Monday, December 27, 2021

Persepolis Rising CH 1 through 17

Prologue page 10
Its thirty years in the future.  Duarte, the former martian that's now in charge of Laconia is trying to become immortal by injecting purified proto molecules into himself.

Chapter One: Drummer pg 22
Drummer is the head of the belt.  Technically she's the head of the transport guild.  Some ship did an a hole thing with the gates and flitted from one hole to another without clearance.  Do you give the OK top blow up the next ship that tries that shit?  No you levy fines against the two systems involved.  She's at a big fancy to do about a new space station opening up in Earth's orbit.  She calls Holden (can't wait to hear how Holden's constantly cancer ridden body is holding up thirty years in the future.)  To ask/tell him to go basically give the system the ship came from some shit.

Chapter Two: Bobbie pg 32
They're going to the system that's the source of the ship.  Alex is old and bald.  Bobbie is old and her body hurts all the time.  Clarissa Mao is old and I think she's dying.  Amos is old and he's trimmer than he used to be.  They talk about the sentence the trade federation has handed down to the colony.  Three years and no portal travel.  They only have food for six more months so this is basically a death sentence.  Also they're big on having guns.  So Holden is gonna go down there, tell them they're all gonna die and then they're gonna shoot him with their guns.

Chapter Three: Santiago Jilie Singh pg 42
Singh is a newly appointed captain in the Laconian navy.  He has been summoned to meet with High Consul/Admiral Duarte.  They talk about how Singh ratted out his old captain for not being strict enough.  Duarte instituted some harsher punishments and the old captain didn't enforce those new harsher punishments cause he thought they were too harsh.  He sounds like a good dude.  Singh sounds Like a follow the rules to the letter boot licking dhipshit.  That was a typo, but I like it.  D-hip shit.  For being as such, Duarte is giving him command of the new ship and tells him “We’ve been hidden away from the rest of humanity long enough. Time we showed them what we’ve been doing.”

That sounds ominous as fuck.

Chapter Four: Holden pg 52
Man, I was kinda hoping Bobbie was just gonna be the viewpoint for the Roci this book, but no, we gotra have a Holden Viewpoint or it wouldn't back an expanse book would it.

Holden goes to this settlement and tells them of the death sentence the union has bestowed upon them.  But there's a twist.  He also gives them the option to turn over the governor and he'll go to prison for these crimes.  They bring the governor strapped to a wheel borough.  

Chapter Five: Drummer pg 63
Drummer's job as president of the trade vederation is hard.
She doesn't like what Holden did and sends him a message saying that's not gonna work.

chapter six: holden pg 74
The crew is debating how they feel about Drummer's response to their actions.  Naomi tells Holden maybe it's time to retire to a beach on Titan.  Then the ship stops all of a sudden.  Nobody knows why.  This is bad.  Also the governor isn't in his cell anymore.  So really bad.

chapter seven: Bobbie   pg 84
They figure out their prisoner is in engineering and very food at space ship stuff.  They're gonna storm the castle.  Bobbie going in from behind via the hatch from outside thebship and Amos blowing up the interior door if it comes to that.  Bobbie makes her way in and for her efforts she's rewarded with a fire extinguisher to the head.  She recovers and ends up taking Houston out with an elbow to the chin.
Holden tells her he's seriously considering retirement and would Like her to be the new captain.  She gets a little emotional.

chapter eight: Singh    pg 95
Singh and his ship have joined up with an admiral on the super fancy ship.  The plan in to go through the ring gate, disable the station rail guns and take over Medina station.  Singh feels real good about this part of the plan.  His big problem is that when earth and mars come with their famcy new ships to take it back, they're going to have a lot more battle tested personnel.  Laconia hasn't had any actual fighting.  Barely any of their navy has actually been in a battle.  Admiral isn't worried about it.  Their new ship The Tempest will put anything the earthers or martians have to shame.

chapter nine: Bobbie    pg 109
Holden gives his retirement speech.  Largely everyone is cool with it.  When they get back to Medina, Naomi and Holden will get off and Bobbie is gonna bring on some hired hands.  Alex is pretty enfatic about it.  Bobbie has a talk with Amos to double check.  He's good, but he suggests Bobbie have a talk with Clarissa Mao.  They do, its good.  It's emotional cause not only is Holden leaving but they also have a very serious talk about Clarissa's end of life plans, something Bobbie is a bit shocked and disappointed that Holden never had this talk with Clarrisa.

chapter ten: Drummer    pg 119

There's a message coming from the long dormant laconian gate.  They come in peace.  Drummer is thinking the best thing to do is to make this Mars' problem.  Their old deserters are coming back and maybe Mars will want to do something about it so Drummer won't have to.

Chapter eleven: Bobbie  pg 129
Medina station sent the Roci a message.  Mandatory meeting to discuss the Laconia situation.  There are only two gun ships in the slow zone.   The Roci is gonna be the backup ship while the other ship takes point. A HUGE ship comes through the laconian ring gate.  But doesn't respond to hails.  The other gun ship gets a target lock and all of a sudden iT's just gone.  Near as they can tell it wasn't shot.  Nothing was fired from the Laconian ship.  Bobbie calls the station rail guns and tells them to open fire.

Chapter twelve: Holden  pg 140
The Laconians have some kind of magnet beam weapon that destroyed the other gun ship and made quick work of the railguns positioned on the station.  The trade union is hopelessly outmatched.  Immediate surrender is the only option.  They have taken over Medina station and the admiral gives a speech that amounts to join us or die.  Also.please tell Earth and Mars not to attack so we don't have to kill them.

chapter thirteen: Drummer   PG 152
Things are real bad.  Duarte has taken over the ring gates and at the Moment there's nothing they can do about it.  Avasarala is still alive and she shows up and says they gotta rally their forces on this side of the gate and she knows people and hints that she can communicate with people in the ring gate.

Chapter fourteen:   Singh   pg 163
Singh in the governor of Medina station now.  He's doing his best to get people in line.  He's finding it to be a trying task, but he's a dipshit so I suppose I like that he's having a hard time trying to force his authoritarian BS on the belters.  It gets interesting when the current better head of security Onni comes in and Singh tells him there's no job for him anymore.  Hoping to ingratiate himself with Singh he tells him that when they used their fancy new ship to shoot their fancy new magnet gun at the station to take care of the rail guns it had an interesting side effect.  It spewed gamma radiation out of the other side of the rings.  It took out four ships that were incoming.  Singh is intrigued by this news but does not care for Onni and tells him to fuck off.

Chapter fifteen: Bobbie pg 176
Bobbie is waiting in a long line to talk to an authority figure.  The Laconians have taken the Roci.  There are forms she can fill out to try and get her property or money in Louie of property back.  The crew gets drunk at a bar.  A bunch of angry belters go by in big coats.  Amos knows shit is going down.  Bobbie drags alex and Clarissa to the ground to avoid getting shot.  Amos stays standing cause he wants to watch the shooting happen.  Bullets start flying but we can't see them cause we are Bobbie who is on the floor trying not to Get shot.

Chapter sixteen:    Singh   pg 187
Singh was the target of the angry belters.  It didn't work out for them.  They got shot a bunch by laconian marines and died.  One Laconian died.  Singh finds this whole situation unacceptable so he's gonna institute some oppressive new stuff.  His head of security doesn't think this is a good idea.  Singh gives her.  Also, he's super.psyched about this thing where they can shoot their magnet ray at the station and it spews gamma radiation out all the portals.  It gives them a pretty easy way to defend the ring gates.  You send a ship, we zap the station, your ship gets destroyed by gamma radiation. 

Chapter seventeen:  Holden  pg 198

Holden does not care for being oppressed.  He and Naomi decide they gotta get the band back together and be part of the revolution.  Its a simple enough plan.  They talk to a lady as they watch the laconians building prison cells.  She says her ship has been comundeered and at the moment she and her crew are homeless.  Holden realizes this is super bad for his plan.   The crew won't be on the Roci.  They could be anywhere on Medina station and he has no idea where or how he would even start looking for them.  His best bad idea is to just go room to room till he finds them.  This strikes him as funny and he let's out an involuntary laugh.  “It’s just not very long ago I was thinking how small Medina felt.”

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