Sunday, September 1, 2024

the blood mirror ch 28 - 54

Ch 28
Karris is doing execution. But she doesn't execute what's his face that tried to kill kip.  She kills the guy that gave him the order to kill kip.  She does it with mirrors and sunlight.  Kinda like killing him with a laser.  

Ch 29
Kip isn't a young man anymore.   Marriage has prematurely aged him.  He kisses his wife before he goes into battle.  There's also a magic the gathering card moment where he remembers a time when one of his ancestors had to marry his lovers daughter.

Ch 30
Karris doesn't kill Quentin like she should.  She makes him her slave instead. She kills another guy with the death ray and he turns himself into a three headed dog in the midst of it.   Pretty cool.

Ch 31


She has the seed and she can feel its power.  She's more powerful than any other ultra violet in the world as she is now.  But she's no god. She has to break the halo before she can absorb the seed fully and become a God.  It's a painful process.  But she comes out the other side unharmed.  She can feel her connection to the world now.  Very specifically she can feel a magical creature and she knows she can control it.  

Also, a man appears and says he's her slave.

Ch 32
Kip and his jackbooted thugs attack the glorious rebels.  They largely find success but then there's a cannon and other explosions and 250 slaves Kip is gonna try to save.  Not that there's any point.  Life sucks under the boot of the cromeria.  It sucks even worse with the rebels.

Ch 33

Gavin is escaping.  We think he might really do it, but then Andross is there waiting for him.

Ch 34
One of the female black guards tells tiea all of her feelings.  Main takeaway I have here is that the black guards know that zymon is a piece of shit.

Ch 35
Kip saves most of the slaves on the sinking ship.  They're gonna go spread word if how great Kip is. 

Ch 36
Karris and teia talk about marissa being abducted by the broken eye and lips escape and what not.  Karris tells her Teia needs to destroy the broken eye by any means necessary. She's already written out a pardon letter for any crimes she need to commit towards that end.

Ch 37

Kip and the boys drink and ne marry for tomorrow we may die.
Tisis gives kip oral pleasure.

Ch 38
Kips grandpa kicks the shit out of Gavin and then throws him down into the yellow prison with his dead brother's body.

Ch 39

Kip and tisis talk about how they haven't had sex.  Kip wants to stop trying.  Tisis says they have to have a baby before their marriage will matter.

Ch 40
Kips grandpa and Zymons mom talk about the cerberus and how he was an evil god and they're not just fighting the color prince, who's Zymon's uncle but that doesn't seem to matter, but also these evil gods.  They also talk about there being multiple worlds that orlham made and how the gods can't be at more than one place at a time so maybe this fight is a small part in a greater war against Orlham and there's a lot of scary unknown.

.ch 41


The blue god tracks her down and they talk.  Liv tells her where she can find the body of her mortal love.  Liv goes back to her home town and Kips house.  She uses his left behind scent to send him a message.

Ch 42

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