Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Hyperion 6

 Pg 411

They're getting close to the time tubes.

They're gonna spend the night in some spooky place before they head in.  A couple fun things happen here.  They see true war fighting happening out in space.   It's a ways out in the solar system. So not really a danger to them.  But fun to watch like they're really distant fireworks if you ignore the whole people dying part.

Pg 421 

The consul's tale: remembering siri

The consul says before he can tell his story he's gotta tell someone else's story. So he puls put his zune and everyone listens to this other story about this other guy.

the.other guy is at a funeral.  Siri is dead.  He somehow has children that are older than him.

This other guy is a space cowboy.  He's got a contract on a ship that takes stuff to and from the new Maui colony.  When he was 19 he fell in love with siri when she was 16.  Relativity is hell  on a relationship. The next time he comes back he's 19 and she's 26. They talk to dolphins.

They go to the festival to party and the guys friend from the ship is there and there's some separatists that hate the shippers and his friend is killed by siri's cousin and our guy kills a bunch of separatists.

Pg 447

We're back at Siri's funeral.  Our guy is being encouraged to do a thing to wrap up the show.

our guy is named merin.  He 's on a fishing boat with Siri.  She's 70 years old.  She 's worried about whats going to happen to the planet when they turn on the farcaster and her pla net joins the hegemony.

He says politicians and scientists and other friends will come.  It will get ugly when the petroleum industry comes.  She's surprised they haven't moved past there being a petroleum industry.  Merin has a great line "No one gets beyond a petroleum economy.  Not when there's Petroleum."

Pg 454

Back to siri's funeral again.  The tomb is empty.  His son tells him she was cremated.  There's a secret box for him.  It has a bomb.  A bomb that Siri has given him to blow up the farcaster.  He does.

Pg 461

We're back on hyperion watching the space battle.

Consul explains that he's merin and Siri's grandson.  Merin made this recording before he went off to die fighting the hegemony. Now the consul is going to tell his story. 

The consul's story is a hoot.  His father became a senator when pretty much the rest of the family joined the rebellion.  But really he and the consul have always been part of the Maui rebellion.   The consul, due to his dad's influence,  gets a sweet job being consul on far out worlds.  I don't remember the details,  but he does stuff thats impressive to the point where he can pretty much go wherever.   So he goes to some world where he can communicate with the ousters.  He finds out fun things like the technocore destroyed earth with a black hole.  They come up with a scheme to release the shrike, which will somehow be good for the ousters. It doesn't go great for the ousters cause they show up to do the thing and the consul kills them and turns on the machine to free the shrike.  I guess the idea is the shrike will kill the technocore.  Idk.

So now we're in the present and the group is discussing how to Best kill this traitor. They decide not to.

Pg 476 epilogue

They all hold hands and sing "We're off to see the Wizard" as they make their way to the Shrike.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

The Black Prism ch 36 - 64

 Ch 36 pg 211 Gavin

This chapter is Hella spoilers so I'm gonna go down few lines






Gavin tells Devin that he found his bastard child. 

But it's not Devin's bastard child, it's Gavin's bastard child. Because Gavin is Devin.  In their final battle Devin assumed Gavin's identity.  Awesome. 

He runs into the white.  She tells him he's late for class.  He asks about the girl from Kip's village. She is the daughter of Devin's old General.  Makes it even more exciting now that Gavin is Devin.

Ch 37 pg 218 Kip

Kip goes to testing.  The guy doing the testing punches him.  Then some other guy comes in and throws that guy out.  Then a girl comes in and they do a bunch of tests to see how well he can see colors.  He is perfect.  He's a super color seer.  Then iron fist comes and and is all WTF, I told the other guy to put him through the thresher.  The other testers are like, fuck no and Iron fist is like fuck yes, this kid is leaving with the prism tomorrow amd needs to be put through the thresher now.  Everyone else is like who is this kid that makes him so special.  Kip blurts out that he's gavins son.  Everyone is now amenable to the thrasher.

Ch 38 pg 229 Liv

Liv and her class are walking up a steep staircase to class at the top of a tower.  Gavin is there.  Shenhannegans ensue and the punchline is that Gavin ( who's really Devin and was super good friends with her father ) recognizes her as a bichrome and this instantly makes her life infinitely better.  

Ch 39 pg 238 Gavin

Gavin is a little crazy.  Being locked up all alone for a long time will do that to you.  But learning of his son has given him hope.  He is able to make a blue blade and cut off his red hair and somehow this is going to help him escape.

Ch 40 pg 242 Devin (he calls himself Gavin but he's really Devin.)

Gavin meets with the color guard and telks them they have to give the city of garrison back to the tyreans or their new king is going to take it by force.  They vote to send an investigatory group there.  It will take two months to go, investigate and return.

Ch 41 pg 255 liv

Liv got a loan so she could pay back the people that were paying for her color magic training. The lady is not pleased by this.  She says either Liv spies on the the prism or she's gonna ruin liv's life.  Liv gives her the money and tells her to fuck off or die.  The bad lady leaves.  Shortly after there's a knock on her door.  Luv us gonna kill this chick.  But it's not her.  It's the prisms slave with a message, come at your earliest convenience. She doesn't know what to wear.  So she says fuck it and just goes in her work clothes.

Ch 42 pg 263 Karris

She and the general (who everyone thinks is dead cause everyone else in their village is) are trying to go after the Tyrean Army. A scout spots them and they try to take them down before they can get word back.  But it's a trap abd karis us captured.  The General might have hit her over the head.

Ch 43 pg 269 kip

He goes through the thrasher.  It sucks.  You're basically tortured until you pull the rope.  Only one person ever didn't pull the rope.  Dazen.  The real point of the thresher is that while you're being tortured your inner oovra comes out in your fear and from that they can see what colors you can draft.

Ch 44 pg 281 Liv

Liv goes to see Devin (who everyone thinks is Gavin) and he asks her to tutor Kip and keep him humble.  Then he f

Uses color magic to fly them down to the courtyard near the testing chamber.  He blurts out some orders and goes inside.

Ch 45 pg 290 gavin

Gavin yells at the girl that put the rope back in in Kip's hand.  Kip tested positive for blue and green and inconclusive for superviolet.  Gavin did something to the testing stone with ultraviolet.  Not sure exactly what. Gavin brings in Liv and she take Kip to his room.

Ch 46 pg 298 kip

Liv tries to take kip to his room.  She realizes she has no idea where that would be so they go to her room instead.  He tells her about the town and he thinks her dad is dead.  She doesn't believe it.  Her dad is a badass, if Kip got out, he got out too. She's right, but Kip doesn't know this.

Ch 47 pg 306 Dazen

His dad doesn't know he's not Gavin.  You'd expect his dad might want to talk about his bastard grand son Kip.  Nope, not interested at all.  His main priority is to see that he got the white luxin dagger.  He assumes this must be a super important thing his dad and Gavin used to talk about.  EVERYTHING depends on the white luxin dagger.  A dagger thay Dazen didn't know existed until right now and so he lies to his dad and says he just didn't think that the random box the king claimed Kip's mother stole from him would house a white luxin dagger.

Dazen"s dad over extended himself in the prism war and now has to live in complete darkness.

So Dazen has his marching orders.  Go to garrison,  do whatever you want with the town, but kill the king and get the white luxin dagger.  Then when he brings it back to his dad, he'll find him a good woman to settle down with.

Ch 48 pg 314

Liv's best friend finds her and tells her she's being thrown out of hogwarts.  Her supporter lost money or whatever.  It's all bs.  This was the doing of Liv's old supporter who's just the worst.  She says she's bought her feiends contract and she's gonna end up being a whore on a galley until she's likely killed as that's what usually happens to women on galleys. So Liv says she'll spy on the prism for her.

Ch 49 pg 319 Dazen

Dazen's mother knows he's Dazen.  She has helped him to be Gavin.  He's shared most things with her as she's the only one that he can be honest with.  But he told her Gavin was dead.  So he doesn't tell her everything. 

Ch 50 pg 326 kip

Kip wakes up on liv's floor.  There's a lady that tries to.kill him.  It doesn't work out.  It especially doesn't work out when Liv shows up and does something so cool I'm going to explain it.  She sends a line of ultraviolet luxin to the lady's face.  Then she sends a bead of yellow luxin along that string and it explodes in her face.  Using her newly authorized yellow powers, she can make gun happen whenever she wants.  Physical violence is cool.  I could totally see that happening in slow motion on the TV show on HBO that my cousin should work on.

Ch 51 pg 332

Gavin (don't forget he's really Dazen) is talking to the white.  He's going to Garrison. She speaks to the impractical nature of this idea cause it's gonna take so long.  Then she kinda tricks him into telling her his flying speedboat trick.  Knowing it'll be fast, she's no longer arguing against this.  They also talk about Kip's trst and what Gavin did and I still don't understand. But if in the end there's fatherly love involved, it'll all be worth it.

Ch 52 pg 337 Karris 

Karris and the king talk.  He wants to marry her.

Ch 53 pg 344

Kip tells Gavin about the murder attempt.  Gavin says it's time to get the fuck out of dodge. Liv is coming with. 

Ch 54 pg 349

Gavin is trying to escape.  He's woven something out of his own hair and he channeled enough blue to cut his chest open and shove the woven hair thing in.  Somehow this will result in either escape or death.

Ch 55 pg 351

They're packing up to leave.  

Ironfist nakes Kip also carry Liv's pack.  Its more complicated for girls.

Ironfist is famous so it's a bit awkward for kip walking through the city cause people keep slowing down to stare at him.  But they get to the docks and Gavin is there and people don't slow down to stare at him, they stop completely. Tons of people trying to get close enough to touch his robes as he walks by.

Kip thinks to himself "What am I doing with these people?"

 The four of them hit the open sea 🌊 

Ch 56 pg 357

There is a pirate ship.  They destroy it.

Ch 57 pg 364

They make it to garrison and make their introduction to the docmaster and Liv and kip are sent away while Gavin and iron fist take care of business. 

Ch 58 pg 370

Liv teaches kip some stuff and gives him a pair.of green glasses.

Ch 59 pg 377

As we are aware, Liv's dad is alive.  He makes his way to garrison and talks his way into the palace and meets Gavin.  I'm so happy for Liv. 

Ch 60 pg 385

Corvan Danavis knows that Gavin is really Dazen.  So really this is a tearful reunion of old friends.  But they can't show that in public.  So they hatch a scheme that Corvan will be in charge of the Army to defend the town against the king's assault.  But they're both gonna be real begrudging about the whole thing to keep up appearances that this is a marriage of convenience at a desperate time.  Corvan also tells Dazen about Karris being captured and while Dazen is a but worried, he's confident she'll be ok in the end.  Dazen doesn't tell Corvan about Liv or Kip, but he sends them down to the room they're in.

Ch 61 pg 393

Liv is trying to teach Kip more theory. This whole thing is Hella awkward. If Kip could do me a favor and try to be friends with Liv and focus on the work and forget about his childhood crush I'd really appreciate it.  But I feel that about basically every boy in every fantasy novel.  I'm gonna have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

Liv's dad shows up and somehow it makes things even more awkward. 

Ch 62 pg 398

Gavin gets kip, says they're going for a walk.  He says he doesn't eat until he's made a green luxin ball.  There's a fun thing where a wagon has broken down and they think they're gonna have to shut down that gate for the day, which is gonna suck.  Gavin saves the day.  Everyone loves him.  ❤️ 

Kip doesn't get to eat yet cause he hasn't created a green ball yet.

Ch 63 pg 409

Liv doesn't like this whole situation. From her perspective Gavin killed her mom and no matter what she and her dad should hate him forever because of that.  Especially when the people their going to fight is their country's. 

We know that he knows that Gaven is really Dazen and that's why he's happy to lead the army this time. But he can't tell her.

Ch 64 pg 416

Kip is having a heck of a time creating a green ball.  Gavin tells him the key word for green is wild.  The governor shows up and starts to complain at Gavin.  Kip has a lot of negative thoughts and feelings and I don't know how but that brings out his wild side and he creates the ball.  Then he goes nuts and throws the ball at the governor. It's far more forceful than he expected. One of the governor's guards comes after him with a sword.  A blue luxin wall appears and kip is saved.  The governor demands satisfaction and Gavin demands that he fuck right off.  Iron fist was the one that made the blue wall that saved him.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Hyperion section 5

 Section 5 pg 311

They hear bad noises and go to the captain's room to check it out.  There's a human body's worth of blood in the room.  We're gonna assume he's dead, presumably killed by the Shrike. 

They make it to the end of the road with the sail wagon and now they're in a tram car that's gonna take them somewhere.   There's mountainss involves.  The lady detective oa gonna tell her story.

The detective's tale: the long good bye.  Pg 325

She's hired by a beautiful man to solve his own murder.  Turns out he's an AI.  Nit just that, an AI that was built around the writing of Keats.  There's your hyperion connection. 

The AI calls himself Johnny. She's following his credit card receipts to see where they lead.  She ends up in a dive bar and shows an old gross man Johnny's picture and says if you've seen this guy, it's your lucky day.  His response is priceless.   "If it is, itll be he first time ina long fucking time."

She follows leads that go nowhere.  Johnny calls her to tell her that someone tried to kill him again.  They go on adventures.  They engage in physical congress.   Someone tries to kidnap Johnny in the night.  She stops them.  She tortures one who tells her the shrike temple sent them.  They take their car to the empire state building and there's a portal that takes them to the shrike temple.

The guy at the temple says that Johnny has previously agreed to make the pilgrimage to Hyperion. This must have happened in Johnny's missing week.  Also, the other ai robot they killed that tried to kill Johnny has been introduced as Johnny's body guard.  So they were worried Johnny was getting cold feet and they sent thugs to make sure Johnny followed through. 

Johnny explains some techno babble stuff to detective that makes this all seem unlikely. 

But now he understands why he wanted to go there because he'd have to be a person to do so and he wants that.  Someone doesn't want him to and has tried to kill him at least twice to stop him.  But he's determined to do it.  So they try.  The turning into a human thing works.  Also he has implanted a super chip in the detective's head in case he needs to send her a lot.of data real quick.  This is pretty much foreshadowing as trying to get to the shrike temple Johnny is killed.  But before he's full on dead he transfers himself into the detective's head. So he didn't technically make it to Hyperion,  but he will kind  of make it to Hyperion in her head.  Oh, also, that's his baby she's pregnant with.