Monday, February 28, 2022

why zebras don't get ulcers ch 7 to CH 12

Ch 7 sex and reproduction pg 101

You should watch the anime cells at work

Stress makes it hard for men to reproduce because it makes to election.  Different thong for femail human as stress can lead to fat loss and the body needs a certain amount of fat for female reproduction to work.  Hyenas get erect I one under stress as a means of showing subservience.   Breastfeeding can affect fertility.   Cultures that breastfeed once every fifteen minutes for the first four years of a child don't ovulate cause of the way breastfeeding this way creates hormones.

Ch 8 immunity stress and disease pg 126
The theoretical steps that start with stress and end with disease are
1 stress
2 stress response
3 lowered immunity 
4 disease
It's super hard to test this theory in non lab conditions cause your average human doesn't really know if they've undergone serious stress and even if they do there's no good way to measure whether or not you have lowered immunity due to that stress.
This pattern appears to be true for armed thongs like the common cold,  UT not so muchnwoth other things like cancer.

Ch 9 stress induced analgesia pg 159
Stress creates opiods as natural pain killers so your body can still function when you're running away from a lion or whatever.

Ch 10 stress and memory pg 172
When we undergo stress our body releases glucocorticoids, which go to our  hippocampus in our brain 🧠  and for a short period of time help is create and retrieve memories.  This is a short lived phenomenon.   To much of this for too long and it starts to fry your Nurons.  This is why we remember some stressful times but can't recall other far more stressful/traumatic times.

Ch 11 aging and death pg 195
When we get old the parts of our brain that sense levels of glucocorticoids are too high don't function as well.  This causes neuron damage, which causes stress, which causes more release of glucocorticoids and the cycle is very destructive.   It's what causes salmon to die right after they spawn.  Same with some kinds of mice.  We get old, we don't handle stress as well and it kills us.

Fuck you glucocorticoids.

Ch 12 why is psychology stress stressful  pg 211
 Having friends around during stressful times is one way to mitigate the negative affects of stress.

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