Sunday, May 16, 2021

Mistborn ch 22 through 28

 Ch 22 pg 363

Vin is at the manse.  She has been going to balls and tea with Nobel ladies.  Kelsiers brother is her and VIN is super desperate to talk to him about interesting revolution stuff.  Nothing new really.  They talk about family in that most of the crew has one and VIN is super surprised.  She just doesn't expect have a wife and kids.  They talk about skaa life in the plantation being hard and bad, but all skaa life is hard and bad.  He talks about how all Nobel men have sex with skaa women knowing they will be killed shortly after.  She's in a bit of denial.  She can't imagine Eland would have bedded a skaa woman 🚺 knowing she'd be killed.

Ch 23 pg 376

Vin is at another ball.  She goes by her fake Nobel name Valette.  A couple interesting things happen at the ball.  A fella named Kliss tells her that the inquisitors have really been killing skaa thieves like it's going out of style.  Eland's ex tells Vin she wants her to spy on him.  Mainly get a list of the books he's been reading.  She must suspect he's been reading books critical of the Lord ruler.  Vin finds Eland and asks if he's ever slept with a skaa woman.  He says once when he was 13 his father had him do it.  Gross.  Once he found out what happened to her he was super sad about it and hasn't done it again.  She tells him that skaa people are just like nobles.  He gives her his handkerchief to express his desire for her and goes off to talk philosophy with his friends and VIN follows and listens in.  They do really seem to be good guys that want to make life better for the skaa.  But they're also a bit defeated.  The best they could hope to do is put political pressure on the Lord ruler in twenty or thirty years when their dad's are dead and they take over.  Kelsier shows up.  He's already been spying on these same boys.

CH 24 pg 395

The whole crew is back and its a good times party.  It's a little odd for Vin to spend time with people that genuinely care about each other In a crime squad,  but she's getting used to it.

Vin spends some time with Ham talking about fighting and using Pewter.  The plan is they're going to go to the garrison and she's gonna hang out while Ham does some sparing and she can learn a thing or two.  What actually happens is that the garrison is gearing up for a fight.  A town up north was been attacked and they need to go help them.  Ham and Vin are super confused cause as far as they know, their army is still in the caves.  Ham agrees to hire on for the fight.

CH 25 pg 409

They go back to the hide out and everyone scrambles to do something about the news of the battle up north.  Kelsier and vin go up north to the caves to see what's left of the army.  They burn pewter like crazy and they just run.  Run all day and all night to get to the caves.  Its a very painful process.  They make it to the city and they see their army has been slaughtered.  They get to the cave and there's around two thousand men left.  They're prepared with supplies to GTFO so they do.  Its mostly old men and children.  One of the old men is the man from the prologue.  They talk about what's going down and the old man is surprised when Kelsier tells him this army was part of a plan to overthrow the lord ruler.  From his perspective this battle is the greatest revolutionary action in decades.  Kelsier is saddened by this.  He wants to overthrow the government.  Doesn't seem like anyone else shares his optimism.

CH 26 pg 427

The hangover from the pewter push is super bad.  Vin is drinking in the morning time distract her from it.  Still, it was awesome time run so far so fast.  By conventional means it took them two weeks to get back.  Every one is dun.  The army is destroyed and the plan is in ruins.  There's a call to the town square.  That can only mean one thing, executions.  Its super bad.  They don't have members of the rebel army to execute.  They just have random skaa they're executing.  Women and children.  During the executions kelsier gives a rousing speech.  The plan is back on.  They're gonna trick.the nobility into war against each other and when the city is in chaos they're gonna attack.the palace and steal all the lord ruler's money, then when the garrison returns to the city they'll pay them to be on their side.

CH 27 pg 441

Lots of blah blah about the plan and the lord rulers diary.  Vin and Kelsier go to visit Kelsiers brother Marsh.  He has ministry tattoos now cause he has infiltrated the ministry.  He's progressing nicely up the ranks as he's older than your average ministry initiate.  Also he's hard working and organized and he's super good at the one allomantic metal he can use.  He has news about the ministry.  They have alomancerrs stationed all over the city soothing people.  

CH 28 pg 457

Lots of fun.political stuff at the ball.  Eland tells Vin to get out of the city.  Vin says she can take care ❤ of herself.  Eland goes to talk philosophy with his friends.  Vin goes to Eland 's ex to say she found the books she was looking for.  I think her name is Shan.  She says she doesn't need her anymore.  She's got the dirt she needs on Eland and to leave it be left Shan gets annoyed with Vin.  Eland goes home and his dad tells him he's having breakfast with the daughter of the third most powerful house.  He argues against doing it.  Eland goes to bed but one of his friends is waiting for him.  He tells Eland that Vin wasn't in her carriage when it.left the city.  She got.dropped off somewhere on the way.  He says she must be spying on Eland.  Eland tells his father he'll do the breakfast if he hired some spies to follow someone.  I'm assuming Vin is said person.

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