Sunday, June 6, 2021

Landmarks ch 10 through glossary XI

chapter 10 the black locust and the silver pine pg 289
John Muir wrote about california nature even though he's a british. He did it so good that he convinced Theodore Rosevelt to turn the sierra nevadas into a nationally protected land. Sweet.

Glossary IX woodlands 305

branches, leaves, roots and trunks
butt - lower part of the trunk of the tree
Cramble - crooked branches used for firewood
griggles - small apples left on the tree

fallen wood and cut wood
shakes - cracks that form in timber as it dries

woods and woodlands
rhedynog - abounding with ferns

ch 11 childish pg 315
Kids should be allowed to go explore in nature.  But they ain't no.more.  That's why programs where adults bring children out in to nature are important.  The show Craig of the creek is pretty good.  It basically shows this life of cartography that Robert is sad children don't have these days.

Post script pg 329
There's a guy in Qatar working on a nature words like st like our friend Robert.  Turns out its
HE sent Robert the B section and it was over three hundred pages.

Glossary X 
You can write your own words here.  I checked this book out from the library so I'm not gonna do that.

Glossary XI gift words
HE wrote some.words here before the.Glossary section
This book was published in 2015.  He got a bunch of people sending him their own nature words.  One from a 96 year old woman.  some times physical materials like flower, seed, bark, etc. Was.also included.  

Here's my favorite of those words

apricity - the sun's warmth in winter
birra - land abounding with wells and springs
bobowler - night time flying insects, but especially moths
dendrophile - lover of trees
eske - trickle of rain before a big storm
flittermouse - bat
milkbottle - ice slide made by children in the winter
noost- a place where a boat could be hauled from the sea and safely left, often a hollow, natural or man made.
petrichor - smell of rain before rain has started
I like that they had puthery twice but once with two Rs
radjel - a pile of rocks a fox hides in.  Remember that time we read that book about foxes.  That was great.
roddie - small foot path
struttle - stickleback
tiffle - to potter aimlessly in a landscape
tweavelet - small leaf bundles snagged around a stick after a flood
wheman - wind that howls around corners

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