Monday, February 14, 2022

The Outstretched Shadow (the obsidian trilogy book 1) ch 15 through 18

CH 15 pg 300

the demon prince is doing some magic.  he kills three fawns and uses their blood to do a scrying spell to spy on the big city mages.  There's talk that not only are current event with kellen and his dad being influenced by the demons, but that the demons have been working to make the big city more closed off and more athoriterian for quite some time.  the more big city expands, the more the outside world will hate them until there is eventually war.

kellen is beside himself with worry that he and his sister are gonna turn into demons as a result of wild magic.  He eventually gains the courage to talk to Idaho about it and she dismisses the idea as crazy talk.  Wild magic makes people think independently and that's why the big city hates wild magic.  Kellen does a scrying spell of his own and he and Idaho see a vision of a circle of demons and other monsters converging on a centeral point.  Kellenis at that central point.  He thinks it's a vision that he's gonna turn evil and join the demons.  Idaho says it's much more likley that he's there fighting the demons.  Idaho does a scrying spell and she sees their dad running the city council meeting where he says they've gotta expand the city west to go after Kellen cause he's super powerful and if they don't go after him now, he'll build up an army to attack big city.  What a dick.

Now dad's assistant is our viewpoint.  Turns out he's  a super powerful mage and he works for the demons.  He had a big part in making sure Kellen's dad had this vision of Kellen as a super powerful wild mage that was a clear and present danger that needed to be addressed immediately.

ch 16 pg 324

Everyone is getting out of town and heading for the big  mountains to the west.  The centaur village people have a going away party for Idaho.   Idaho and kellen and unicorn head out.  Unicorn 🦄 has beef with being close to Idaho for any period of time ⏲️  so he and kellen ride a ways back.

Ch 17 pg 354
Idalia and Kellen make their way to the elven town.  It's an amazing thing of beauty.   Unicorn leaves to join the unicorn herd here.  Idalia gets a visit from an old lover.  There's drama cause he wants to marry her, but she won't cause he's gonna live for another thousand years after she dies.  Elves only marry once and if their SO dies they are doomed to a life of loneliness after that.  This is less of a worry when you marry another elf.  But it's a known problem if you wanna marry a human or any other  shorter lived race.

Kellen goes out to explore the town.  He finds a child to be his tour guide.  He has a good time.  The child takes him home and it turns out his mom is the queen so he has dinner with the queen.  She tells him about the drought problems they have and asks if he and Idalia will help and he's like of course we will.  Then he goes back to his place and has a long talk with Idalia.

Ch 18 pg 383
Kellen's dad has big time trouble.  He told everyone that the western lands were fertile and rich and would give them tons of new tax dollars.  But instead they found a bunch of abandoned lands and villages and the one's that weren't abandoned wouldn't let them in.  I'm a little confused as to why the scowering hunt wouldn't have be useful there.  One of the mage council members puts forth a thing for vote that not only do they abandon these new western lands but all lands outside of the city walls.  The vote passes 10 to 2.  Kellen's dad's assistant that works for the demons likes it cause it gives more oportunity to the demon queen.

Idalia goes to a water well to do some investigatory magic.  The idea is if she does some magic on the water maybe it can tell her why there isn't any rain here.  She tries a number of things and all her magic stores and doesn't really find much.  What she concludes is that the drought must be unnatural.  Like maybe the big city did it but she sort of dismisses this idea with the statement that the Elves have older more powerful enemies.  I'm choosing to interpret this as it being the work of the demons.

Kellen talks to an old gardener elf and then to an old potter elf.  Then again compared to Kellen all elves are old.  The potter elf has a fun way of looking at the average human life "Tehir lives are spenti n one blind hurrying rush into death, without one moment to think or reflect on any of the things that give Life meaning or beauty"

From talking to the elves, Kellen comes up with a theory that the bug city used to use wild magic and switched to the current system cause it was easier to control. He wants to ask an elf about it, but elves find direct questions to be very rude.  Kellen goes to visit unicorn.   It's a very short visit cause unicorn goes running off into the woods with the other unicorns.  Unicorn is a dick.

Elf boy shows up.  He is with the water brigade.  They take spring water and water plants in the forest. 

Idaho figures out whatever is causing the drought is up north.

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