One of the fun things about super mario cart is that it's really competitive beacuse the further back you are the more powerful your question box items are. This is basically the exact opposite of real life.
ch 31 bonneville salt flats pg 185
The slat flats are in soithern utah near thr navafa bprder. It was part of the great salt lake fifteen thousand years ago. Now its just left over salt. It's this crazy huge piece of baren land. it sure is cool looking.
ch 32 hiroyoku Doi's circle drawings pg 191
Just hn likes signing things because its a taks he can get engrossed in. Doi draws circles because hes overwhelmed by sadness due to the deathnof his brother and drawing circles distracts him from that.
ch 33 whispering
John didnt used whipsering. But due to the global pandemic, nobody whisprs anymore cause of the germs. He kind of misses it.
ch 34 viral menigitis
John had viral menengitis anf it sucked. He had a headacje for basically a week straight when he was in the hospital. He didnt have any sort if openi g expericne that .ade him appreciate life more or anything. It was just all pain. Then he had the same headaches on and off for a year. He is not a fan of the this too shall pass approach that most people have with someone in pain. His whole thing is that we should simpley acknowledge the pain of otheres.
ch 35 plague
Covid sucks. The black plague was significantly worse. But a lot of things were the same. Blaming minorities, the poor being disproportionately affected, misinformation, etc. There were some silver lining stories, but largely wife scale human suffering is just really bad. All i hear is the wind slapping against the gravestones of those who didnt make it.
ch 36 Wintry Mix
Thjs is kinda about gardening and kinda about the winter before the apocalypse. Summer and fall are perferable to wintery mix, but winter without covid is preferable to spring with it.
ch 37 the hot dogs of baejarins Beztu Pylsurw
hangovers suck, hotdogs are a good hangover food. The first ever olypic metal was in handball in 2008. The economic collapse in 2008 was a once in a lifetime bad deal. Except for the once in a lifetime bad deal we're going though now.
ch 38 the notes app
John writes a lot of notes. Mostly in the margins of books he's reading. But in the modern era he often finds himself pen less and has turned to the iPhone notes app. There's some fun ones with explanations in this chapter.
ch 39 the mountain goats
John likes the band the mountain goats.
ch 40 the qwerty keyboard
that was easy to type cause those letters are right next to each other. The history of the qwerty keyboard is fun. There used to be a bajillion different typewriter setups. Almost all of them had jamming problems. The thing that made the QWERTY keyboard better was that you were often switching hands as you typed and as such were less likely to have two of the hammers jam together. The other thing is that the gun company bought the keyboard right after the civil war and flooded the market, basically putting all other keyboard companies out of business.
ch 41 the world's largest ball of paint
The world largest ball of paint started as a baseball tha that a guy and his son painted and then other people came around and painted it now its a HUGE roadside attraction. John's thought is this is a metaphor for all art. You do your part and then it kind of takes on a life of it's own as other people consuume it. Yoh may think what you created was great, but it takes a lot of luck for the circumstances to be right for your art to be well received. The paint that the guy and h is son painted are under tons of layers of other paint, but that doesn't make it any less his art.
ch 42 Sycamore Trees
Life is meaningless. But then you see a squirrel run up a sycamore tree and you think maybe its not all bad.
ch 43 new partner
New partner is a song john likes. I guess its about love cause there's talk about love in this chapter.
ch 44 three farmers on their way to a dance
This photo is German. Who knew? The three young men on their way to a party are not farmers. It's two iron miners and an office worker. This photo was taken just before WW1. All three of them served for the German army in WW1. One of them died.
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