Ch 16 pg 387
We get a "joke" where David falls down and Molly lands on him rear end first. This is a Good example of how this book is all punchlines and they are not funny.
They are lowered down in a net of sorts. They are greeted by a monster in a man suit wearing a pin striped suit. He leads them to an area where there's a golden glaming statue of them and Molly, like they're some kind of heroes in this world. They go with him to his office.
"The kittens will take your sad away"
He explains that they live in parallel universes. They split in 1864 when a man named Adam Rooney was shot and died in the Civil War. I'm their world, he didn't get shot and he invented all sorts of amazing things in what we'll call biotechnology. His greatest achievement was a computer made of pig brains. He continued to improve on this and on the same day he died his computer gained sentience. This was a big fucking deal.
The pinstripe suit wearing "man" takes them on a trip via a giant spider they can ride in ti the organic computer. Pinstripe and John keep talking but David is speaking telepathically to the computer. This is Korrok.
The pinstripe man explains that korrok has seem the future and has the invasion of our world planned out to the last molecule and they should just go along with it. Dave runs away. Pinstripe man chases him to I guess the end of the hall and makes the floor transparent and shows him dirty prison people and he brings one of them up and turns them into a monster and when Dave tries to run, the monsters grab him soooo fast.
Pg 405
John had a plan. Molloy poops out part of the bomb by herself. John takes it and kinda attaches a little cigarette to it to create a time bomb. He picks up Molly and when they get to dave and pinstripe man and Amy (who has been infected by one of the white bug things) he squeezes Molly and other bomb parts pop out. They use the bomb parts to threaten their way out. They jump into a giant frog with a black hole in its mouth.
Robert North is on the other side.he shoots Amy in the hopes it will prevent the white bugs from hatching. It doesn't work, so they throw her body back through the black hole to the other world and then she explodes in a shower of white bugs that attack the people on the other side.
Dave stabs Robert North and he turns into a jellyfish and floats away.
They get a ride back home from a guy that (to Dave) looks like Fred durst. He explains that of this was from John's point of view he would be someone else. They get home and Amy is there. They make her take her shoes and socks off so they can see she doesn't have the korrok symbol that looks like Pi. Also, the dead body is Dave. He takes his shoes and socks off and he has a pi symbol on his big toe. So John and Amy take their leave of him.
Epilogue 420
The reporter guy has been dead the whole time. John doesn't die. Amy goes to college. They keep living life with a goodly amount of existential dread.
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