Sunday, January 9, 2022

why zebras don't get ulcers preface to CH 6

Lots of thanking people for their help.  Explanation that this book is about how this book is about how stress makes us more susceptible to certain  diseases.

CH 1 why don't zebras get ulcerz pg 1

This book is all about stress.  There are certain disorders where the body doesnt release the chemicals it should during stress and ut really sucks.  But theres lots of diseases that are made much worse because of stress.  We're gonna focus on some of those deseases chapter by chapter.

Ch 2 glands, gooseflesh and hormones. Pg 19

One of the four F's is sex.  That made me giggle.
The pituitary gland is important.  It secrets important hormones.  But it's not making those decisions, different parts of the brain send signals to the pituitary gland to have it secret the right hormones at the right time so our body has the ability to properly respond to stress.  Lots of science went into figuring out how that works and the folks that did it won a Nobel prize for it in 1976.
The adrenal gland does something similar.

CH 3 strokes, heart attacks and voodoo death pg 39

The heart is a bit of a one trick pony when it comes to stress.  Pump a lot of blood to the extremities so you can fight or flight or whatever.

CH 4 stress metabolism and liquidating your assets. Pg 53

The body does some fun stuff with energy when under stress.  It shuts down digestion and starts pulling fat and protein from non active muscles to use as energy for the muscles that are fighting for fighting or also blocks insulin reception cause it wants all the energy it can get.  This is fine if you're glucose typical.  But if you're diabetic isucks super hard.

CH 5 ulcers colitis and the runs

I really enjoyed the part where they explain that diahrea is due to the large intestine evacuation asap without doing its primary job of reabsorbing the liquid.

Ulcers sound like they suck and I didn't get any sort of good idea as to what I should do about it.

CH 6 growth pg 80

Babies and children in general need to be touched.  Lack of touch causes stress, which results in lack of growth.  Interestingly the body does something weird.  It doesn't stop with the growth hormone as much as it has an anti growth hormone it secretes.  There's tons of accidental human evidence of this.  Then there's tons of experiments on animals to prove it as well.  If you have a baby, touch it tons.

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