Amelia is our main character. She's a British academic type. An Egyptologist. Married to another Egyptologist, Emerson. They speed their winters in Egypt digging up stiff and their summers in Brittan writing an out it. They have a son named Ramses who has been living with Emerson's brother's family as his wife is fond of children and Amelia is not. They are going to excavate some pyramids together as a family for the first time. There's some foreshadowing that there will be a robbery and murder they have to solve.
CH 2 pg 31
The family and a guy they hired to look after Ramses go to Egypt on a boat. The guy they hired gets sick. Somehow this is his fault because he didn't wear his special plaid belt. Why not? Cause Ramses has obtained a car and he needed his !an servants belt to make a cookie and leash for his cat. They get to Egypt and have dinner with a fancy man and there's a guest that's a fancy French man, who's in charge of excavations a nd what not.Emerson gets all uppity when he kissed Amelas han d. Emerson won't talk about where they're planning on digging. Ramses behaves himself so good. The next day Amelia and Ramses go to an antiques dealer looking to buy papyrus. They end up getting one sheet that Ramses found looking for the cat. The antiques guy claims that it's cursed. They get back to Emerson who's in a rage because they won't get the primo pyramid spot they wanted. The French guy from dinner took that spot for himself and they've got some cra ppy spot very near by with some pyramids so small and warm down by the elements they don't deserve the title.
Ch 3 pg 63
They go to dinner with some people at a fancy restaurant. There's lots of people they recognize there that are going to be digging in ruins this season. So many of them have much better spots than them. They are mocked for their crappy spot. There's a very good looking guy I'm sure will be important later. After dinner Amelia says they have to go visit the antique dealer again. They go there and they find him dead.
Ch 4 of 90
They They are awoken by th cops with her kid. The kid was at the dead man's shop. Amelia goes to the dead man's shop and finds the son of the dead man taking all his stuff. Amelia demands he put it back as it's part of an active murder investigation. They are preparing to leave the city to the dog site. They wakes up tangled in mosquito net. They have been burgled. They find a boot print as the only evidence.
Ch 5 pg 118
They take the train down to.the stop nearest.their dig site. They are met by their foreman and take donkeys to the site. They find an empty building to set up shop in. Everyone says this is bad because the place is possessed by demons. The go to the nearest village to inquire availability of workers. They meet a Muslim priest that's not inviting. They meet a Christian missionary that's overly inviting. Emerson and Amelia are stonch athiests and Emerson says Amelia was far too.polite to the missionary and he will make it as an invitation. He totally did as je shows up at their camp the next day. They go visit the French guy in charge's site with real pyramids. Ramsey's ends up falling down a sand hole and almost gets buried alive. But Emerson yanks him out. Then there's this odd thing where French guy shows up with Ramses at their camp cause early in the morning, Ramses had tried to walk to the French guys camp.
CH 6 164
They go to church. They a dinner party on a German duchesses yacht. Ramses tries to release her.lion cub into the wild. The next day they're working their dig and they're just super board with it. So when they get a message from the German duchess they're k kind of eager to visit her. But in the most boring of ways where they act like they don't wanna go and each go "I'll take one for.The team and go while you stay to work the dig.". She has been robbed . A sarcophagus and a couple valuable antique statues wera stolen. Then as they're leaving they realize that the lion cub is also missing. Their first thought after that is maybe their son Ramses did this. Emerson says of course not, but I know who did.
Ch 7 pg 202
Ramses totally stole the lion. They don't tell the baroness or anything. They just let him keep it. There's a fire at the mission and john grabs the preachers sister and brings her all the way to camp. The preacher shows up and drama ensues. The baroness's sarcophagus is found in the dessert and brought to camp. One night the come to find a giant hole in the exterior wall of the room holding the sarcophaguses and the baronesses is missing. They decide it's time to gibe up in the grave yard they're excavated and work in the pyramids
CH 8 of 251
They somehow decide the sarcophagus that was taken wasn't the one from the German duchess. Someone breaks into Ramses room. Ramses was wrapped up in a sheet and the lion was out of it's cage. The robber got away. Emerson said its gonna take a few days for gum to survey the pyramids at their site before they're ready to dig for real. Amelia decides she is going back to Cairo for stuff. Ramses wants a coptic dictionary. On her Cairo trip Amelia realizes that the worker named Hamid she suspected as being related to the antique dealers murder was his son. The least respectable son that is a druggie. She comes back from Cairo to be told that her suspect is dead. Obviously murder but the missionary who Hamid was staying with says it was suicide so as to close the book on the matter. They bury Hamid in the dessert and the missionary makes a point of saying a bunch of offensive things about Muslims. Somehow they are talking to the head French in charge who says it's OK for them to explore one of his pyramids cause it turns out Ramses has already been doing it. They talk a lot about who could be the mastermind of the criminal enterprise. They surmise the German duchess was smuggling out smaller antiques in her otherwise worthless sarcophagus. There was also a thing where they can see a fire burning from their camp and decide it was a sarcophagus.
CH 9 301
They see the growing problematic relationship between the missionaries and the Muslims. They try to talk to the Muslim priest to see if he'll exert his influence to get people to stop throwing rocks at the missionary lady that John (Ramses baby sitter) is so smitten with. Je says he's got nothing to do with it. Emerson tries to convince the missionaries they should leave starting with the lady. Ramses says he's translated the coptoc text and it's something important about Jesus and Amelia is dismissive. They get a letter from the missionary lady saying to mEET her at midnight. They go and she runs away and they get jumped.
CH 10 335
Their abductors take them to the big pyramid. They're thrown in. Its all wet, there three feet of water and mud that broke their fall and saved their lives. They have matches and a candle. The figure out they're down here with tjw royal sarcophagus. They hear voices and hide. They hear a other splash. It's Ramses, the family is back together again. I.hope the lion cub is OK.
Ch 11 352
Ramses has a rope. They form a human pyramid to get Ramses out and he ties the rope to something above to get them all.out.
They walk back to their camp and people are in their building searching through the rooms. They try to attack them and it goes badly. The hbic is Father Girgis of the church of Sitt Miriam. He says not to kill them. He's an imposter and has the real Father imprisoned. He says he didn't kill Hamid or his father. He.leaves and Ramses sneaks in the window and they subdue the henchmen. They think either brother David or brother Ezekiel is the real killer.
CH 12 383
They go to the village to find john. He's with the missionaries and he's taken captive by brother Ezekiel. Turns out he went crazy. Some of the papyrus that was the building materials for the sarcophagus that the German success bought from the murdered antiques dealer in Cairo was the same that Ramses has been translating and Ezekiel read. It said that Jesus had a son and so he had to murder the antique dealer and his son Hamid and burn both sarcophagus to destroy the evidence.
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