Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Hyperion 6

 Pg 411

They're getting close to the time tubes.

They're gonna spend the night in some spooky place before they head in.  A couple fun things happen here.  They see true war fighting happening out in space.   It's a ways out in the solar system. So not really a danger to them.  But fun to watch like they're really distant fireworks if you ignore the whole people dying part.

Pg 421 

The consul's tale: remembering siri

The consul says before he can tell his story he's gotta tell someone else's story. So he puls put his zune and everyone listens to this other story about this other guy.

the.other guy is at a funeral.  Siri is dead.  He somehow has children that are older than him.

This other guy is a space cowboy.  He's got a contract on a ship that takes stuff to and from the new Maui colony.  When he was 19 he fell in love with siri when she was 16.  Relativity is hell  on a relationship. The next time he comes back he's 19 and she's 26. They talk to dolphins.

They go to the festival to party and the guys friend from the ship is there and there's some separatists that hate the shippers and his friend is killed by siri's cousin and our guy kills a bunch of separatists.

Pg 447

We're back at Siri's funeral.  Our guy is being encouraged to do a thing to wrap up the show.

our guy is named merin.  He 's on a fishing boat with Siri.  She's 70 years old.  She 's worried about whats going to happen to the planet when they turn on the farcaster and her pla net joins the hegemony.

He says politicians and scientists and other friends will come.  It will get ugly when the petroleum industry comes.  She's surprised they haven't moved past there being a petroleum industry.  Merin has a great line "No one gets beyond a petroleum economy.  Not when there's Petroleum."

Pg 454

Back to siri's funeral again.  The tomb is empty.  His son tells him she was cremated.  There's a secret box for him.  It has a bomb.  A bomb that Siri has given him to blow up the farcaster.  He does.

Pg 461

We're back on hyperion watching the space battle.

Consul explains that he's merin and Siri's grandson.  Merin made this recording before he went off to die fighting the hegemony. Now the consul is going to tell his story. 

The consul's story is a hoot.  His father became a senator when pretty much the rest of the family joined the rebellion.  But really he and the consul have always been part of the Maui rebellion.   The consul, due to his dad's influence,  gets a sweet job being consul on far out worlds.  I don't remember the details,  but he does stuff thats impressive to the point where he can pretty much go wherever.   So he goes to some world where he can communicate with the ousters.  He finds out fun things like the technocore destroyed earth with a black hole.  They come up with a scheme to release the shrike, which will somehow be good for the ousters. It doesn't go great for the ousters cause they show up to do the thing and the consul kills them and turns on the machine to free the shrike.  I guess the idea is the shrike will kill the technocore.  Idk.

So now we're in the present and the group is discussing how to Best kill this traitor. They decide not to.

Pg 476 epilogue

They all hold hands and sing "We're off to see the Wizard" as they make their way to the Shrike.

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