Friday, November 3, 2023

11 22 63 ch 29 to ALLOF THEM

 Ch 29

Kennedy was saved.  Sophie is dead.  Jake is a hero.  But Jake doesn't wanna be a hero.  The FBI helps him slip away and he takes a series if busses back to (so far) Pittsburgh.  Assuming he'll get back to New England 🇬🇧 and go back.... the future.

Ch 30 pg 787

On the way he talks to the green card guy.  Hes some sort of time cop or whatever amd hes stationed here at what he calls the time bubble.  I dont see the point as basically what they do is stand there and go crazy.  This guy also asks nicely for Jake to undo everything.

Ch 31 pg 809

Jake goes into the apocalypse future and ends up talking to the janitor.  He doesnt have the brain damage that his dad gave him in the original timeline so he is able to explain all the horrible things that have happened since Jake saved Kennedy.  Jake is gonna go back and fix it.

He goes back and the card man time cop asks him nicely to go back and reset the timeline.  He doesnt do anything and jake runs away.  This whole green card man thing is a HUGE disappointment.

Final notes pg 825

Jake is out and free in the past.  He doesn't do anything.But he does write up his whole story, put it in a lock box and bury it.

Citizen of the century pg 833

He finds out Sadie is still alive and goes to visit her.  He tells her he knew her in another life.

Afterword pg 843

Steven talks about the research he did for this and a bit of what inspired him to write this book.

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