This chapter would be really dramatic if I cared if these people lived or died. With the storm that came in after narrator headed down to camp 4 everyone is in real bad shape. You couldn't see more than a few yards ahead of you. As a result, everyone is lost. The eastern European guide tried to bring up few oxygen tanks, but nobody has radios to tell him where they are so his efforts are for naught. The Japanese lady dies. So do some less remarkable people.
CH 16 pg 225
The south Africans had the only radio at camp 4 and wouldn't share even though people were dying up the mountain. Narrator was all confused when he got near the tents at camp 4 and misidentified someone he thought he saw die.
CH 17 pg 233
Rob Hall didn't make it. He was trying to get Doug and Andy back down and they didn't make it he went by himself. That didn't turn out so great. He has a perfectly working radio and he was able to talk to base camp and the folks at camp 4 and through some sort of radio sat phone transfer at base camp his wife. They tried to send some Sherpas up to bring him down but the freezing wind was too strong. Their summit day was May 10th, they found his body on May 12th.
CH 18 pg 249
This chapter has some tidbits about some Indian and Japanese teams that were climbing everest from the Tibetan side the same day. It went badly for most of them.
CH 19 pg 255
Turns out there were a couple they thought were dead that it turns out were still alive. But just barely and they were in no shape to make it back down to camp 3. So they left them. Also, the wind has pretty much destroyed the tents, so the able boddied folks have no choice but to take the trip down to camp 3. This means having to leave behind anyone that needs help. 29,000 feet is no place for morality, just survival. There are no more guides left to take them down. A guy from Montreal takes the lead.
Narrator volunteers to take up the rear.
CH 20 pg 269
They make it down to camp 2 but a couple of the climbers have severe frostbite. There's a couple real dramatic helicopter rescues and the frost bitten are rescued. And thank goodness cause in between camp 2 and 1 is the ice shelf. It's inconceivable to think that you could head down the ice shelf dragging a couple of frostbitten guys. So the able bodied are gonna head down to camp 1. They might be able boddied, but they're sure not able minded. Everyone has to check everyone elses masks and harnesses and what not cause none of them are doing a great job of doing their own stuff.
CH 21 pg 277
This is the crying chapter. Narrator makes it to base camp and they have a beer and they cry. He flies back to Seattle and he cries. Loved ones of people that died on the mountain call him and he cries. A week later the IMAX team and what's left of the south African team go up the mountain and people cry because at the very least its disrespectful to the people that died the previous week. But also cause it's just really dangerous. One guy dies.
Epilogue pg 293
Narrator and others involved in the climb get a lot of hate mail.
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