Saturday, November 7, 2020

ABC murders ch 18 through 35

ch 18 poroit gives a speach
Frederick Clarke wants to form a special legion of people connected to the ABC murders to bring ABC down. He can pay for everyone to be involved with his dead brother's money.  They all get together at Poirot's place and they talk about what they can do before the next murder letter comes.  They've all got little things to try in their home towns to try and wring more information out of the other friends and family.  They talk about how all the post marks on the letters are London and that means ABC is likely a Londoner.  Frederick Clarke has the idea to put an advert in the paper trying to get ABC to respond.  Poirot doesn't think much will come of it.  But they've all got something to occupy their minds until the next letter comes.

ch 19 by way of sweden
The special legion has left and Poirot and Hastings get to talking.  Poirot was exited how quickly Megan Barnanrd pointed out that all of Poirot's talk was just talk.  Hastings' is all "so you don't believe what you said" and Poirot is like "Kinda, but really I just wanna get the converstion started.  People might reveal the things that they currently don't know they know in the midst of that conversation"  They talk about the relationships that seem to be forming.  How Thora Hastings is astonishingly beautiful.  Then she comes in to explain that she didn't quit her job working in the late MR. Clarke's home, she was fired by his wife, who is very bad off and nearly toward the end of her life.  

ch 20 Lady Clarke

They go down to talk to Lady Clarke.  She talks a lot about how she never liked Thora Hastings and got rid of her ASAP.  She talks about how Thora claimed no one came to the house that day but Lady Clarke clearly remembers Thora talking to a regular looking man the day Car was murdered.  They go back to london and they're talking about how there's no way that Thora could be in league with ABC.  The boyfirned of the murdered girl  comes to talk to Poirot.  He's had a reoccuring dream.  He's strangling his girlfriend with a belt and then when the deed is done he looks at her again and it's her sister.  He thinks maybe he actually killed his girlfriend and had a psychotic break and can't remember it.  The fourth letter comes.  The next murder will be in Doncaster on September 11th.

ch 21 descriptoin of a murderer
Chrome comes to get the letter to take it to the authorities.  Frederick Clarke tells him of their legion.  Chrome mentiones how little resources they have.  Clarke counters that they've got an Axe to grind and that's not nothing.  Poirot mentions to Thora Hastings that Lady Clarke saw her the day of the murder with a man.  She remembers now, it was a man selling stockings.  Stockings, Poirot remembers that the Old lady that was murdered's sister bought stockings for her the day of the murder.  And it was a door to door salesman.  Poirot thinks that this stocking salesman is ABC.

ch 22 not from captain hastings personal nerrative
Our murderer, Mr. Cust is talking to a lady about the trip he's goin on .  he seems quite anxious.  Possivly sick and the lady suggests he might not go on the trio.  He says he must, for the good of the business.  Once one starts in on business, one must contue on until the job was done.  We know he's going to Doncaster.  He says he's going somewhere else.  Somewhere not close to Doncaster.  Last time he told her a place that was close to where the murder was.  He recognizes this as a mistake, hence the other location.  She talks about how the race at Doncaster is going to be bigger than ever and the city will be swarming with police due to the cerial ciller saying that's where the next murder will be.
She goes to talk to some toher lady.  There's an itch of an idea that Mr. Cust might be ABC.  Quickly ignored as she and this other lady talk about other things.  But in their subconsious minds...
ch 23 sept 11 doncaster

The special legion is at the Doncaster track (its a horse race) doing their duty to catch ABC in the act.  Thora Grey is really beating herself up about not getting a better.look at him when he was trying to sell stockings at Car's place the day he was murdered.  Poirot is confident, if she sees him, she will recognize him.  They are going to split up and look around.  It us important that eaxh lady muat be accomoanied by a man.  Mr Clark pulls Poirot aside to once again defend Thorax Grey's honor.  Just because Mrs Clark fired her doesn't mean there's anything wrong with her.  Poirot talks to Hastings about how ABC's luck must be running out.  Three murders with no evidence, good luck.  But ABC probably doesn't see it that way.  He just think a he's very clever.  Hastings suggests he might pair with Tjora Grey.  Poirot says he should pair with Mary Drower because her name starts with a D.

CH 24 not from Mr hastings personal narrative.
Mr Led better is at the movies.  He likes it a lot as the lead actress in the film is, in his opinion, the best actress in the world.  Someone gets up in front of him and blocks his view as they go by.  He finds this very distasteful.  The movie is almost over .  just wait til the end.  The movie is now really over and he is leaving.  He notices a man in the row in front of him is asleep.  Unimaginable with such a good film.  As he's leaving someone in the row trying to pass the man realizes he's dead.  It must be ABC.

CH 25 Not from the personal narrative of Mr hastings
ABC is enjoying the evening as he walks from the movies to his hotel room.  In his room he realizes there's a spot of blood on his sleeve.  He anxiously tries to clean it, there's a knock on his door.  Hot water for washing.  He says to.go away, he already.cleaned up with cold water.  Je decides it's time to head to the train station.

CH 26 Not from the personal narrative of Mr hastings
Inspector Chrome is interviewing witnesses.  Mr Ledbetter is not useful.  There's also some sort of military guy and he also doesn't really give any useful information.

ch 27 the doncaster murder
The victime this time is named George Earlsfield.  Curious, not a D.  They interview a guy with a weak heart.  His name is Downes.  He was sitting only two seats away from the victim and had a similar build and was wearing the same kind of scarf.  Poiroit thinks maybe he was the intended victim and George Earlsfield was killed mistakenly.  Remember back in chapter 25 when ABC was washing the blood off his sleeve and the lady knocks on his door to offer him hot water?  Well, she saw the water was red and now she's here telling the police about it.  They go to the hotel and read how ABC signed the guest book and they coulnt' quite make it out, it was AB Cash or case.  They go to  ABC's room and find a bunch of boxes with stockings in them.

28 Not from captain hastings personal narrative
Tom Harrtigan comes to talk to the cops.  He knows a lady that rents a room to a Mr. AB Cust.  Tom suspects him becuase the lady told Tom that Mr. Cust was at the site of the previous murder and he came home the day of the Doncaster murder even though he claimed to be going to cheltenham.  And he read int he papper they were looking for an AB Case/Cash and thought AB Cust is pretty close.  Chrome assigned some cops to keep an eye on ABC. 
The land lady gets a call, it's for Mr. Cust.  He claims it was his sister, they've had a boy and he's going to leave to go see them.  

29 At Scotland Yard
The cops are all felling pretty good about their investigation of ABC.  They found all sorts of evidence at his place.  Even the knife from his most recent murder.  Now they just have to find ABC.

30 Not from captain Hastings narrative
ABC is out of money, he doesn't know what he's gonna do next.  It's hard to think straight when you haven't eaten in a while.  Je sees a police station and decides to go inside.  He's so weak he just falls over.

31 Hercule Poirot asks questions
They have ABC and he is pleading not guilty.  He claims he didn't do any of the murders.  They have him on the Doncaster murder, but all the evidence for the other murders is circumstantial.  He even has an alibi for the Bexhill murder.  A man in the town 14 miles away says he was drinking with ABC until after midnight.  Lots of talking between Hastings and Poirot.  Poirot thinks he might have a brilliant thought.  They gotta get the special legion together to ask some questions and then Poirot will speak to ABC and figure the truth of the matter.

32 and catch a fox
They meet with the special legion in Bexhill.  He asks each person in the group one seemingly unimportant question.  He loudly declares they must go to Eastbourne.  But then in private with Hastings he says, back to London.

33 Alexander Bonaparte Cust
Poiroit talks to ABC.  About his upbringing, his time int he war and his time after the war.  Poirot points out all the evidence, ABC talksa bout how he has an alibi for one of the murders.  ABC says he was at those placea bwcause he was under orders from his job to be there.  Poirot tells him tjat they compared the lettees to his tyoewritwr and deteremined that he wrote thisw letters with that typewriter.  Then at the end  Poirot is like "you know you did the murders right?" and ABC is like "yeah, I do" and Poirot is like "but you don't know why" and ABC is all "no, I don't"  It's pretty cool

34 Poirot explains
Poirot is doubtful that ABC is truly the murderer.  Especially Betty B.  She was strangled by her own belt.  She must have trusted and liked the murderer to gibe them her belt right kill her with it.  Poirot says it couldn't have been ABC because women are not interested in him.  As he goes along he says Mr. Clark is the true murderer.  His true goal was to kill his brother and inherit his money.  The idea sprung from him to make it.look like a cereal killer was at work using the alphabet as a device because his brothers name starts with a c and he lived in a town starting with a c.  He first needed a patsy.  He found ABC and cooked up the idea to offer him a job to have him go to the places Mr. Clark Will do the murders.  Mr Clark says that's ridiculous.  Then Poirot talks about the pile of evidence he UA's already provided to the police.  Mr. Clark pulls out a gun.  It doesn't do him any good.  Poirot had a nimble fingered associate steal his gun, take out all the bullets and put the empty gun back in his pocket.

CH 35 finale
The fun thing in this chapter is Poirot confessing that he made up some evidence when he was trying to get Mr. Clark to confess.  Thorax Grey is all offended that she was used as a pawn and I guess Betty's sister and ex boyfriend are dating now.

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