Saturday, September 18, 2021

Altered carbon ch 37 - 42 ( the end )

 Ch 37

They're cleaning up the aftermath of the invasion of the fight club.  Ortega and Takeshi are talking about what must a guy like Carnage have prepar ed for backuo and restore when he gets RD'd.  Ortega says hes gotta habe people that can download his memories basically to the point of his death.  Takeshi counters with the theory that he might be better of with a week of missing memories if he was doing something really illegal.  Th cant interrogate you for memories you dpnt have.  He has a bit of an opifany and thunks he knows what really happeded to Boynton.  Jes gotta get to the cloud place.

chh 38 pg 317

Takeshi has been a naughty boy.  He made a copy of humslef in a badass ninja sleeve.  His first thought is that if being in this sleeve is wrong (cause earth is trying to make their import illegal 🚫 ) he doesnt wanna be right.  He has a long entertaining talk with himself.  

ch 39 pg 325

The plan is tha Takeshi in Ryker sleeve is gonna go bang miriam Bancroft again.  The ninja sleeve is gon na go do the attack on the ☁ cloud place.  Somehow this involves going with ortega to get drugs.  Allso everyine with Elliot getting in a virtual space created by Jimmy Hendricks.  

ch 40 pg 335

They do some awesome space age mission impossible stuff to get ninja Takeshi on the cloud unnoticed.  Ortega is basically a distraction talking to Kawahara about Takeshi. Takeshi witnesses some of the super illegal stuff the cloud gets so handsomely paid to keep hush hush and he kills the customer.

Ch 41 pg 345

Takeshi makes his way to Kawahara.  He has guns and he explains that elliit has corrupted her stack backup with a virus.  So if she wants to make it out of here alive, it'll be with a full confession, which he will record via a divise in his eye.  The rough stuff story is that the Meths are against this 653 law where they can bring dead people back to testify.  Right now Catholics are exempt.  Soo the meths pretty !uch only use Catholics for their snuff play.  I dont remeber the details but basically after Bancroft killed a Catholic girl who was given plastic surgery to look like his wiife, Kawahara told him about this whole conspiracy and framing Ryker and everything and he decided to kill h imself rather than get involved.

trepp shows up and shoots Takeshi.  The n she turns on Kawahara but Kawahara haas Takeshi gun and kills trepp.  Takeshi with his fancy ninja body is still alive and fights Kawahara.  Shhe ends u p ripping the recording device out of his eye,  but he has a tiny bomb in his hand and it s powerful enough to blow up the floor and the tw o of them start falling.

ch 42 pg 360

Takeshi visits a science lady and she confesses she injected one of Bancroft's clones with some chemical.  He then goes to Miriam and she confesses that Kawahara had her inject the clone knowing it would make his seed poisonous and as such the next person  he had sex with would die.  That's how they had him murder the Catholic girl to get the blackmail that didn't work.

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