Chapter 1:
You can make yourself feel whatever you want in the future because they have devices that are implants or whatever and you dial the feeling you want and you feel that way. Appearantly it's not that great. Herrison ford's wife isn't all that pleased with it cause she doesn't have real emotional reactions to things.
Also owning animals is important. So much so that several people have fake animals. Harrison has a fake sheep and he is jealous of his "friend" that has a pregnant horse.
Harrison is an android bounty hunter and he is excited about the idea that if he could kill 4 Andys he could buy his own horse. But he isn't very optimistic about the odds of that happening any time soon.
Chapter 2:
Life on earth post war straight up sucks. Anybody worth a damn is sent to a colony and is given a free android. It is a pretty obvious metaphor for slavery. Androids that become aware they are slaves seem to try and run from their colony to Earth. Harrison wishes it happened more often.
John isidor is a special and that is bad. I don't know what he does for a living but he is the only person living in a giant apartment building. He does some sort of VR where he becomes Wilbur Mercer, whoever that is.
They also talk about bringing back dead people. I didn't really understand that. Appearantly what happens in VR affects the world cause John now has a cut on his arm. He wishes he had access to better medical care cause then he could do VR where he dies and he would still be OK.
There's noise in the building that makes John think there is someone else living there. This has never happened before. There is a derogatory term for specials. Chicken head. John hopes the new person doesn't figure out he is a chicken head. People don't hang out with him after they figure out he is a chicken head.
Chapter 3:
Harrison, whose name is Rick Deckard, is obsessed with the ostrich the "pet" store is selling. It's so expensive they don't even tell you how much it costs. He goes to work and there's bad news, the top Andy killer, Dave Holden, was shot. They think it was one of the new Andys that is super smart and what not. Rick is thinking this might be good for him cause now he is gonna get all the Andys that Dave used to get.
He calls the pet shop to haggle over the ostrich, but they are firm on the price. He calls someone to ask about a robotic ostrich and they say it's 800 bucks.
Eric side note : I would happily pay 800 for a robotic ostrich.
Chapter 4:
Rick is going to the office of the robot people up in Seattle to test these new latest and greatest brains to make sure the tests they used on the old robot brains to tell if they're robots or humans based on empathic response or not still works. Basically they ask "sensitive" questions and if you are a person you blush and what not. If you are a robot, not so much.
They robot company has a TON of animals. Even an owl, which was said to be extinct. Rick is super jealous.
There's a lady that works for the robot company and Rick thinks she doesn't like her. He meets a man from the robot company and he realizes that the robot company people are scared of him. If he says the tests don't work anymore he basically shuts down the biggest company in the solar system. They are not handling the idea of that very well. And the lady is his first test subject.
Chapter 5:
He is testing the lady and every empathic reaction is a little slow. He says she's an Andy, she says she's not. The test has failed, this is a disaster.
Mr. Rosen explains the reason why the test did not work on her is that she lived the majority of her young life on a space ship. She is 18 and her first 14 years were on that ship. But that doesn't mean anything. The test is still a failure and that's that. The Rosen company is through. Rick is D U N being a robot bounty hunter. As is every one.
The Rosen girl tries to bribe him with the 🦉owl. There's an interesting dialogue about terms of the Owl and breading rights. But this doesn't sit right with Rick. He asks for one more test. He says his briefcase is made of human baby skin. She reacts a. Bit slow. Now he KNOWS she's an android. He asks Mr Rosen if she knows and he says no.
Then she is all conflicted about being a robot. She will get over it. Rick is psyched to go hunt down the other Andys so he can afford to buy a real animal.
Chapter 6:
Chicken head guy goes down to the apartment where he heard noise and thinks there is a person. There is a person. It's a lady. She's wierd and doesn't seem to know a lot of things that everyone should know. There's a bunch of pointless small talk. He's trying to get all involved in her life and it totally works. She agrees to let him go searching for furniture in the other apartments after he returns from work the next day.
Then it gets real wierd. She says her name is Rachel Rosen and he is all "from the android creation company that's all powerful?" then she is like "no, I am Priss Stratton" and closes the door on him.
Chaper 7:
John Isador is a chicken head. He can't think good cause of his radiated brain. He doesn't care that the lady that lives in his building all of a sudden is obviously lying to him. He is just excited to not be alone. Not that I blame him. If I was all alone in a broken down old building I would believe anything a new person said too just so they would hang out with me.
Now he is doing his job. He has a cat he is bringing into the shop. He is real impressed with how realistic the dying is. He tries to fix it but it doesn't work. It has stopped functioning at all now. He probably pulled a power cable and that's why.
He gets to the shop and his boss informs his coworker that "the chicken head" picked up a live one by mistake. John is freaking out about it. I wonder if he realizes that he probably killed it when he was trying to fix it. Sooo sad. It made me sad anyway. His boss is very angry and keeps calling him a chicken head and John doesn't like it. His boss tells him to call the owner cause this is his screw up. John is very scared about this.
John calls and it is not the gut he got the cat from. It is his wife. John does a fine job on the call. His boss has insurance for just this sort of thing so they could buy her a new cat. But she's convinced her husband will just die if he finds out and John is able to convince her to opt for a robot cat. So his boss probably profits off this little snafu.
Chapter 8: John kills an android, good for him.
Chapter 16:
John is in a hotel room and the door opens and Rachel Rosen comes in wearing a bikini and a fishy sirong. She is drunk. Rick kisses her and she doesn't kiss him back. She keeps drinking and Rick asks what's wrong. What's wrong is that one of the three androids left (the one that was befriended by the chicken head) looks just like her. They are the same model. Rick wants to go take out the androids but Rachel is too drunk and she is worried Rick will kill her trying to kill the Android that looks like her. She gets naked and gets into bed. Rick joins her.
Chapter 17:
They did sex. I am a little confused about what happened next. She says Rick won't be able to kill any more androids cause he slept with her. Then she says that she did this with a bunch of other bounty hunters and it worked with all of them except for the one guy we met that one time cause he's a psychopath. Now he's all like " I am going kill you" she is all like "no, cause you loooove androids" I don't understand cause didn't she JUST find out she's an android. Now she is talking about how one of the androids Rick was supposed to kill is so inspirational.
Chapter 18:
We are back with the chicken head. The androids want to watch TV so he goes down to the lady androids apartment and gets her TV. They watch the one TV show and the guy says mercerism is a fraud and he has proof. It was a movie and they found the guy that played mercer and he said he did not get hurt at all cause the rocks were foam rubber. The androids are very excited about it cause mercerism is the only thing that proves people have emathy. During all this there's a spider they are cutting the legs off of. All of this upsets the chicken head and he goes outside. He meets an old man who says he is mercer. Then he sees another spider. A car parks and it is Rick. Chicken head tells him about the spider and Rick is super jealous. He wishes he could see a wild animal just once. He tells the chicken head that he is here to kill the androids. Chicken head won't tell him where they are. But he won't stop Rick either. Rick goes in and meets mercer who tells him the hardest Android to kill isn't in the apartment. She's behind him in the stairwell. He kills her and kills the other two androids.
Chapter 19:
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