Thursday, September 2, 2021

Babylon ashes ch 19 through 36

ch 19 pa pg 166

Pa and her ship captains are looking at their options now that they have left Marco and there arent a ton of them.  They decide joining up with Fred Johnson is the best move.  

ch 20 naomi pg 174
There's lots of bobbie and naomi talking about Pa.  Part of them want to welcome her back into the good OPA with open arms cause she was good people during the slow zone book.  But she did abandon fred and was more than happy to join up with Marco when he murdered a bunch of earthlings.  Holdens going.

ch 21 jakulski pg 182
jakulski is our eyes and ears on medina station.  Hes just a tech.  He gets suckered into being part of the welciming party for the martians that are coming back through the ring.  They built a ship on the other side and people are psyched to see it.  But now hes drinking woth the rest of the tech team and theyve a
L got different theories as to why the martians have decided to come back now.  Each more frightening than the one before.  Lots of doom and gloom around here.

ch 22 holden pg 189
Off they go to meet Pa.  Fred pulled all his people so it's our original four plus peaches and Bobbie.  They make there way to where Pa is and there's a bunch of ships and targeting lasers are active and it feels like they're hopelessly outnumbered but they're ready for a fight.   But Pa answers their hail and talking starts. 

ch 23 pa pg 198
Holden and pa are talking, she has a colony ship and Holden wants her to hand it over and she obliges.  Then mistles are headed their way.  The roci shoots them down.  There's a lot of talking about the existential crisis they're in.  Marco is coming after them and they don't have any assurance that anyone is going to welcome them into the warm honeyed bussom.

ch 24 prax pg 206
The free navy are walking around Ganymede with guns now.  Making it very clear they're in charge.  Prax is supposed to be uploading some data but instead finds himself watching two hours of Holdens videos from ceres and China and other places people live to show people that don't live there that we're all people.  Things kinda suck here politically speaking, but life is good for Prax and his family. 

ch 25 fred pg 213
Fred is going to meet woth other opa heads that didn't go over to Marco.  He is trying to keep it on the downlow so Marco doesn't find out about it and kill them all.  So he wants a ride there from holden.

ch 26 filip pg 221
Marco found the Rosinante heading from Ceres to Tyco.  They're pretty sure fred is on that ship .  They're gonna go take them out.

ch 27 bobbie pg 228
Marco has three ships to their one.  On one hand this seems real bad.  The analogy to show maybe its not soo bad is a guy with the football running ahead of a pack of defenders.   Doesn't really matter how many guys are chasing you,  if they can't catch you, you're likely to score the touchdown.   But bobbie likes to fight so we're fighting.  They get some help from ceres and one of Marcos ships splits off to deal with that.  The roci is trying to shoot missles and anti missle bullets at Marco but eventually they will lose that battle because thyre still out gunned.  Except that the Roci has a rail gun.  After some fancy flying by Alex and fancy shooting by Bobbie, they win the fight.

ch 28 holden pg 236
All that fancy maneuvering had a cost. Fred had a stroke and died.  It's almost as bad as if they'd been blown up.  Getting Fred to Tyco alive was they mission and they failed.

ch 29 Avasarala pg 244
Avasarala is overwhelmed by everything.   Getting the message from holden that fred is dead was a crushing blow.  A bit of an ego crushing blow.  She tells her assistant Said (sai eed nen an en ji bad.  It's not that difficult.   Why can't anyone in this country properly pronounce my name) to cancel everything.   He lets her grand daughter  (who she had been avoiding) come in so she can take part in the emotional pain.   She straightens up and sends a return message to Holden.  You get your sorry ass to Tycho Station and make this work.

ch 30 Filip pg 252
Marcos is blaming philip for their losing the fight to holden.  It's standard Marco bullshit.  If he loses he tries to remessage it as a win for his master plan and if he cant do that he finds a scapegoat.  In this case, Philip was the gunner, so it's  his fault they lost the fight.

ch 31 pa pg 260
Nico Sanjrani, chief economist of the belt comes to talk to Pa.  He lays out the plans he had to develop the infrastructure the belt would need to survive without earth.  Then he tellls her tjat Marco didn't follow through with any of it and they've got three years til everything goes to shit.  She asks what They need to do now.  He doesn't know.  I guess he just wanted to share his panic with someone. 

Holden calls to beg Pa for help.

ch 32 Vandercast pg 268

Vandercast works with jakulski from chapter 21.  Vandercast is in jail on medina station getting interrogated about some ships that came back from the other side of a ring all at once trying to attack medina station.   It dodnt work out.  The railguns Nd station defenses did their job real good and all the attacking ships were destroyed. After a bit more interrogation and isolation a group in free navy uniforms comes along to tell him hes free to go.  He goes back ro work.  Turns out he was gone for threee days.  The free navy reports they found the mole that helped the colonists plan their attack.  Vandercast thinks maybe not, maybe it's just a scapegoat. 

ch 33 holden pg 276
There's 5 belter higher ups for the meeting.   Four invitees and Anderson dawes,  former governor or. Ceres.  Pa recorded a video for an introduction to holden. Holden  l a imz frex hD a plan.   If you wann hear it, come back in 20 hours.  You're free to leave before then.  If you tske part in the planning meeting,  you're in and won't be free anymore.

ch 34 dawes pg 284

Despite being kicked out of the belter planning party cause he qasnt invited, Dawes is going around campaigning for Holden.  Talking to everyone who was invited and telling them what they need to hear un order to get them on Holden 's side so they can take this stand against Marco.

ch 35 Amos 292
Amos has a simple straightforward relationship with sex.  Its a thung he needs to do every now and then.  Whhen he feels the nit having had sex for too long tention has built up too much he goes to a whorehouse to release the tension.  The main benefit of down ng it this way is that after first sexual encounter re
Eases the tensuon, he sleeps super good.  But its not working.  Something about those missles in the battle against the three free navy ships is bothering him.  So he goes to talk to Holden.  They had a direct hit with one of those missiles.  But it didnt go off.  Holden tells him its cause he shut them off.  Filip was on one of those ships and Holden wasn't gonna kill Naomi's kid if he could avoid it.  Amos is ok with that.  But then he has to ask holden if maybe thats a sign that he's not the man for the job of replacing Fred, the butcher, Johnson.  Holden knows he's not, but he's gonna try anyway.

ch 36 Filip pg 300

Filip is on whatever place they're on right now and he's having some noodles and a beer.  He feels very alone.  Some guy fr the ship comes to talk about his feelings.  Its hard, father son relationship.  Especially when you work on a spaceship together.  Ship guy says he and his dad almost always settled their beefs via physical violence.  

But Marco's not just dad.  He's president or wjayeber of the free navy can't have a fight with the free navy head to squash dad beef.  On the news feed Fred Johnsons death is annniunced.  They go back to the shio and its party time.  Some drunk girl kisses Filip.  Marco gives a speech and he's all "we did it."  Filip is hurt by this.  When they lost the fight to the Rosi, its filips failure.  When Fred Johnson dies because the ship that Filip was shooting at had to make maneaubers that cause Fred to have a stroke Filip doesn't get the credit, its just "we" did it.  

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