Chapter Forty: Havelock pg 402
They've got seventeen days till the ship goes down. The colony ship only has four. They have seen Basia welding on their ship and the Roci is threatening to blow them up if they don't release Naomi. Murtry calls and says they have to protect the ship by any.means necessary. The militia of engineers that were gonna try to board the Roci are.psy Ch ed to get real guns and kill the invaders. Naomi says that's dumb and Havelock should just let her go. Havelock agrees and unlocks her cell.
Chapter Forty-One: Elvi pg 411
What's the Fityani hypothesis?
Elvi is running all these computer things to look into the little green things that are making them go blind. The moon people are doing all sorts of computer stuff to figure it out. It's all about Holden. How's he different. Genetically speaking he's got random genes than most due to the 5 dad's and 8 moms combining their DNA together to create the one baby. Medically speaking it's the nonstop cancer because of the radiation he was exposed to in Eros. Then it hits Elvi, he's taking massive amounts of anticancer meds. That medication treats cancer by preventing cells from multiplying too fast. Maybe that's why the little green things don't grow in his eyes, cause the cancer meds are preventing them.
she calls Murtry to see if they can get more cancer meds, he doesn't answer, she calls Havelock and he blows her off because he's dealing with the current life and death situation with the Roci and his militia likely to kill each other in a minute. So she calls Holden and Lucia (the doctor) to come talk. She asks if they can use Holden's cancer meds to try to cure some.of.The folks that can still see a bit and see if it helps. Holden is all for it. If other people can see and do.some work he can take a nap.
Chapter Forty-Two: Havelock pg 422
Havelock puts on some armor and grabs Naomi and off they go. He takes down some militia folks on the way with tasers and his beanbag shotgun. They have all lost their shit so they're not hard to take down by a trained individual like Havelock. They make Basia and they're gonna get out. Naomi asks Havelock if he wants to come with.
Chapter Forty-Three: Basia pg 433
He sees Naomi and Havelock and they all hide in the bathroom while the militia team shoots at them. They go out towards the airlock with Naomi sandwiched between them since she doesn't have armor. They make it without Naomi getting shot. They get shot, but they're in armor so nbd. The problem now is that there are guys outside shooting at the airlock hatch. they call Alex to come get them and he asks if he should solve the problem of the gun guys. Havelock says please dont. They're idiots, but they don't deserve to die. Alex points out that they're currently him, so Havelock gets in the radio with the militia and tells them to stop shooting or Alex will turn them into red.mist. They oblige. Basia and Naomi and Havelock make it back to the Roci. Havelock takes his helmet off and Basia immediately dislikes him more because he is handsome.
Chapter Forty-Four: Holden pg 442
Holden calls Alex to find out how the rescue operation is going. Alex doesn't really know. Basia isn't really communicating. For some reason he switched channels without telling Alex what it was. At this Holden goes over to Murtry, pushes him down and takes his radio and demands to be told what's going on. He gets hung up on. He goes back to talk to Elvi. The cancer meds are working. Elvi can see shapes now. Holden passes out. Miller wakes him up. He takes him through some hidden doors down below what we think of as the floor level of the alien ruins. He's lead to basically single person sized pod, gets inside and falls asleep.
Interlude: The Investigator 452
Exciting things are afoot. The investigator, who has taken Miller's form is good at reaching out until it finds things and then reached out to Holden to have him do stuff and then he can keep reaching out. But he (it is more accurate, I call it he because Miller was a he) has found THE murder weapon. He is gonna get to the bottom of this thing.
Chapter Forty-Five: Havelock pg 455
they have attached the colony ship to the Roci to try to tow it into a high enough orbit so everyone won't die. It works until it doesn't. The Dipshits at RCE have sent their shuttle to interfere. They blow it up but since they are towing the colony ship they can't dodge the debris that used to be the shuttle. It impacts and Havelock is injured. They don't know how bad the damage is. They seem to still be towing the colony ship. Basia is gonna go back down there to reattach a cable footing that broke loose.
Chapter Forty-Six: Elvi pg 465
Murtry asks what Holden said to get the last time they talked. He is heading north at two hundred miles an hour. Murtry takes a car and gpes.after Holden. Elvi goes to ask Amos the same questions. Amos doesn't have any more info than Elvi. Well, he knows about Miller, but that doesn't give him more specific information as to what Holden is doing right now. The last thing Holden told Amos was to keep an eye on Murtry. Make sure he didn't hurt anyo ne. Holden counts as part of that so Amos needs to follow Murtry. But he can't find a working battery to power the car. Elvi says she can get him a working battery 🔋if he lets her come along. She does some chemistry and off they go. Also Fayez hops on. Good, I like that guy. Amos isn't thrilled about it, but I hope he gets to know Fayez and comes to appreciate him the way I do.
Chapter Forty-Seven: Basia pg 475
Basia is welding some of the holes made by the enemy shuttle shrapnel. He goes back to the mechanics shop and it's a real tight fit between the inner and outer walls welding all the.little holes shut. He asks what is there between the walls that made what should be an ample space so small. They say it's a railgun. The colony ship only has nineteen hours left til it drops into the atmosphere. the Roci doesn't have the battery 🔋power left to lift the colony ship to a stabl e orbit anymore. Basia has an idea. What if we use the battery power from the railgun to power the ship's thrusters? Naomi runs some numbers and realizes that won't work because they lose too much power transferring power between the batteries. BUT, they could use the railgun as a mechanism for thrust. That might get the job done. But they have a new problem. Guys in space suits are headed their way from the RCE ship. The best theory is that they are going to try to kill them.
Chapter Forty-Eight: Holden pg 485
Holden hasn't slept for a week and he kinda slept on the weird alien train. But now he's made it to the end of the road and he realizes that this wasn't planned out very well as he doesn't have any food or water. Miller has taken over a protomolecule monster and he can use it to make light and speak. This time s the first time Holden is heading Miller's voice outside of his own head since the end of book one. This is huge. If they can get back to camp or the ship or wherever Miller can talk to people other than Holden. Holden rides on the protomolecule monster that's controlled by Miller to the dead spot. It's a HUGE open underground space. You could fit a battle ship down here. Miller explains this planet was built to be a power plant. Somehow they generate power here and then beam it to other planets.
Miller is real worried about what they're gonna find as they go. This isn't a random target. This was the heart ❤ of this planet and it is currently dead. Whatever killed this planet knew what it was doing.
Chapter Forty-Nine: Havelock pg 495
The RCE folks are heading their way. Havelock is trying to talk them out of whatever they're planning. All the while as they approach the Roci is firing the railgun for thrust and then thrusters to keep them going up away from the planet and not spinning out of control. The RCE folks fire some improvised torpedos. Havelock is able to shoot most of them off course and away from their intended target. But one of them hits the Roci and Havelock is blasted away from the ship. Basia comes out and saves him. They get back to the Roci and more missles head their way. They are again able to shoot down most of them. But one hits the colony ship and the tethers between the two ships are damaged. Basia is going to the colony ship and try to weld them back on. Havelock is hurt real bad, but he'll cover Basia as he goes. Havelock has had enough. He tells the RCE folks that anyone that doesn't turn around is going to get shot in ten seconds.
Chapter Fifty: Elvi pg 505
They are following Mei and Murtry. They get to the giant heart of the planet. From the outside its a dome with tubes coming and going in every direction. Elvi thinks of the tubes as arteries. They find Murtry and Mei's car broken down. They can follow their foot tracks. Mei is out front Murtry has given her orders to stop anyone else from coming in. Amos says either they go in or he shoots her. She says there's worse ways to go than following orders in the line of duty. He shoots her. Murtry has been hiding out waiting for this and shoots Amos in the back. Fayez punches Murtry in the face. Elvi runs away.
Chapter Fifty-One: Basia pg 514
He's being shot at by the idiot RCE militia. Havelock starts shooting RCE GUYS. Basia and Naomi are trying to see if they can reattach the cables to tow the colony ship. They cant. They have the idea that they could save everyone on the colony ship with escape pods. Not much of a life being in an escape pod in space attached to the Roci, but better than being dead in a few hours when the ship plumets into the atmosphere. The problem is the colony ship used all their escape pods. Capitain Marwick gets on the radio and says the Israel has plenty and He d be happy to help. The dipshit in charge of the militia tells the captain there will be help to pay if he gives the colony ship anything. Alex shoots him with the rail gun. They get everyone off of the colony ship into the Israel. Basia loses his shit and gets back on the Roci.
Chapter Fifty-Two: Elvi pg 524
Elvi is basically just running away from Murtry. Every now and then her hand terminal detects his and she knows how far away he is. But then she gets a connection refused from another terminal. It's Holden's. She kinda waits til her terminal pings Murtry's again and is able to hack it so she can triangulate Holden's location. It works and she finds Holden with Miller as a protomolecule monster. She screams as she's pretty sure she and Holden are about to get killed by the monster. Holden says hi and introduces her to Miller. Miller says hi. Elvi catches up Holden on all the shooting and death. Holden says Murtry being dead is more important to him than saving the planet. So he goes to kill him and Elvi goes with Miller to save the planet. They get to the middle and find what killed the protomolecule aliens. Greg said to call them Romans and the aliens that killed them as Gauls to limit having to say protomolecule aliens and whatever killed the protomolecule aliens. The thing left behind by the Gauls looks like “The eye of an angry God?” Elvi said.
Chapter Fifty-Three: Holden pg 534
Holden finds Murtry and they talk alot. Eventually Holden shoots him. He doesn't kill him though. He's gonna drag him back to face justice. Then protomolecule things start happening. they both know it's because of whatever Elvi did.
Chapter Fifty-Four: Elvi pg 541
Miller is gonna call everything that's listening to him and then everything is going into the angry God eye/black hole that we think is the remaining footprint of the Gauls stomping on the Roman heart. He mentions that there may be some resistance from the rest of the Roman collective. They don't really think like he does. They just survive and reach out. The possibility of this going badly might result in the rest of the Roman collective Rey by to stop them.
Boy howdy is he right. Roman monsters start attacking him. Elvi does a great job keeping monsters distracted and pushing them into the black hole. Miller is incapacitated and Everything is covered in oil. He tells Elvi to pull out he central processor and throw it into the black hole. It's much too heavy for that.
“It’s like ninety kilos.”
So she has to walk into the thing carrying it. She has the sensation of being pulled apart at the molecular level and being reassembled on the other end. Holden is there and asks if they won. She says they did.
Interlude: The Investigator pg 549
Miller is driving the Roman ship and as Elvi takes his core through the Gaul black hole he feels the connection to the rest of the world. Power generation at the bottom of the ocean, giant underground cities. He's connected to it all now. The.other Roman bits are scared, but he says it's gonna be ok so they chillax. And it's connected so it stops reaching out.
Chapter Fifty-Five: Haveloc 551
Havelock is down on the planet with the blue sky. He's at the beach It reminds him of California, but without all the obnoxious people and advertising and what not. Flash back to three weeks before. He's in the Roci and his body is being repaired by the med bay. Holden calls and tells Alex to try turning on the reactor and it totally works. He checks some emails now that they've got power to spare. He's being sued for wrongful death by the family of one of the RCE guys he shot. He gets an email from the captain with a link to an earth article calling him a hero for the way they saved the colonists. He calls captain Marwick and they talk about the whole deal. Will this new planet work out? Will everyone get killed by poison slugs in a month? Will the RCE and colony go back to being combative and kill each other? Will the supplies being sent from the other side of the ring get there before they starve to death? Marwick doesn't care, he just wants to go back to Earth where he can have tacos one day and Thai food the next.
Chapter Fifty-Six: Holden 561
They're done in Ilus. They don't have any more shuttles so the Roci has been doing shuttle duty bringi mg supplies from the Is real down to the planet. Naomi's knees are killing her, this is the only time she's ever been on a planet and even with a fancy robot suit, the toll it's taking on her body is emense. Amos looks like a cyborg pirate. They get out of the planet's gravity. They let Basia go back to his family. They have Murtry as a prisoner and Holden tells him he's gonna end up in a deep dark hole just like Jules Pierre Mao. It's gonna take them two years to get back to Earth 🌎. And at some.point during that two years they're all gonna heal up and Amos is gonna beat Murtry's ass.
Epilogue: Avasarala pg 573
Avasarala is on Mars meeting with a top notch Martian. When they're done she talks to Fred Johnson. Then she has dinner with Bobbie and things get real. Mars is over. No one is going to stay on Mars when they can go to a planet with breathable air and lots of wide open space. Big problem is when Mars crumbles, what's going to happen to the fleet? Where are all those nuclear weapons going to end up when the government that controls them collapses. Avasarala needs Bobbie to come work for her.
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