Sunday, April 3, 2022

tiamats wrath prolog to ch 17

Prologue: Holden
Avasarala is dead
Laconia us the true center of the human world now.  Duarte is burying Avasarala there.  Holden and drummer are prisoners there and it suckz.

Chapter One: Elvi 
Elvi has been issued a fNcy ship and sent to dead systems in the hopes of learning more about the aliens that killed the protomolecule aliens.  But thus far they haven't learned anything.   They go to far off places, see interesting things and blow them up.  Also there's a lady that has been turned into a useful protomolecule monster and Elvi hates all of it.  In this spot yhey find a giant space diamond.

Chapter Two: Naomi 
Naomi is being smuggled and it works out and she makes her way to Bobbie and Alex on the storm.  They do some shots in remembrance of Avasarala.  They talk about what made her remarkable.  Bobbie says she was a fighter and Naomi says she was politically inclined.  This leads to the two of them arguing about what to do with the storm.  Bobbie wants to go fight, Naomi wants to try to use its existence as leverage.

Chapter Three: Alex 
Naomi and Bobbie are fighting. They are go8ng their separate ways.  Naomi has some other mission on her smuggle container.  Bobbie is waiting for orders from Saba on what their next target is.  

Chapter Four: Teresa 
Teresa is duartes daughter.  Shes 14 earth years old.  Hes the king ๐Ÿ‘‘of Laconia and he makes her go to boring meetings to train her to be the queen of Laconia when he dies.

Chapter Five: Elvi 

They ate 8nvesitgat9ng the giant space diamond.  The protomolecule infected lady (though they refer to her as the catalyst and state shes not a person anymore) on the ship is there to see if proximity to these sorts of protomolecule aliens artifacts and see how they react.  This one is mirroring the protomolecule infected lady's brain activity in an area about the size of greenland.   It's also opening up ring gates within the giant diamond.  The theory is that this thing might be a giant hard drive that stores the collective knowledge of the protomolecule aliens. But the admiral that's in charge of this mission doesn't care.  We're wheels up in 89 minutes. Off to the next system to find something amazing that he doesn't care about.

Chapter Six: Alex 
They are gonna attack some laconian ships that are escorting a trade union freighter that's on the other s8de of Jupiter.   These aren't fancy new laconian ships so they're no match for the storm.  Problem is the plan is for Bobbie to take the freighter over.  The laconian ships seem to know this so they shoot at the freighter. The storm gets shot right in the radii, so while they're winning the fight, they have no means of communication so they don't know how Bobbie is doing on the freighter.

Chapter Seven: Bobbie 
Bobbie main target on the freighter is a laconian diplomat.  Secure that package and we have a treasure trove of intel.  The mission seems to be a success.  The freighter is just not prepared to be bored by six marines in power suits.  They seem to have achieved all their goals without any loses.  Super mega happy ending.  But then the getting shot at by the laconian ships discussed in Alex's chapter happens.  One of their people dies due to the missle that was shot at the freighter.   The diplomat and a couple resistance spies die due to lack of air.  It's super sad.  And they can't communicate with the storm.

Chapter Eight: Naomi 
Naomi has been stowed away her escape pod/mini cargo ahip doing intelligence work.  Helping the resistance infiltrate the new growing systems. It's isolating but it's also kinda fulfilling every  time she makes communications work with her limited resources. That said, “God damn, but I have to get out of this fucking box.”

Chapter Nine: Teresa 
Nothing interesting happened in this chapter.

Chapter Ten: Elvi 
They have found an empty system.  They have a plan for trying to "communications" with the aliens that killed the protomolecule aliens.   They are gonna send ships through the ring gate until it goes Dutchman.  Then they're gonna send through a ship with a bomb ๐Ÿ’ฃ  and it'll blow up wherever the dutchman'd ships are.  Then they're gonna try it again and see if things are different.   We're trying to determine whether what I'm calling the aliens that killed the protomolecule aliens ๐Ÿ‘ฝ  is an actual intelligence of some kind or a force of nature. 

Chapter Eleven: Alex 
There's nothing in the news about their attack.  It's unsettling how Laconia controls that.  No free press in the laconian empire.   Alex is starting to think the revolution is a lost cause.  He gets a message from his son saying he's doing well in school.  he's got a girl and he's crazy about her.  His little boy didn't do too bad 

Chapter Twelve: Bobbie 
Bobbie is going through all the stuff they hijacked off the freighter. The funnest thing is some mysterious balls.  She calls and engineer to FaceTime and talk about it.  It's some sort of antimatter battery.  Cray cray.  Bobbie thinks she can use it to destroy the Tempest.  BTW, the Tempest is coming.

Chapter Thirteen: Naomi 
Naomi gets a message from Jim.  After that message, Duarte added a message of his own basically saying if she turned herself in she and Jim can live happily ever after.  A resistance lady shows up with a vac suit and tells her the gig is up.  A laconian destroyer is coming to search the ship soup to nuts.  They're gonna clean up Naomi's container to make it look like what the shipping manifest says it is and try to pass her off as one of the crew.

Chapter Fourteen: Teresa 
Theresa has a friend named Timothy that lives in a cave.  That's wierd. “Hey, Tiny. I wondered when you were coming back.” OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIIIIIT!!!!!  you KNOW who that is 

She talks about how Holden said she should keep an eye on him.  Timmy says it's a guide idea.

She goes back to her room and can't sleep, so she watches Holden's servalence video.

Chapter Fifteen: Naomi
Naomi is working with Emma to cover their tracks.  They do some botoxy stuff and a haircut to make Naomi look different.  She slips into a two shift work crew.  When the laconians come to inspect everyone it looks like She might be caught cause she's not on the roster.  But the crew chief says she's an apprentice and we move on with life.  She follows the rest of the crew to the mess hall when their shift is over and just sorta hangs out looking inconspicuous.   Emma shows up and grabs them some chow.

The crew boss comes back around and gives Naomi a card that'll get her into a room and has some money on it.  Says it was a real honor to cover for her.  I teared up a bit at this.  Real emotional moment there for a guy that wasn't even alive book before last to recognize Naomi as the legend she was and do her a solid.

Chapter Sixteen: Elvi
They do the science of sending ships through the ring gate until it goes Dutchman and then send through the bomb ship.  The ring gate starts boiling.   The admiral is super psyched.  In his estimation this means the aliens that killed the protomolecule aliens can be bargained with.  Elvi disagrees.  Fayez, you remember him from a few books back right?, notices it's not just energy coming out of the ring gates.  We've got some protons coming through.  Suddenly they remember how close to unstable the sun in this solar system is.  Maybe the aliens that killed the protomolecule aliens are doing this on purpose to try to make the sun go supernova.  It is time to gtfo.

Chapter Seventeen: Alex
Alex talks to some young guy about how he's worried about him but really he's worried about his son.  Than he goes to Bobbie and she talks about her plan to blow up the Tempest with antimatter.   Alex thinks its a bad idea.  Bobbie says if he doesn't wanna do what might be necessary to win this fight maybe he shouldn't be on her ship when they leave where ever it is they are now.

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