Monday, April 27, 2020

sand man

Chapter 1
They are trying to summon and bind death to that no one will die.  Where did they get a feather from an angel?  Its not death. But they have a gem, a mask and a bag and that makes thus a profitable endeavor.  
They have figured out the prisoner is "dream" that's why all these people are having this sleeping sickness.
Somebody steals the precious items 
The cult guy who.summoned drew dies
The cult is falling apart
All these poor people with the sleeping sickness are a bummer.
The culture leaders son has taken over the duty of guarding dream.  Dream escapes by playing dead and blowing sleep dust in his captors faces.
He can jump into.peoples Dreams and eat the food he finds there.
All this happened from 1916 to 1988.  So he was trapped for 72 years.
All the sleeping sickness people are waking up.
He gets revenge on the cult leaders son by giving him the gift of eternal waking.  This is super bad case he'd having hallucinations that are basically waking nightmares.

Chapter 2
Dream has been sorta floating through the dream world and ends up at Cain and ables house.  Then he summoned some witches who tell him vaguely where his gem, mask and bag are.

Chapter 3
Dream is going to get his sand bag from.john Constantine.  John thinks am ex of his has it.  She stole a bumch of stuff fro. John so she would have money to buy druggs.  Funniest amongst these are his silver surfer comics.

They go to the lady's dads house and its a gross nightmare hellscape.  They get the pouch and move on with life.  I would have expected more shenhannegans.  Now dream is heading to hell to get his mask.

Chapter 4
The wood of suicides is a place in hell and it was relatively small when dream last saw it.  Now its an endless forest.  It would not surprise me if there were more suicides between 1916 and 1988 than in all of the previous recorded history.
Etrigan is going to take dream to Satan.
I think the devil looks like David Bowie.
Hell is now being ruled by 3 people.  The other two are a giant fly and a flying pine cone with too many eyes.
They bring together all the demons.  Its a pretty cool page.  Choronzon was his mask.  They do this fun challenge thing and dream ends up winning by turning into hope.

Chapter 5
Dream takes the tip that the JLA has the stone by slipping into the dreams of an alien from appocolypse named Scott Free.  Scott takes him to see the martian man hunter who tells them the stone is likely in the JLA warehouse in upstate Gotham.
There is a bunch of stuff with the villain that used to have the stone.  His dead mom sends him an eyeball on a chain and somehow he ends up escaping from arkham and he carjacks a lady and forces her to drive him up to the warehouse in upstate Gotham where the stone is.  He also talks about how somehow he made the stone HIS.  The race is on, who will get to the stone first.
Dream gets to the stone first and when he touches it things go horribly wrong.  He gets zapped .
Dr destiny shows up and he touches the stone just fine cause its HIS.  Good for him.

Chapter 6:
There's a cafe full of people.  John Dee (Dr destiny or whoever his supervillain name is) is there.  He uses the stones powers to make them do horrible things to each other.  They all die.  So it goes.  Dream shows up.  John Dee is not impressed.  You don't even look strong enough to make it interesting.

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