Saturday, September 7, 2024

something wicked this way comes

Prologue page 1
June is the best month.  This story takes place in October.

Ch 1 pg 5
Jim is a boy with brown hair and green eyes and a man tells hum his house is gonna get struck by lightning and gives him a lightning rod.
Will is a boy with blonde hair and is taking this all very seriously. 
Jim, not so much.  And even if it is serious,  what's so bad about dying in a fire?

Ch 2 pg 12
They nail up the lightning rod and go to the library. Will's dad works at the library and he is old.

Ch 3 pg 17
I listened to an audio book version of this.  It was done like a radio drama.  I don't remember this chapter being in there at all.  It's all wills dad's internal monologue and I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!!!

Will's dad is a sad man.  He wishes he could go running through the night like will and Jim do.  He thinks about the differences between Will and Jim.  Wills just running cause running is fun.  Jim is a little more purposeful about it.  Jim knows life is unfair so when he falls down he doesn't just brush himself off and start running again he looks around for the other punch in the face life is about to deliver. Will is constantly asking why bad things happen.  Jim just knows they're gonna happen and Hope's the next thing isn't worse.  

Will's dad take his sad self to his sad bar and drinks his one sad drink.

Ch 4 pg 20
This town shuts down at 9 and it shuts down fast.  The only people they run into on way home are the cigar store man, who just stands there with his mouth open and the barber shop guy who is crying because he smells cotton candy and it makes him sad for his lost childhood.  He and wills dad should hang out and be sad together. 

Ch 5 pg 24
Will's dad leaves the bar and suddenly has a feeling like Chris Mason time.  He sees a man plastering a sign for the carnival and it says my side is there.

Ch 6 pg 28
Jim and Will climb a tree to get a view of the carnival.  What they see is a stage where people are taking off their clothes and prancing about all nimble bimbly.  Will climbs down and convinces Jim to come down after a while.  Then Jim calls Will a Baptist.  Sick burn 🔥 

Ch 7 pg 31
They find a flier for the carnival and it sounds cool.

Ch 8 pg 34
Will's mom isnt dad like his dad.  She's pretty happy.  She enjoys being a mother.

Ch 9 pg 40
Jim is an only child.  His dad is dead and he had two siblings but they're dead too.  He tells his mom he's never gonna have kids.

Ch 10
The lightening rod salesman sees the most beautiful woman in the world frozen in a block of ice.

Ch 11 pg 46
The carnival comes to town at 3 am.  Jim goes to see it and will foll9ws.

Ch 12 pg 49
The boys watch the carnival ger set up

Ch 13 pg 55
Wills sad old dad sees will and Jim run home at 3 am.

Ch 14 pg 57
Sad wills dad sits there on his bed and repeats the word 3 over and over again.  He has sad thoughts that are sad.

Ch 15 pg 61
The boys go to the fair.  Ms Foley goes into the mirror maze and sees a younger version of herself drown in the ocean.

Ch 16 pg 68
They do fair stuff. At sunset Jim disappears.  Will finds him coming out of the mirror maze and Jim doesn't wanna talk about it.  Will is mad at Jim but it doesn't really matter cause Jim knows he can kinda do whatever and will will always be there.

Ch 17
They find the lightning rod salesmans bag.  Jim is excited to do the fair while everyone else goes home for dinner.

Ch 18 pg 72
The boys try to go on the merry go round.  But it has an put of order sign.  After they leave they climb a tree and they see a man go on the merry go round backwards and he gets younger.

Ch 19
The boys follow the man that's a boy now and he goes to their teachers house.  That's not her nephew, that's a man baby!!!!

Ch 20
The boys have an idea to call their teacher.  But their parents are so mad that they stayed out so late they get sent to bed with no dinner.  They sure wouldn't be allowed to use the phone.
Will's dad doesn't know what to say to.him.  so he just says be careful. 
He's too old to relate to a child.  He wishes he had never had a kid.  

Ch 21 
The boys sneak out at 10:30.  Technically Jim sneaks out and will follows him.  But also there's this thing about a bridge that if you jump on it, you can make music.  Theyve used it to let the.other one know they're gonna go somewhere. Will thought he heard Jim playing music on it.  Maybe someone else did that and that's why Jim left without will cause he thought it was will doing it.

Ch 22 pg 96
They go to the teachers house.  The nephew has stolen hwe jewelry and used i to frame will and Jim for burglary. He rules.  These kids are in way over their heads.  The teacher sees them and they run away like the idiot children they are.

Ch 23
Carousel. Nephew gets on.  It goes forward and for reasons I don't understand he stays on it until he's dead.

Ch 24
The boys call the cops.
They go to the freak tent.  
This makes no sense.  Why didn't they go to the Carousel?  That's where they saw the nephew die.  
The nephew is now part of an electric chair thing.  He gets electricity cuted and he comes to life and talks very slowly.
The cops are satisfied and they leave.

Ch 25
Teacher calls dad at the library and tells him to meet her at the police station. 

Ch 26
The boys lie to the police and tell them they live near the station and they get dropped off at some random.hoise.  then for some reason they walk to the p9lice station where they see dad and teacher.  And say hi.

Ch 27
Dad walks will home.  Will promises to tell him everything in a few days.  This is a mistake.  He should tell him now.  Dad is cool as he'll.  As he'll.

Ch 28
Dad and will talk about goodness.  Being good is a fearful occupation. 

Ch 29
An air balloon with the dust witch from the freak show comes by.  She paints the top of  they spray off the paint with the hose.

Ch 30 pg 146
Jim and Will lure the baloon to an abandoned house and try to shoot it with a bow and arrow.  The bow br3aks.  Will throws the arrow at the Ballon and it Rios a hole. The balloon retreat 

Ch 31
The rest of the night is uneventful 

Ch 32
Dawn comes. It's raining.  They in rain coats.  They find a little girl.  The little the teacher.  They figure she got backwards Carousel'd. They go toward the Carousel to find out.  But a carnival parade goes by and they hide.  They go back to find teacher and she's gone.  They think the carnival parade got her. 

Ch 33 163
Will calls home and tells his dad they gotta hide out and won't come.home for a day.or two and not to worry or try to find them.

Ch 34
The boys are hiding out in a sewer grate.

Ch 35
Dad kicks ass.  He finds will and Jim and the carnival man, with the witch in tow, comes by asking about will and Jim and dad, through a series of words and acts, convinces carnival man to fuck off.  Feeling a little emboldened he tells carnival man his name and that he works at the library. There's a very come fuck around and find out vibe to this.

He tells the boys to stay hidden and meet him at the library at 7.

Ch 36
Lightning rod man has somehow become a dwarf working for the carnival. He goes to the grate where the boys were hiding.  But they're not.ther3 anymore.

Ch 37

Dad is at the library but 7 comes and no will no Jim.

Ch 38
The boys eventually make it to the library. 

Dad has been doing some research. This carnival ain't new.  It's run through town before.  1908 1880 1840.  It's the autumn people and they're up to no good.

Ch 39

Dad's theory boils down to the carnival people being able to live forever because they use the Carousel every now and then to shave off a year.  But how does the Carousel work?  It's fueled by the pain of the people in the towns they go through.

Ch 40

Lots more talk about sin and pain and how the carnival might operate. 

Ch 41 pg 209
Carnival man shows up.  All of dad's knowledge doesn't really seem to be useful here. Carnival man asks for the boys.  Tells dad how easily he could kill him.  Carnival man says he will make.him young if he gives up.the boys.  Dad says no.  Carnival man starts to walk about calling for the boys.

Ch 42 pg 213

Carnival man finds the boys. 

Ch 43 pg 219
Dad tries to fight carnival man, but it doesn't go well and he's taken away with the dust witch and the boys are taken away by carnival man.

Ch 44 pg 225

Dust witch tries to give dad the heart attack carnival man threatened.  Somehow his nihilism wins the day and he's all fuck you witch, you know what you're doing and he starts laughing at her and somehow fire is involved and she runs away and he heads to the drug store for pain meds.

Ch 45 pg 233
The carnival man marches the boys through town. He's controlling them somehow.  He makes them smile and say pleasantries with towns folk as they walk about.

Ch 46 pg 238
They get back to the carnival and they're gonna a end the night with the witch doing the catch a bullet in your teeth trick.  I don't get why.  How is this gonna benefit the carnees?  Anyway,  they ask for a volunteer to do the gun shooting and nobody wants to.  They're about to end things and dad shows up to volunteer.

Ch 47 pg 241
Dad had a bad lefthand. So he needs help.  He calls for will. The whole crowd calls for will.  Will comes out of the mirror maze.  

Ch 48 pg 250
They do the trick and the witch dies.
They go into the mirror maze to find Jim.
The mirrors show you stuff youre afraid of.  Dad is getting a bit overwhelmed by increasingly older reflections of himself.
The lights go out.  Dad is happy cause he can't see the reflections of his old ass anymore.

Ch 49 pg 254
Will lights a match.  Dad loses his shit and puts the match out.  Will lights another one and before dad can protest will saves the day with love.  "I don't care how old you are dad.  I love you."  Fuck yeah!!!!

Ch 50 pg 257
Dad laughs again and somehow this results in all the mirrors shattering. 

Ch 51 pg 261

They go to the Carousel and they see the freaks and Jim.  Wills is all oh no, they got Jim.  Dad in a moment reminiscent of rhorshock from mystery men is all, no, we got them.  Will loves his dad and so do I.  But will doesn't get it and hes hella scared.

Carousel shenhannegans ensue. How many times did jim go around before will got him off?  Is Jim ok?  Did he die falling off the Carousel?

Ch 52 pg 270
Will is trying to wake Jim.  It's not working.  Another boy comes along and he needs help.  Carnival man is after him.  Dad goes with the boy to help.  But dad figures out the scheme.  The boy is carnival man.  Dad tears his shirt off and boy is covered in tattoos just like carnival man.  Somehow dad's goodness is a powerful weapon against the evil carnival man.

Ch 53 pg 275
Something happens with carnival man.  And then he died.  With the boss dead, the freaks all leave.
Sad part, Jim is dead too.

Ch 54 pg 
Dad realizes Jim isn't dead.  But the carnival is sucking the life out of him.  And will's sadness is part of the problem.  Dad smacks will around a bit and tells him to sing and dance and laugh and it works.  Their silliness brings Jim back.  And they all lived happily ever after.  Or maybe not.  Maybe the next threat is here already and its even worse.

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