Sunday, April 25, 2021

mist born CH 15 - 21

CH 15 pg 256
Kelseir is still alive.  He made it back to the hideout.  Sazed is the one that saved Vin.  Things are dicey.  Vin might die.  Kelsier is utterly unapologetic when Dockson repeatedly gives him shit for how stupid this was and utterly stupid and insane it was to bring Vin with him.  All he cares about is killing the lord ruler.  If Vin had died but Kelsier had made it to the inner sanctum and was able to use what he learned there to kill the lord ruler he wouldn't regret it one bit.

CH 16 pg 266
Vin wakes up and Kelsier apologizes.  She's been out.for two weeks.  She goes back to the estate.  She Sazed about what he is.  He explains he's not an alomancer but what he does is something similar as it used metal to make him remember things he knows 172 languages.  He translated the boo k vin used as a weapon.  His people are not allowed to procreate.  He has no balls.

Ch 17 276
Vin is getting ready for a ball.  She's gonna wear a pretty red dress.  Kelsier shows up and shows her a picture and tells her its from his wife.  They talk about how his wife was the one that betreyaed him.  His wife swore she wasn't the one to betray him.  But the lord ruler thanked her when they were caught.  And everyone else thinks it and she's dead anyway so what difference does it make.  Anyway, he'd rather love someone and be vulnerable and risk the chance of betrayal than live life always suspicious and untrusting.

CH 18 pg 287
Vin goes to the ball and the first thing that happens is that lord Venture plops his books down at her table and begins to read.  Nobody is asking Vin to dance cause Venture's presence at her table is intimidating.  She makes lovey eyes at some boy and they dance and she tells him that Venture is just a friend showing her the ropes of noble life in the big city.  He's been like an older brother.  This opens the flood gates and she dances all night long.  She's very tired.  Some nobel lady demands her presence.  Turns out this is lord ventures fiance.  She wants to use Vin in some social games and makes it clear that this is more of an order than a request.  Venture leaves and then Sazed comes and they leave.  As they're waiting for their coach vin witnesses a skaa boy get murdered by one of the town guard.

CH 19 pg 310
Kelsier is going around doing some info gathering and rumor mongering.  He starts dressed as a lord talking to a skaa.  The goal here is to see if there's any rumors about house Renoux.  The only info he really has is that Renoux is buying more weapons than he could possibly sell so one might be able to buy his surplus cheap.  He also repeats all the stuff about Vin and Eland at the ball.  
Then Kelsier gets dirty and plays the roll of the skaa spy and meets with Lord Venture.  He seems to know everything.  He knows Kelsier is in town organizing a rebellion and he's heard about the eleventh metal.  But he doesn't know what the eleventh metal is good for.  Most importantly, house Renoux is not on his radar.
Kelsier goes back to the mansion and talks to Sazed and Vin about the ball.  He feels like Vin is falling for Eland Venture and cautions her not to trust him.  He reiterates how disposable everyone is to the.likes of house Venture.

CH 20 pg 326
This chapter is all vin hanging out with Kelsier's brother.  He's good at the metal that lets him sense what kind of metals other people are burning.  Vin talks a lot about her tragic past.  They talk about family dynamics.

Ch 21 pg 342
Kelsier how to see the cave hideout where they're hiding the army.  Kelsier finds a doubter and makes him fight a true believer that's way smaller and slower and weaker.  Then he uses his alomancy to have the weak guy win.  The idea is that with Kelsier on their side it doesn't matter that they're way outnumbered and overmatched by the empire.  

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Mistborn chapter 8 through 14

ch 8 pg 146
Vin and Kelsier use their powers to fly up to the top of the wall surrounding the city.  Then they rise their powers to go out into the mist.  They see a mist wraith.  A horribly terrifying looking creature.  Its like a giant centipede but its segments are made up of bones of dead animals its absorbed.  One segment will be a person  and another segment will be a deer.  Kelsier explains they're not really dangerous.  They survive picking up and absorbing dead things they find.  They don't generally attack alive things.  Kelsier has a coachman  waiting for them.  He's going to take them to this fake Lord's manner in the town an hour away.  They meet the fake lord and Vin really appreciates his performance as a fake lord.  He's got an air of aristocracy and arrogance without having to constantly scream at his underlings like Cayman, the former gang leader that's been drug off to mist knows where, used to do when he was impersonating a lord.  Also the lordly manner is VERY clean and Vin just can't shut up about it.  Its the cleanest building she's ever seen.
The initial plan was for the fake lord to present Vin as his heir.  But that just won't do.  There are far too many relatives of the real lord with much better claims for this to be believed.  It would draw too much attention.  So instead they're going to claim that Vin is a distant poor (by lordly standards) relative that the fake lord is trying to marry off.  This will be good because now they've got a pretext to go to balls and what not that the fake.lord wouldn't go to by himself.  The coachman's name is something like Sext.  He says kelsier is a good man.  Vin says she's never known a good man.

ch 9 pg 171
Vin has been practicing alomany and she's getting real giid at the metal pushing and pulling.  The coachman is named Sazed and he's part of an ancient group of learned peoples that the empire has nearly hunted to extinction.  He's been training Vin in courtly manners first weeks to get her so she's presentable at court.  They need her to get in good with the Nobel's and spy on them.  The squad has been building up an army.  Preparation for the revolution is a balancing act.  You wannabe as prepared as you can be,
but also they have time move as fast as they can as everyday the danger of getting found out grows 

ch 10 pg 185
Vin and Kelsier are back in the city.  Holding meetings to recruit people to join their army.  Vin is training with breeze while kelsier gives Hus speach.  Watching as Breeze manipulates peoples feelings with his power.  On the whole recruitment is not going well.  The heist crew get together to have a meeting.  Big problem is that they don't have a spy in the government.  Vin says the guy running the longboat scam might be abke time bribe the right government guy to slip in a spy.  Bad news, Vin's gang's hideout has been found by the government.

ch 11 pg 204
They go to the hide out and it's super bad.  Blood and body parts everywhere.  This was done by a steel inquisitor.  Kelsier takes to the streets to find vins old boss.  He finds him strung up.  Vin followed him.  They look at her old boss's dead body together.

ch 12 pg 213
Vin goes to a ball.  She's very nervous at first cause she's worried she'll get spotted as a phony.  But then she's nervous because boys are going to ask her to dance.  Sazed says to tell them she's too nervous to dance.  All the boys she tells this to are understanding.  She sees a balcony and decides to go up it.  There she meets a boy who likes this spot cause he can hide from the party and read.  He says his name is Elend.  He tells her Sazed has returned to their table and she should go there so he can read in Peace.  When she tells Sazed this he says she was talking to THE lord Elend Venture.  Of the most powerful Nobel house that Kelseir invaded and stole from.

ch 13 pg 232
They talk briefly to Kelsier after the ball about what transpired.  The main take away is that Vin is not allowed to interact with Lord Elend Venture anymore.  It'll attract too much attention.
Kelsier leaves and Vin follows him.  There's this cool trail of copper rods that goes from here to the capital.  Using her alomancy to sort of bounce from rod to rod Vin gets to the capital in half the time of a horse ride.  She's been following Kelsier but then all of a sudden he's behind her with his hand on her shoulder.  What she was really following was Kelsiers coin purse and he dumped it and doubled back to catch her.  He says she should go back to their fake lordly manner.  She wants to hang out with him and do allomancy.  He shows her how the tenth metal works.  It let's you see into the future a little bit.  This is HUGE in a fight.  Someone burning that metal will always beat someone that isn't.  He then tells her to go back again because he's going to get up to some shenhanegans at the great redundant one's house.  She's all, Nah, I'm coming along.

ch 14 pg 244
They're going into the depths of the redundant one's lair.  They cut through guards like a hot knife through butter.  Everything seems to be going well as they get closer to the inner sanctum that Kelsier thinks holds the answers to the mysteries he wants to solve about the redundant one.  Then things go horribly wrong.  There's three steel inquistors.  Kelsier tells VIN to run.  He's previously stated he's no match for a steel inquistor.  There's no way in hell the two of them can beat three.  So Vin runs while she's prety sure Keslier will be dead in a matter of moments.  Vin uses her fancy see the future metal and gets a handle on a big ole book and uses it to fight off one of the inqusitors.  Inquisitors carry around obsidian knifes and while being fought with book, he stabs with knife.  Vin brought a book to a knife fight.  But she burns her pewter to make her super strong and she's able to get away.  Then she's grabbed from behind, at first she thinks it's the inquistor, then she thinks it's Kelsier, but it's not.  It's somebody else.  Find out who in chapter 15.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Mistborn prologue through chapter 7

prologue pg 1
The skaa are a downtrodden bunch.  The lords are their slave masters.  There's a traveler coming through this here plantation.  This is a known violation of the laws.  If you're a skaa, you have your plantation and you're born there and you are a slave your whole life and then you die.  The fact that there's a skaa from another place here is very dangerous.  The lords beat and whip the skaa just cause they feel like the skaa blinked improperly.  If you got caught sheltering a traveler,  it would be much worse.  
The traveler is hanging out and they hear screaming.  The lord has taken a young woman.  The lord let's the women leave after he's has this way with them.  But usually those women have accidents a couple weeks later.  The traveler decides it's time to do something about this.  The traveler has super powers.  He kills the lord and all his men and burns his house to the ground.
The skaa at this plantation are gonna make a run for it.  Cause when the lords hear about this the odds of them staying alive is relatively low.  They're gonna head to the caves in the east.  The traveler spoke of rebels being in those caves.

chapter 1 page 19
There is a crime girl, she has luck super power.  Her brother abandoned her and so she is into crime for survival.  Specifically she works for a scam artist that smacks her in the face a lot.  Beats being thrown into a whore house and then being killed by some lord that doesn't want you to have his bastard child.

Chapter 2 pg 28
Super powered murder guy has a name, its Kelsier.  Crime girl has a name, its Vin.  They are in the capital city of luthadel, which is repeatedly described as horrible.  Ash is always raining Down from the nearby volcano.  The hbic is called lord ruler (redundancy department in charge of redundancy) and he's immortal.
Vin and her gang leader do a crime.  Vin feels like it was too easy.  It was, Kelsier is there cause he's heard tale of Vin's power.  He knows she's in trouble cause she tried to use her power on the wrong guy and as Vin and her gang leader bad government dudes are following them.  Kelsier does something about it.

CH 3 pg 44
Vin is gonna high tail it out of Dodge.  But she's caught trying to flee and her gang leader beats her, as the guy with Kelsier says, half out of her senses.  That's when Kelsier shows up and kicks some ass.  Appearantly he's super famous.  The gang is humbled and amazed that he would bother with their lowness.  But he's here for Vin and the gang doesn't know what she is.  Kelsier tells the second fiddle guy to do bad thing a to the gang leader.  Let him live, but make sure its not enjoyed.  
Kelsier tells the gang he needs their hide out to plan a heist and its gtfo time for all but Vin.  Kelsier explains to Vin that she's an allomancer.  He gives her a vial with trace amounts of metal in the liquid.  She "burns" some of one metal to do her luck thing, which calms people down.  Then she's able to burn a different metal to piss people off.  Kelsier explains if she can use two, then she can use all eight metals.  She and Kelsier are God Damned super heros and they're gonna use their power to do some shit.

CH 4 pg 61
There's a lots of low theive crews like the one our crime girl Vin is part of.  Much more rare are the fancy crews with people that have magic powers like Kelsier (pronounced the french way, Kel-see-ay.  I remember it by thinking of that rap song that repeatedly says "Pass the Courvoisier") is in.  Periodically they work together.  Usually a fancy crew hires a low crew to do grunt work.  When this happens a member of the low crew is picked to be the go between for the two crews.  The formal name for this position is twixt.  Vin is the twixt for this job.  The job is nothing less than a complete and utter revolution that will topple the Lord Ruler's government.  They gotta get an army and then they gotta get the city guard to leave the city and also the inquisitors and other such magic folk need to be dealt with.  Also, Kelsier is gonna kill the Lord Ruler.  Also he says Vin isn't just the twixt.  She's a new recruit and tells everyone she's a mistborn and everyone is psyched to have another mistborn on the team.  Unfortunately, their smoker decides this is crazy and leaves.  So they gotta find another smoker.

ch 5 pg 84
They get a new smoker named clubs.  Oh wait, its the old smoker.  He's come back to double check with kelsier to make sure he's really serious about taking down the lord ruler.  He wanted to do that without the rest of the guys to make sure none of them were messing with his feelings.  You son of a bitch, I'm back in.
Kelsier needs more rare metal to do his fanciest magic.  He's gonna steal it from the top Nobel house.  This is an awesome scene displaying all of his kick ass Allomancer powers.

CH 6 pg 104
They do a lot of talking and planning.  They're gonna recruit people for the army using one guys magic powers and they're gonna train and hide in caves and they're gonna transport people in canal boats and they've Killed and identity thieved a Nobel person to buy weapons in the south and ship them up here for the revolution.  Vin is gonna impersonate a  Nobel woman.  Kelsier says his brother will deal with the steel inquisition and he must have know he was coming to say it just then cause at that moment his brother shows up and says "like hell I am" and then they go off to have a private word while Vin listens at the door like a creepy creep.

CH 7 pg 128
Vin and Kelsier are going out in the most of night 🌙 some training.  He shows her the basics of the basic 8 metals.  So eventually she'll be able to do all the cool fighting stuff he did in Chapter Five