karris to be in charge of the exterior spies.

Ch 55 pg 373

Kip goes to the library in the middle of the night to talk to his favorite librarian and they talk about how the prism is anointed and kip comes up with a theory that the prism is appointed and they use the blinding knife to steal the power from the previous prism and give it to the new one.

Ch 56

Gavin is trying to talk his way out of dolphin lady's dungeon. But then someone comes in with the orange bane seed and claims it can tell when someone is lying and says he's a liar.

Ch 57 pg 393

Kip talks to the librarian and what he's found is that he can't find anything on the  black cards or light bringer.  So maybe they're related.

Ch 58 pg 400

Kip is training with Karris.  

Ch 59 pg 408

The lady with the orange bane seed is Ironfist's sister.  Gavin kills her with her own gun.

Ch 60 pg 416

The librarian that has been helping kip is told by a senior librarian about the blinding knife and how he's worried that if kips grandpa dies kip will keep the blinding knife for himself. He's also told he needs to shoot another librarian with a gun.

Ch 61 pg 422

Kip's war with grandpa continues. 

Listen to Mbmbam episode 528

Grandpa had someone fuck up his room and left a summons note. 

Grandpa wants the black cards.  Only problem is he can't live the cards cause he doesn't have the color blue.  Kip having the cards and all the colors can do it all.  

Ch 62 pg 436

I think this is kip.  He has the shimercloak card and he sees someone murder a red drafter and use an obsidian to steal their red drafting.  A lady takes the obsidian and puts it in a choker and tells the murderer that they will need to kill a prism to make a real shimercloak. 

Ch 63 pg 438

Teia gets word from Karris that kip is going to be murdered by black guards at the docks.

Ch 64 pg 440

Some black guards come to get kip claiming it's his turn to go out on the sea to try to find a bane or his father.  Kip knows it feels wrong,  bit goes along.

Ch 65 pg 441

Super cool fight scene where teia and rhe gang get the jump on the black guards trying to murder Kip.  Part if that whole deal kip hugs teia in like a way you don't hug a friend.

Ch 66 pg 451

Kip tells karris what happened a  couple times. Part if this is her wanting to know what happened. Part is training him to give better reports. 

I'm guessing because he has feelings for Teia, he asks Karris when she knew she loved Gavin.  Now, that's a hella hard question to answer with Gavin really being Dazen.  This conversation goes all sideways and ends with Karris saying YOU






Sunday, March 10, 2024

Summer sons

 Ch 1 

Narrator had a dead friend that recently graduated from THE Ohio state university. It's an apprarant suicide.  He doens't bel8eve it.  He's picking up said dead friend's car from the impound lot.  He has to Pay $223 for this.  He's all pissy about it even through he recently inherited over seven million dollars.  Another friend that was also friends with the deceised came along. Narrator wishes they had not.  Friend wants Narrator to go home. Narrator is going to get to the bottom of dead friends death as there's no way he would have committed suicide. 

Narrator drives his dead friends car and some sort of horrible ghost viewing that ng.  He thinks it was his dead friend.  This i s not new to narrator.  He has been seeing ghosts for three week s.

ch 2 pg 14

Narrator us named Andrew, room mate is named Riley. 

Apple Jacks are a shitty cereal.  Narrator should have had Cheerios oat crunch.

They are from Tennessee.   There was a thing six years ago with ghosts in a cave and they've been able to see ghosts ever since.  That's why they moved to Ohio and went to THE Ohio State University. Looks like Eddie (narrator's adopted brother and I'm guessing boyfriend even though no one has said that so far.  )  decided to come back to to Tennessee,  specifically to Nashville and Vanderbilt. 

I'm going to Nashville in September and I think I'm gonna take a tour of Vanderbilt because of this book.

Eddie says in his journal he can see ghosts and he sees them better than Andrew and he sees them best closest to their home town.  Andrew has a ghost attack him in his dreams but somehow Eddie's ghost saves him or wakes him up or something.  Maybe this ghost killed Eddie and made it look like a suicide.

Ch 3 pg 27

Riley comes home with his cousin a d Andrew is not having it.  They leave.  Riley comes back later with his girlfriend and Andrew is still not having it.  As Riley us leaving he suggests that Andrew get his shut together enough to attend class tomorrow.  Eddie had set up everything bought the books and all and Andrew just has to show up.  Andrew appears to do just that.  Riley comes home super drunk.  He's gotta teach class tomorrow morning.  Getting drunk was a mistake.  In his drunk Ness he says to Andrew he's on board with the ghost stuff and he wants to help.  This passes Amdrew right off.  Why would Eddie have told Riley all this? They didn't even tell their third wheel Del about this stuff.

Ch 4 pg 39

Andrew has one class and his student advisor, who was also Eddie's student advisor,  is in it and he doesn't like the roommate and kinda blames Eddie's suicide on him and his crew.  They go out to dinner and as per usual Andrew is just not having.it.  he goes home and sleeps without an evil ghost attack.  

ch 5 pg 50

He wakes up and goes to get his car.  He's been driving Eddie's car.

When he gets back there's a note from room mate saying he'll be home by 3.  It's Tuesday and Amdrew doesn't have class again til Thursday so he's just.kinda hanging.out.

He goes to campus to talk to student advisor and his faculty advisor.   She was working on stuff with Eddie and I guess Andrew is gonna pick it up.  The way he describes the student advisor as having a russet brown chest makes me think they should have relations.

Ch 6 pg 62

This is the saddest Fast and Furious movie.

Ch 7 pg 76

Nothing interesting happens in this chapter.  Narrator skips class and has a text fight with Del and looks for dead boyfriend's phone.

Ch 8 pg 86

Narrator goes to a party with room mate.  Room mate's bad cousin is the host of the party.  Room mate makes out with a guy named Ethan.  Narrator hears someone call room mate the F word and fight happens.  Of course a fight happens.  Narrator is furious and likes to drive fast.  Room mate is trans.  Narrator says hes not gay.

Ch 9 pg 101

On the way back home there's a ghost incident.  Riley wants to talk about it. Amdrew does not.

The amount of ignoring texts in this  book makes me itch.  

Ch 10 pg 114

Narrator doesnt give a fick about school.  He's just here to find Eddie's killer.

Ch 11 pg 127

Andrew and Riley go to Sam's to hang out.  It's a much more cosmopolitan crowd as Riley's girlfriend is there and was specifically not there at the party where the fight happened.  At one point there's a bit of a flashback to what I am choosing to believe was a three way with Del, Eddie and Andrew.

Lonely island song: its ok when it's in a three way.  It's not gay, when it's in a three way.  With a lady in the middle there's some leeway.  The areas Grey in a one two three way.

Tonight is about car racing.  Andrew races Riley's girlfriend and gets distracted by Eddie's ghost and loses pretty bad and freaks out to get out of the car and throws up.

Ch 12 pg 138

Andrew goes to a graveyard and has a fun ghost thing where he sees Eddie die.  He doesn't see the wrist slashing happen but as Eddie is bleeding out, he sees he doesn't want to die.

Ch 13 pg 151

Ethan and Andrew race their Toyota Supras around on the highway.  They go to a rave party at a ladies house and they do drugs.  They talk a lot about Eddie.  The big revelation is that Sam doesn't wanna talk about the ghost stuff cause he's ashamed of his whacky hill witch grandma.   Room mate is down with it though.  Of course, all the ghost stuff is an alagory for gay so that makes hella sense.  But if Eddie was trying to get Sam to talk about ghost stuff tha obvious conclusion is that they were both closeted together maybe or something. 

More than anything,  everyone assumed Andrew was Eddie's boyfriend.

Ch 14 pg 164

Sam takes Andrew to where Eddie's buddy was found.  Andrew uses his ghost powers to se Eddie didn't die here.  His body was dragged here.

Ch 15 pg 174

Andrew tells Riley about his ghost experience with in the woods.

Ch 16 pg 185

Andrew finally meets the professor in person.  Turns out she knew Eddie's parents and all about their past. A drew just can't even so he gies to Sam's house and they drink a Sixer while they drive around. 

Ch 17 

Andrew and Riley start looking into Eddie's academic stuff and there's Hella stuff missing. The theory is maybe he stumbled upon something dangerous in his research and that's what got him killed.

Ch 18 pg 208

Andrew meets with the professor and she doesn't have the stuff from Eddie he's looking for but she does have notes based on the interviews he told her about.

Del shows up and pretty much tells Andrew to fuck off forever.

Ch 19

This chapter is all academic stuff i kinda dont care about.

the big take away is that Sam and Riley are happy to help Andrew in following the academic trail 👣 to find Eddie's killer.

ch 20 pg 229

More academic stuff.  He has a beer with West and it doesn't go well mostly because he accuses him of having stolen some of Eddie's academic materials. Andrew drives home. He has a ghost encounter in Eddie's car and realizes most of his ghost encounters have taken place in the car.  Also he hasn't looked in the trunk.  He goes into the trunk and has a vision of Eddie's dead body I'm the trunk.

Ch 21 pg 240

Andrew has a pretty significant ghost experience. Riley finds him laying in the driveway all bloody withs shallow cuts all over his arms.  Andrew finds some old people to interview. Sam invites himself along.  They eat chicken wings on the way.  Turns out these old people live near. Eddie's old house and they say oh, so you must be here to ask about the curse.

ch 22

The people tell them about the curse.  Some long ago (pre civil war) ancestor of eddies has a sick wife and kills his sister at the crossroads as an offering to the devil to cure his sick wife.  It doesnt work and the family is cursed ever after.

andrew is real shook by this.  Here is a piece of writing i like a lot...

The loss of grounding pressure on his scalp when Sam switched his hand to the gearshift almost spun him off the face of the earth.

Eddie's Parents died in a car crash.  Drove head first into a tree.

Sam tells Andrew to keep Riley out of his ghost adventures.  Andrew tells him to fuck off.  Sam calls him a spoiled.  Andrew tells him the story of the cave as if that's gonna make him not spoiled.

Ch 23 pg 262

Boring academic stuff

Ch 24 pg

Party at the prof's place.  Old plantation house.  Gives Riley the heeby jeebies.  Prof's husband is almost dead to the point Andrew can feel it.  Prof has a dead daughter.

Ch 25 pg 282

Car racing 

Ch 26 pg 295

Sam and Andrew have Andrew  birthday sex in Riley's bed 

Ch 27 pg 308

Sam and Andrew are getting hot and heavy at Sam's place.  Some supernatural shit fucks their shit up.  Just in the nick of time,  Riley shows up to save the day.  He does so by removing Eddie's ring from amdrews finger. 

So they found some book that says more about Eddie's family curse.  Mostly that the curse is great because of the sacrifice Eddie's ancestors made and they have been Hella fortunate ever since because of it.  The current theory is that whoever killed Eddie did it with the hope that the curse would pass on to them.  But who would think that.  Maybe the professor?

.ch 28 pg 321

Sam and Andrew go to the professor's house and she drugs them.

Ch 29 pg 336

Sam and andrew are tied up in the barn.  Sam on the ground, Andrew on a chair.  Somehow Eddie's ghost saves the day by giving Andrew supernatural power to break the ropes enough to take a couple bites out of the professor.  Sam does his part in this whole thing by killing the professors husband choking him to death with the handcuffs he is bound with. But they're both messed up bad and Sam calls 911 and asks for help.

Ch 30 pg 349

Eddie's ghost is just sorta in Andrew all the time now and that doesn't sit right with Sam so they're just not talking.  Sam lost and eye in the fight. Also, some of Andrew's blood made it's way into Sam and Sam can kinda see ghosts now.  At the very least he can clearly see that Eddie is in Andrew when Amdrew goes to Sam's house to try to win him over. Sam ain't gonna be no side piece so as long as Eddie is in Andrew Sam wants no part in him.

West is suing the school on account of his advisor killing a dude and trying to kill two other dudes..

Andrew asks Riley for help with the Eddie ghost problem. 

Ch 31

They burn down Eddie's ancestral home to get rid of his ghost.

Sam isn't willing to jump back into a romantic relationship with Andrew,  but he's willing to give him a fresh start.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Jdate ch 16 to the end

 Ch 16 pg 387

We get a "joke" where David falls down and Molly lands on him rear end first.  This is a Good example of how this book is all punchlines and they are not funny.

They are lowered down in a net of sorts. They are greeted by a monster in a man suit wearing a pin striped suit.  He leads them to an area where there's a golden glaming statue of them and Molly,  like they're some kind of heroes in this world.  They go with him to his office.

"The kittens will take your sad away"

He explains that they live in parallel universes.  They split in 1864 when a man named Adam Rooney was shot and died in the Civil War.  I'm their world, he didn't get shot and he invented all sorts of amazing things in what we'll call biotechnology. His greatest achievement was a computer made of pig brains.  He continued to improve on this and on the same day he died his computer gained sentience. This was a big fucking deal.

The pinstripe suit wearing "man" takes them on a trip via a giant spider they can ride in ti the organic computer.  Pinstripe and John keep talking but David is speaking telepathically to the computer.   This is Korrok.

The pinstripe man explains that korrok has seem the future and has the invasion of our world planned out to the last molecule and they should just go along with it.  Dave runs away.  Pinstripe man chases him to I guess the end of the hall and makes the floor transparent and shows him dirty prison people and he brings one of them up and turns them into a monster and when Dave tries to run, the monsters grab him soooo fast.

Pg 405

John had a plan.  Molloy poops out part of the bomb by herself.  John takes it and kinda attaches a little cigarette to it to create a time bomb.  He picks up Molly and when they get to dave and pinstripe man and Amy (who has been infected by one of the white bug things) he squeezes Molly and other bomb parts pop out.  They use the bomb parts to threaten their way out.  They jump into a giant frog with a black hole in its mouth.

Robert North is on the other side.he shoots Amy in the hopes it will prevent the white bugs from hatching.  It doesn't work, so they throw her body back through the black hole to the other world and then she explodes in a shower of white bugs that attack the people on the other side.

Dave stabs Robert North and he turns into a jellyfish and floats away.

They get a ride back home from a guy that (to Dave) looks like Fred durst.  He explains that of this was from John's point of view he would be someone else.  They get home and Amy is there. They make her take her shoes and socks off so they can see she doesn't have the korrok symbol that looks like Pi. Also, the dead body is Dave. He takes his shoes and socks off and he has a pi symbol on his big toe.  So John and Amy take their leave of him.

Epilogue 420

The reporter guy has been dead the whole time.  John doesn't die.  Amy goes to college. They keep living life with a goodly amount of existential dread.