This chapter is about Michelle Keating covering 1998's hurricane Mitch. She and her dog Yogi are gonna sniff through the rubble to find the dead. Shes in the city of Tegucigalpa, where a large amount of the ten thousand that died in the country are. They find a family in a chineese resturant. So many buildings have collapsed. They find bodies under fallen walls and mattresses. They talk about her first search up in Keslo Washington. This lady had been goin' all around and they found her body in a barn. Her dog peed outside the barn.
Sometimes she gets involved in big searches. Lots of people looking for a body. This is not idea when you're searching with a dog because there's so much people scent around. Also dogs don't go straight to a scent. They naturally go in a Z pattern.
In total they were only in Honduras for 8 days. But it must have been a long 8 days.
ch 16 Human Error pg 171
This is about Brian walker from bend. He shot himself into space In a home made rocket. A rocket made of fiberglass powered by hydrogen peroxide.
He's a toy inventor with ADHD and a bit of a backwards attitude about a lot of things if you ask me.
He married a Russian mail order bride and it didn't work out.
The Smithsonian says they'll put his rocket there if he pulls it off.
CH 17 dear Mr. Levin pg 185
This one is about IRA Levin who wrote Rosemary's baby and sliver and the stwpfors wives. He presents horrible things INA relatively charming way.
Rosemary's baby is about abortion but je couldn't say that so its all metaphor. That's how it was as a writer in the fifties and sixties if you wanted to write about progressive issues you couldn't just do that or you lose your conservative audience. So you disguise everything.
But its still scary and charming and good.
CH 17 escort pg 195
Chuck goes on a date with a hospice patient. It was a homework assignment from a churches giving tree.
His date lost his leg to a heating element. His mom came on the date to all the wonderful places in driving distance. She talks about him in the past tense.
Chuck does this sort of thing quite a bit. Taking people dying of aids to Mt Hood, people with cancer to.the ocean. Give them some good experiences with the time they have left.
He still has a box full of afghans that terminal peoples mothers or grandothers sent him as a thank you for being there at the end.
CH 18 almost California pg 200
Chuck has an infected cut on his head. This is happening as he's in California working on the fight club screenplay.
Don't use depilatory cream with a razor.
Chuck is really worried that if he tries to look good he'll still be ugly. So instead he's making it obvious that he isn't trying to look good. So he shaves himself badly and gives himself a skin infection.
What a wonderful stranger than fiction way to ruin what should be the highlight of your career.
CH 19 the lip enhancer pg 206
Brad Pitt has great lips and chuck wishes he had lips like Brad. Brad has a lip care regimen. The only part of it we are told is that he licks his lips a lot. So he bought this lip enhancer that is a couple tubes that you put on your lips and pull apart and they suck your lips to make them plump. This lasts about six hours. But it didn't really work for Chuck. At least he didn't look like Brad when it was done. We're all trying to do something to look better, it's just a lot more obvious with actors like Brad Pitt that are paid to look good.
CH 20 monkey think, monkey do 212
Thus chapter is about people that have told chuck they've done things they saw in fight club. It's also about people that make creative works and are worried that the bad things they put into their TV shows or movies might be copied. Chuck's point seems to be that bad people are gonna do bad things and we shouldn't let that interfere with creative indeavors. But then he sorta loses me as he's also critical of safety measures in general with the nihilistic idea that we can't possibly protect ourselves from everything so we shouldn't bother trying at all.
CH 21 brinkmanship 216
I'm not sure what the point of this story is. Maybe the point is that it's pointless and random cause Chuck has a deadline to meet.
He talks about a super gross Portland he used to go to. The story he already talked about already where a friend of his in med school let him sit in on a dissection. What he adds is that this was her fourth shot at med school cause she already failed out three times. But her dad was a doctor so she just kept trying regardless of how old she was or how much it cost.
The last time he saw his dad alive was at his brother in laws funeral. The funeral home screwed up and brought the wrong body.
Then how when he used to go to that gross strip club, one of the other regulars was a doctor and that was the closest thing to a doctor he had. He tells a story about one time he had a bad kidney stone and said doctor told him if he didn't pass the stone soon, he'd lose the kidney. He oassed it in his bathtub. That bathtub still had a red ring around it from the experience.
CH 22 now I remember 221
Chuck has sent what he thinks are receipts for business expenses to his accountant. Valentines candy and robotic singing birds. His accountant asks why these are business expenses. He has no idea. It reminds him of the movie Memento. He knows of people that kind of live their lives like that recording everything they do so they remember it. Not just now, but way forward in the future. He's surprised that the movie Memento didn't cause a bit of a Zeitgeist of recognition that eventually you're going to forget the things you know now and inspire a whole generation of people to meticulously record everything they do so in the future they will have a record of the things they can't remember.
Chuck has a wall full of filing cabinets he bought from freightliner for five bucks a piece when he left. He's got TONS of receipts and story ideas and what not in those cabinets. He can't really remember much of it if he's asked about it. But if he goes to the filing cabinets and pulls it.out and looks at it, he can remember it. This receipts were for a GQ photo shoot.
Ch 23 consolation prises. 227
This one's about chucks dad. He spent a lot of time signing up his friends and family for sweepstakes entries. Chuck will get these random things in the mail and know it was his dad's doing. His dad died in 1999 and when Chuck was writing this in 2003, he still gets these sweepstakes prises in the mail. His dad was killed by an ex husband of a lady he was dating. She put out a personal ad saying her ex had been threatening to kill her and anyone she dated. So Chuck's dad knew this was a bit of a dangerous situation. This happened in the Idaho panhandle. Beautiful land full of some real backwards people. The killer was also a white sepremecist. Lots of white sepremecists in Idaho. Chucks sister also gets these sweepstakes prises in the mail and she always cries cause it's another sad reminder of their dad's unfortunate passing. She's the first one the police called. She then called chuck and said their dad had been murdered by a white supremecist and she was gonna go in undercover to take them down and she needed Chuck to come back her up.
That didn't happen, they left the cops alone to do their job. The guy got convicted and has been scentenced to death. He's appealing.
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