ch 62: Harry is a piece of shit, he poisoned a dog.
ch 63: Harry finds a chronus club in bayjing. They tell him stuff.
Ch 64 this is about a time when there was an oraboran
named akinleye who had forgotten her previously lives.
Harry went to her in her second known life when she was freaking out and explained the deal to her in the hospital she was shackles to her bed. He had the hospital destroyed and built a better one with better doctors on the spot.
Ch 65 it's virgina that has been killing oraborans for Vincent. Harry pumps her full of chemicals and electrocution and she forgets.
Ch 66 Harry is going to Cambridge to study history. His biological grandmother doesn't like it.
Ch 67 in this life technology appears to have accelerated quite a bit. Jet engines and kidney transplants happening before their time.
Ch 68 Harry's at some party and he sees Vincent. He's calling himself Simon
ch 69 Charity hazelmere is another oroboran. Harry runs into her at the library of congress. She chastizes him for becoming a journalist and using his own name. It's dangerous to draw attention to yourself likethat. There's a war on. But I guess Harry has a plan and he tells it to Charity.
ch 70 The trick with vincent is that he think s Harry doesn't remember anything. But Harry does remember. But Harry can't let vincent know he remembers or vincent will see harry as a threat and that would be bad. Harry's having a heck of a time with this.
ch 71 Vincent calls harry and hires him to investigate companies he is thinking of investing in. It's all a ruse to get Harry in his pocket. This goes on for decades. Then Vincent invites Harry to his mantion in Maine for the weekend. Turns out it's an engagement party. The bride to be is Jenny from Harrys fourth life. Harry's having a hard time keeping his composure. He slips away outside so he can have a good cry.
ch 72 Vincent is doing this as a kind of torture. At least that's what Harry thinks.
ch 73 Having seen Vicent Mary Jenny Harry is feeling nostalgic so he goes to visit his old home. The shack his father lived in is all overgrown with ivy. He is grateful that Arthur never once told him the truth of his birth.
ch 74 twoard the end ofhis natural life, Harry tells Vincent about his remembering of his previous life. Vincent tells him they've been friends for centuries and shows him a special electric hat that will help him remember. Harry sees it and immediately knows it's a device to try to make Harry forget. But Harry plays along with it.
ch 75 Harry gets zapped by the thing
ch 76 Vincent's foregettener diedn't work. It just killed Harry and he was reborn as usual and charity showed up when he was 6 to do the chronus club's work. Harry is trying to keep a low profile so he goes through early life as a b+ student. One day a very young Vincent shows up saying his father sent him and he gives him a notebook.
ch 77 Harry goes to war and Vincent is there.
ch 78 Vincent gives Harry letters with advanced scientific knowledge to send to folks all around the world. Harry goes to charity for advice. she's oftwo minds The first is don't mail the letters because of the damage he knows it will do to the world and they immediate capture and torture Vincent. The second is to mial the letters cause getting the info on Vincent is more important than what happens to humanityin this life.
ch 79 Vincent taqkes Harry to Swizerland where he's almost done with the quantum mirror
ch 80 Back to harry's third life when he's looking for relibious answers to his oraborean sitution. He's hanging out with a lady in India who's a big scammer and he loses faith.
ch 81 Vincent fires up the quantum mirror. Turns out Harry has been quietly sabotashing the quantum mirror for years. He changes a number here, a decimal point there and it's all dangrously horribly wrong. They shut it down but it's too late. The meltdown is happening. Harry saves Vincent's life and takes the worst of the explosion and radiation. On his deathbed Harry tells Vincent of his childhood and Vincent tells him of his. Harry now has the info he needs to ensure Vincent will not be born in the next life.
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