chapter 1: Jack is a writer and likes to write things. He lives with his aunt. He has a friend named Dean who's lived a much more exciting life of being in prison, pool halls, etc. My guess is they're going to go on the road together.
chapter 2;July 1947 Jack is a veteran with $50 His Friend Remi lives near sanfrancisco and is a mad man.Jack didn't get anywhere near San Francisco in this chapter. He went north for some reason and got stuck in the mountains and it rained and he was sad and he went back to New York with the expectation that he would take a bus to Chicago.
Chapter 3: He made it to Chicago and that was nice. Now he's hitch hiking west. He only eats applie pie and ice cream.He got a truck driver to give him a ride and then when he needed to stop, he got another truck driver to give him a ride. He's goin west real good now. Ready or not Omaha Nebraska. Jack doesn't have a drivers license. He meets up with Eddie, another new york guy, who does. The two of them get picked up by a guy going west at least a hundred miles that wanted onfo them to drive antoher car. they didn't end up going with a man who had a circus. Some car came along and Eddie Ditch'd Jack cause the guy only had room for 1. Jack keeps getting random rides from folks a hundred miles at a time. Still hasn't made it to Omaha yet.
Chapter 4: Jack gets on the back of a flatbed with a bunch of other guys. there's some intersting characters and shenhannegans ensue and eventually they make it to Cheyanne Wyoming.
Chpater 5: Jack wasted all his money on booze chasing women. All young men do that. It's a sad right of passage. Spending all your money to get nothing out of it. A wise man once said "I've seen a lot of men lose a lot of money chasing after women. I've never seen a man lose a woman chasing after money." A couple car rides later he made it to Denver.
Chapter 6: Apparently Jack's name is Sal. Jack got a hold of Chad and now it's the Jack and Chad show.The gang's all here but they're divided. Chad works at the library and Dean is a thief. It was all fun and games in New York, but back home in Denver, the social divide is too wide.
Chapter 7: Dean has two chicks. Jack doesn't even have one. Dean is big on schedules. Maybe that's why he does so well with the ladies. He tells them specifically when he is leaving and when he will return and he lives by those times. I never do. I'm always like, I should be home 7-ish and I show up 7:45 cause I'm screwing around with that darn walking dead game. Jack still doesn't have a chick and no money.
Chapter 8: Eddie shows up and he and Jack and Dean go meet up with a man who has work to do. The man says he likes boys that work hard and Eddie says he is willing to work hard. Work starts at 4 am so Jack stays up till then watching Dean and Carlos talk all night.
Chapter 9 we are going to the mountains. Jack goes to the opera with Babe. They have an old miners shack that they are cleaning up to party in. People are dancing without music. They go out to the bars in town and shenhannegans ensue. Jack is ready to go to San Francisco.
Chapter 10: Jack gets 50 bucks from his aunt to go to San Francisco.
Chapter 11: it's funny that this chapter that's synonymous with bankruptcy is the first one jack has gainful employment. He works with his French friend remi as a cop in a work camp getting Guys reeady to ship out to Japan. He sends most of his money back to his home Aunt. What little he has left goes to groceries and what not. He is not loving this. Things go bad with Remi at the race track. Their friendship is over. But Remi has a last request. Go to dinner with him and his step father. That starts out ok but then an old friend of Jack's shows up and is very rude to Remus step father. Jack doesn't care. He is done with San Francisco.
Chapter 12: Jack akes a bus to LA. He shacks up with a Mexican girl named Terry.
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