Saturday, November 23, 2024

blood mirror ch 55 to the end.

Ch 55
Kip and his mind controlled animals are trying to steal some gunpowder.  It's a trap.  But they ( at least kip and the grizzly bear) make it out alive.  But if Karris's brother knows enough to set a trap it means kips whole sabotage thing isnt gonna work anymore.  They're gonna have to do war war now.

Ch 56
Teia has a chapter.  I didn't think anything interesting happened.  She still hasn't murdered anyone.

Ch 57
Gavin is still in prison and has a bad dream.

Ch 58

Teia does her murder

Ch 59
Kip us preparing for war.  Conn Arthur is the guy that can control a grizzly bear.  The dramatic reveal is he has a brother that can also do that.  He died and his grizzly bear is kinda running amuck. Kip has a two birds one stone idea to send him on a suicide mission.  Conn Arthur agrees to this.  Kip can't sleep but he can lie upon his wife's bussom and wait for the day to come.

Ch 60

Tiea is doing other stuff sneaking around after her murder.  She's killed the lady thats officially in charge but then she sneaks into the room of the magic lady thats really in charge and she's got ironfist chained to a wall.

Ch 61 pg 455
Gavin is in a black luxin cell.  He has a new imaginary fr8end that might be real.  This one isn't here to torture him.  It's here to comfort him.  Cause this is the last cell.  It's not meant to be escaped from to the next one.  This is it.  Gavin is fully trapped for good.  He's gonna die down here.

Ch 62
Teia kills ironfists sister even though he begs her not to.

Ch 63 pg 477
Liv"s dad's wife is gonna be assassinated tonight and she knows it and that's that.

Ch 64 pg 483
Kip does war.  He's outnumbered 2 to 1 but he wins cause that's what's in the script.  Funny part happens when a blue wight challenges him to a dual and kip just shoots him Indiana Jones style.

Ch 65 
Kip's grandfather has come to tell Gavin that it's time for him to die.  The imaginary friend is telling Gavin nows his chance to escape.  But he doesn't wanna kill anyone woth black luz8n cause it makes you forget.  Lots of fun reveals here.
1. Kips grandfather isn't his grandfather,  he's his dad.  We have a nice setup for an im your father scene if they wanna do that.
2. Dazen was Kip's grandfather's favorite son.  He didn't make him prism because prisms usually die in 7 years.
3. The whole plan with the war and everything was for Gavin to stab dazen with the blinding knife to take away his powers so they can restore him to sanity.

Kip's grandfather leaves Gavin down in the prison.  Presumably to kill him with poison later.

Ch 66 pg 511
Kip is doing after battle clean up.  There's lots of drama.

Ch 67 pg 521
Karris and teia talk about ironfist and the guy that requested teia be put on the mission.   Shit is all fucked up.

Ch 68
The guy that can control a bear has lost his will to fight. Maybe his will to live.  it's sad.  And there's infighting in kips army.

Ch 69
Gavin is talking to himself.  Or maybe it's a shadow of his former self or his brother's ghost or God.  And then Grinwoody shows up.  I'm personally hopeful that this is good since he's the head of the broken eye and ironfist's uncle.  But Gaven only knows him as kip's grandfather's (and actually kips dad) stooge.

Ch 70
Kip and the mighty argue about ethics until they get to wherever they're going and then kip gets on a horse to present himself to where ever it is they are.

Ch 71 pg 541

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