Ch 1
The timetraveler is having a bit of a salon with other academics. He's explaining how there's four dimensions to be traveled. Height, width, depth and time. He talks about how we can only easily travel width or depth wise easily. Height requires machines to aide us. It is the same with time. He can travel through time with a machine. He has a tiny time machine and in a demonstration he declares to be sending it in time. What we see is that it has disappeared. We assume it must have traveled forward in time as if it had traveled back in time we would have seen it on the table in the past.
Ch 2 pg 25
Narrator goes to hangout with the time traveler again. He shows up and there's another group of intellectual people. The tike traveller's not there. Eventually he shows up and he's in bad shape. He's not even wearing shoes. He says he's been time traveling and he will tell the tale as long as nobody argues with what he says or interrupts the story.
Ch 3 pg 37
Time traveler tells the story. Most of it is him going back and forth in time without do8ng anything other than explaining that the physical effects on him caused by the time machine suck. Certainly not the sort of thing he would suggest after saying "who wants to have a good time?
He goes a ways into the future and I think the machine flips over or something and he hurts his chin. He finds himself next to a giant sphinx looking statue. He hears talking and sees hooded figures heading his way. He considers getting the hell out of there. But as they get closer he sees they're bald. So he ain't afraid of no bald heads.
Ch 4 pg 49
He thinks this is roughly the year 2800. The people have tentacles. He makes sure to disable the time machine and he and the little pretty tentacled people go somewhere else. They just eat fruit. After a fruit meal the time traveler walks up a hill to see the city. The river has shifted quite a bit. The buildings are completely different. Where there used to be tons of single family homes there are now just giant buildings. Most of them are ruins. Definitely society had built up and was now in decline.
He has all sorts of theories as to how society got to this point. In the last sentence of the chapter he explains that all of his theories were wrong.
Ch 5 pg 72
He comes down from the hill to find his time machine is gone. He yells at some little tentacled people, but they don't understand so they're just scared and it only gets him a feeling of shame. He ends up kinda passing out in the lawn where he time machine used to be. He wakes up full of despair.
He finds that theres people living underground. He figures they took his time machine.
he also figures the underground people and the above ground people used to be people and split off evolutionary at some point. And the above ground people are oppressing the below ground people.
Ch 6 pg 108
The time traveler decides to climb down into the underground to get his time machine back. He is whoafully unprepared. He pretty much just gets scared and runs away.
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