They decide to refuse the offer. Unfortunately the Houston lady disagrees and shuts down their ship and sends the former laconian destroyer to talk to the laconians.
Chapter Nineteen: Kit
We got a lot of wedded new baby bliss going on here. But then it is ruined when r
Rohi tells Kit that the San Esteban system has been blinked out of existence.
Chapter Twenty: Elvi
There's not a lot of useful progress here.
Interlude: The Dreamer
I think I get it, this is Cara trying to communicate with the giant diamond that's a protomolecule alien hard drive. She's trying to learn about the gates. But there's another presence, I'm thinking it's Duarte and he wants to know where they have the weapon they tried to use to kill the goths.
Chapter Twenty-One: Tanaka
Tanaka goes to the rebel base to get Teresa. She's wearing a power suit. When she's greated by Jillian Houston instead of Naomi Nagata she is not pleased and after a bit of talking starts killing people but lets Jillianrun away. Her plan is simple, follow Jillian as she's probably running toward Teresa.
Chapter Twenty-Two: Jillian
She releases the Roci so they can run away to fight another day. She gets on the storm and goes to kill the other laconian ship.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Jim
A space ship going as fast as it can is no place for an old man.
Even though he’d been crewed up with her for almost a year. Time is wierd. It's weirder when you're reading a book where theoretically long periods of it go by while people are traveling long distances in space. The closest thing we've had to show us time's passing is that Teresa had her 15th birthday on Laconia and her 16th birthday on the Roci.
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Lighthouse and the Keeper
It's a fun mixup of little stories here. One Bout Tanaka scheming to catch the Roci. One Bout a ship making their way through ring space to Bara Gaon. Jim has a few paragraphs where Amos tells him they gotta go see Elvi. Kit and his baby and his doom scrolling wife go dutchman, but for the first time we see them come out the other side. The roci makes it through to Elvi's system. Tanaka is in the slow zone when things go all weird.
Chapter Twenty-Five: Tanaka
So Kit's ship didn't make It to whatever is on the other side of going dutchman'd. It sorta undutchmand.
Also there was a blip event where everyone was in everyone else's minds and Tanaka is worried that everyone knows her private business. Her announcement to the crew declares that these were all hallucinations. Trejo tells her to get back to work finding Duarte. She has no idea where the Roci went but their best guess based on ring gate activity is Bara Gaon. I feel like somehow this is going to cause a lot of suffering for the ship in the previous chapter that went there.
Chapter Twenty-Six: Jim
They get to Elvi without incident.
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Elvi
They talk about what's going on without incident and Cara and Amos are gonna go in together and try to talk to Duarte.
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Tanaka
Tanaka is losing her mind. She realizes this is a problem and schedules a psyche eval.
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Jim
Jim is hanging out with Fayez a lot cause neither of them really have much to do but wait for their women to do the real work.
Interlude: The Dreamers
This is basically a talk between Amos and Duarte. He says we can use the weapon the Roman's built to keep the goths out of.our universe but f9rst we gotta become a hive mind.
Chapter Thirty: Elvi
Maybe it was Elvi talking to Duarte the whole time. Everyone in the lab saw Duarte. She reads through Tanaka's briefings about the blip where everyone was in everyone else's minds and it feels like bullshit she's spewing cause she can't handle the truth. Amos comes in and tells Elvi that the Black eye experiments are over in that you do what I want or you die way that is just so Amos.
Fur true true, I kinda hope Elvi kills Amos.
Chapter Thirty-One: Tanaka
The psyche eval goes surprisingly well. Tanaka went a whole other day without trying to kill someone. Then she gets drunk and takes the pills she was prescribed. Then comes a message from Mr science. We found Duarte's ship. It's at the ring gate station.
Chapter Thirty-Two: Kit
His kid is in the emergency room. The doctor knows it's part of the incident and there's a standing order to send anything incident related to Laconia, but the doc is a fan of Alex's so he doesn't do that. But everyone is scared all the time. They're losing their minds as more frequently their thoughts are not their own vut from someone else that's was involved in the incident.
Chapter Thirty-Three: Naomi
We are all lost like raindrops falling into an ocean.
Naomi takes Trejo's offer. Trejo sends back a super angry acceptance message and also Duarte's location.
Chapter Thirty-Four: Tanaka
There's lots of drugs that can inhibit this shared .ind thing. Tanaka goes to the hospital and gets all of them. Also the therapist she saw tells her that she's now sharing memories with Tanaka. So this thing that Duarte did is spreading. She's gonna try to go to Duarte and make it stop.
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