Ch 6
Fred chu Getz infected with the bugs that flew out if the detective's eyeballs. David was gonna, but John lit his arms on fire via booze and the bugs didn't like that.
They carjack a couple a d go to Las Vegas. They rob Elton John's tourbus for a change of clothes. They get into Dr macaroni's show and the being formerly known as Justin shows up. I'm not sure what his plan was, but David shoots him and soysauce monsters erupt from him and start attacking people. Dr Macaroni is a former priest and can make holy water, but he needs time. So they save the day with music. Then holy water kills the diamond bugs. At that point it seems like that wasn't enough as some evil beings are coming through a soysauce portal. This isn't really explained as the next scene we get is David waking up with a goatee. Also, he's in bed with Jennifer Lopez. He calls John and John knows exactly what this is. Residual soysauce amnesia. John explains this has happened a few times a day each time the last thing David remembers is Las Vegas.
Ch 7
Back to the interview. The guy just doesn't believe David. What he's saying is unbelievable and he has no proof. David goes on to explain that in addition to whatever came through the portal, people were getting sucked into a portal and when they did, they were removed from space and time. Because he was there he and probably cause of soysauce David and John can remember another friend that now never existed. Interviewer says he's done here and Davis tells him Las Vegas was just the beginning.
Also there was only a little bit of soysauce left and David used it at the beginning of this interview to try to impress the interviewer, but that parlor trick isn't proof enough with such a ridiculous story.
Ch 8
The short and hard to remember story of the time after Las Vegas is that John can see dead people now and loves to talk about it. Jen can to and HATES it and adamantly denies it and doesn't want to talk about it. I believe at some point this caused David and John to have a physical violence fight and John ended up in jail for a bit. But David doesn't remember that very well and when he gets these bouts of soysauce amnesia John doesn't fill in those particular details. That's what I'm picking up anyway.
This all kinda changes when the three of them are at taco bell and they see the ghost of a dead lady.
then john and david kinda get into the ghost busting business.
Ch 9 pg 193
David is hearing things. The demons are taking songs on the radio and making them offensive. Also, food tastes bad. The demons are making David's life sad and empty. They have taken away the simple things he enjoyed. Also, Molly the dog is growling at the shadows.
Ken the weather guy is killed by Molly the dog. John and Dave go to investigate. Molly the dog is floating in the living room. A woman named Krissy is there too. She's a bit in shock and not useful. Molly says she only serves Korrok. This is odd because she's a dog and also they don't know who this korrok is. John gives her a mint with a bible verse printed on it and she explodes.
That Dame night, the TV sports guy danny wexler says a bunch of offensive stuff on TV. Dave figures it's something to do with the demons.
They go to Danny's house. He's got a video camera video taping his couch. They must have just left cause they watch the tape and he was recording on the couch not that long ago.
Also big Jim had soy sauce and sent it to the TV station. So thats the theoretical cause of all the problems at the TV station today.
Pg 216
They go outside and it's supernaturally dark. No moon or stars or anything. What there is is cockroaches all over the ground. They form together as a man a d they steal their car. Krissy shows up and they chase the cockroach man in her car. They smash the cars. Then there's another Molly dog and they follow her to the abandoned mall.
Dave has a gun. He might shoot the sports TV guy. He shoots a mutant zombie deer.
Pg 228
Back to dave and reporter guy. Reporter guy has had fun but hes gota go. This might make a fun Halloween article.
Stuff from the Dr's macaroni's book about how the sideways pi symbol that was on Molly's foot and has been seen all over is described as a man standing and eother stabbed in the head and groin with spears or vomiting and urinating at the same time.
He really wants to leave, but Dave convinces him to take him to the mall.
Pg 235
John has a shotgun and they're in the mall looking for monsters or whatever.
I am spoiled by the expanse and their consistent chapters.
There are coyotes and they shoot them with guns. The TV sports guy shows up. They offer to take him to the hospital. He says it's too late for that. His insides are all messed up. Also there's something specific to the mall or the land the mall was built on something about doors. Dave doesn't get it.
He has a plan, wait for the shadow man to possess him again and kill him and burn his body. But that doesn't work out. Instead the shadow man possesses Dave and shoots John in the head. But not too badly, just a graze. Krissy puts a cross on Dave and the shadow moves into her. But shes religious as fuck. So the shadow man I guess dies inside her.
Pg 244
Dan and Krissy end up ok and drive off into the sunset. Theres a cool thing with the video camera at Dan's house where they watch it and Dan's talking to them from the past. He tells Dave he's the only one that really understands what's at stake.
Pg 248
Dave and the reporter go to the mall. he explains the mall isnt haunted persay. Theres nothing consistently here. These things come and go. Also they don't have bodies and they appear to be imortal and their hate just builds to infinite values.
They walk toward the mall together and Dave starts to tell the story of the girl that disappeared.
Ch 10 pg 250
Dave is being watched through his TV. Snow storm is happening. As a result, Dave worked a double at the video store. When he gets home his dresser is open, the Karan he keeps his gun in is on the bed and the gun is missing. After a bit of looking around, he finds the gun. It was in his hand. Also, he's missing a half hour. Guessing he was possessed. John calls him to tell him Amy (big John's sister with special needs) is missing. Dave counts the bullets in his gun. One is missing. And these are special explosive rounds. So Dave is rightfully very worried about where that bullet was shot.
I'm gonna talk some shit about this book for a bit. Dave gave Amy an offensive nickname in high-school. Earlier in the book Dave seemed to have a moment of shame about that. But here on the phone with John he goes on and on about it like he was very proud of that accomplishment. Thought maybe there was some character development earlier but I guess the Author forgot about that.
Dave goes over to Amy's house. John and his cop uncle are there looking around. Theres four odd things here. The first is missing Amy. I'm a little vague on why they know she's missing in the first place. Second, Molly the dog is back. Third, there's a wierd jellyfish thing that's attracted to electricity and humps the light if you turn it on. Fourth, there's a wierd bag of (what we will call) fat in the bathroom. And the door in the bathroom was closed and locked.
Lots of fun mystery. The whole time Dave is feeling like he probably abducted Amy during his missing 30 minutes. Also, he finds his shed key in pocket. He is thinking maybe Amy is in that shed. He tells John to investigate the jellyfish and he goes back home.
Pg 269
Dave goes home. On the way there's a wierdo in his back seat that puts a big leech thing on him and says If he keeps driving it'll be ok. But instead Dave burns the leech with a cigarette lighter and he plans to shoot the guy with the gun, but after stomping the leech into sludge the wierd guy is gone. Wierd guy called himself Robert North.
Dave makes it to the shed. There is a human body under a tarp.
Ch 11 pg 280
Hindsight being 20/20 Dave wishes he had killed himself knowing what was in the shed.
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