They taze a guy and there's a lot of really lame belly aching about this. They take the guys phone and find plans and figure that if they can shut off the capacitors Bella will fwoop back to kaiju earth. They find a cargo container they think has the generator in it that's charging the capacitors. They go in and there's a laptop that they tell to discharge the capacitors. It doesn't work. A voice says cone out with your hands up We've got you surrounded. It's narrator s old boss.
C h 26
They're caught and it sucks and it turns out that evil ceo s family has been planning this thing for decades. Lotz of gibber jabber. The punchline of which is that they created a pheromone bomb back at bad guy base and tricked bad guy ceo into pressing the trigger. Now kaiju parasites are coming to kill them.
Ch 27
Narrator gets shit a little by evil ceo. Bella takes an interest in Narrator and evil ceo and vents near them and evil ceo gets sent through a portal to kaiju world and is o
Presumed dead. Satie and chopper 2 come through the portal to save the day. This is very good because Bella starts to fly away and they lure her back to get sent to kaiju world 🌎. They all get on chopper 2 and head to the Canadian army base nearby. Narrator thinks maybe this is a bad idea and is worried he'll end up in a Canadian prison for the rest of his life. But not to worry, turns out Satie is a coloneol in the Canadian airforce.
Ch 28
At this point everyone pretty muxh.lives happily ever after. The bad guys are punished, the good guys finish their six month tour uneventful. Narrator's old boss delivers food to him and he gives her a kps card so she can apply for Tom's job.
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