Sunday, March 5, 2023

Evelyn ch 18 through 32

 Ch 18 pg 179

Ravencourts man returns and he has found the plague doctor's mask.  Philip Sutcliffe is the man's room these were found in.  Nothing else he has found out is so concrete.  He found a note to the lady hardcastle saying to stay away from Millicent Derby.   Narrator thinks it's a threat.  Ravencourts man thinks it might be a warning.

Ch 19 pg 185

Dinner is quite something.  Michael hardcastle announces that evelyn is engaged to marry lord Ravencourt. Fate worse than death if you ask me.

Ch 20 pg 195

The ball is a giant mass of people.  Doesn't feel like a sincere party.  Feels like the night before God destroyed Gomorrah. Evelyn shoots herself in the stomach with a silver pistol and falls into the reflecting pool.  Very dramatic.   Now we know how she dies.  Next is to find out why. 

Ch 21 pg 211

Aiden is back in the butler.  Anna is there and explains she's not a jumper, she just lives this one day in this maid.  She asks him when ravencourt will be alone and he tells her when to go and what to do.  She also warns him of the footman.  He tells her who he's been so far.  The doctor comes in and sedates him.

Ch 22 pg 220

I'm realizing now I'm reading the big pr8nt version cause that's what the library had available and these page numbers are probably useless to anyone else reading this.

Narrator wakes up as Johnathan Derby.  He's a short tempered little man.  He punches the cook when she doesn't immediately tell him where Evelyn is.  Narrator doesn't have as much control over his vessels as he thought.

Ch 23 pg 226

He chases after evelyn's made and evelyn almost shoots him.  Plague doctor shows up and tells him he's the one that directs Bell back home .

Ch 24 pg 237

Aiden stumbles across millicent waiting for lady what's her face and says hi.  She's his mom and she's all "stop being a wierdo and call me mother " and he's all sure.  His future self stops by and has a scheme to get the footman.  He later talks to Anna and she's all, don't do that.  He says he won't but he's gonna.  She then tells him at 10 pm he has to be where she puts a rock and not move from that spot and watch for evelyn to see what gappens.

Ch 25 pg 259

Stanton wants to talk to narrator. But he's gotta wait cause Stanton is talking to evelyn.

Ch 26 pg 267

Millicent owes Stanton money.  He's gonna have his man beat up Johnathan a bit to send a message.  Problem is, Johnathan hits the thug in the head with the chess board and gets away.  Even better, he finds the doctor that's treating Stanton's head wound and convinces him to sedate said thug.  He then rifels around Stanton stuff and finds a letter to evelyn from a felicity Maddox.  Then somebody hits him in the head from behind.

Ch 27 pg 279

Narrator wakes up as the butler and plague doctor is there and they chitchat.  He tells him Anna is going to betray her.

Ch 28 pg 288

Narrator wakes up in Johnathan. His head is hurt real bad.  Someone smashed a vase over it.  He goes to doctor Dickie's room and fixes himself up.  He makes a real mess of things.  Doctor duckies comes back from the hunt amd is very upset to se Johnathan.   He talks about all the rapes he helped cover up and how Johnathan said sorry about each of them but obviously felt no remorse.  He pulls a gun on him. It's the gun evelyn kills herself woth.

Ch 29 pg 295

Johnathan steals the doctor's gun.  He figures if evelyn is going to kill herself wi5h this gun, he can put himself at the center by taking it.  He decides to snoop in evelyns room and doesn't really find anything. 

Ch 30 pg 302

Evelyn comes to narrator and says gimme the gun.  He gives it and goes to his rock to wait.  Before that his mom dies of a heart attack. 

Ch 31

Narrator goes to his rock and sees the events unfold exactly as they did when he watched as the big fat guy.  Then someone slams into him.  He thinks he's being attacked.  But he's not, Michael just ran into him on his way to evelyn.  So it's not the same cause past time it was Michael that pulled evelyn out of the reflecting pool.  This time he didn't.  Narrator feels great about this cause something changed 

Ch 32

The footman kills Narrator as Johnathan in the woods with a knife.

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