Wednesday, December 8, 2021

project hail mary CH 26 to the end

Ch 26 pg 428

Flashback to narrator being imprisoned by Stratt.  She's explain herself to him.  He really doesn't care.

Back in the present narrator is lonely.  He turns on the spextrazcope so he can look at Rocky's ship's exhaust trail.

He's gonna distract himself by working on the Beatles.  He opens one up and disaster.  It's not full of astrophage, its full of predator poop.

CH 27 pg 438
Narrator is shutting off all possible access to the astrophage to make sure the predator doesn't infect the fuel he needs to get home.  He floods the crew cabin with nitrogen to kill any predators that might be in there.  He does something similar with the tanks he has the nitrogen resistant predators in.  He's trying to figure out which one has the.leak.

Ch 28 pg 443
Narrator figures out the problem with the predators is that they can somehow make their way through xeonite.  Nbd, make sure all the predators are in metal boxes, problem solved.

Then narrator freaks out when he realizes Rocky has the Same problem only way worse cause his whole ship is made of xeonite and the predators are gonna eat up his whole fuel supply and he'll die and so will his whole planet.

Ch 29 pg 453

narrator does some cool science to figure out where Rocky's ship is.  it wasnt quick or easy but evwntually he makes it over thete.  he gets rocky back on the ship.  je tells Rocky that hes gonna starve to death.  rocky has an idea that maybe narrator can eat something from the astrophages home planet.  cant eat astrophage, way too hot.  maybe he can eat the predator.  rocky says . “I have twenty-two million kilograms of Taumoeba in fuel bays. How much you want, question?”

ch 30 pg 470

narrator is on Rocky's home planet of Erid.  its super cute, the chapter number is an Eridian number Vℓ.  i suppose hes been there for a long time cause he talks about how hard the first few years were.
he has been here 16 years.  but hes much older than his years due to both malnutrition (suicide missions usually dont include a large supply of multi vitamins) and the impact of Erid's much higher gravity.  he was able to live off of the predator for his caloric needs but Erid scientists were able to make vitamins so he wouldnt die.  then they were able to synthasize other food he can eat.  the best is they were able to do cloning and they cloned him and now he has meat.  it doesnt count as canabalism if its me.  he eats what he calls a Me burger every day. the scientists have been able to observe our sun.  they can see its back at full strength.  Rocky delivered the news and narrator cried and they're still best friends.  Rocky brings up the idea that maube theres other stars out there with planets with intelligent life.  maybe there will be a sequel where they go out on some kinda star trek.   The super cute ending is that narrator is teaching science to young Eridians.  hes a middle school teacher again.

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