Tuesday, October 24, 2023

11 22 63 ch 23 - 28

 Ch 23 pg 577

Sadie's face is messed up real bad from her ex husband stabbing her.  George pretty much gives up on following lee and moves back to take care of Sadie.  He was gonna bet on the Kentucky Derby but he sees a car with a Florida license plate and is worried it's the guy that tried to kill him and walks away, no bet made.

Ch 24 pg 605

Jake tells Sadie he's from the future and here to save Kennedy.  He places a bet at a own shop.

25 pg 633

Jake gets his come uppance after the fight he bet on when some goons  related to the forst guy in dallas he won money from come to beat him up.

26 pg 671

Jake sustained some brain injury and now he can't remember who us going to kill Kennedy or where.  He does remember how because he remembers that Oswald hid his gun somewhere bear the first hotel he stayed in in Dallas.  He remembers that he has Al's notes and they're in a safety deposit box.

Ch 27 pg 689

Jake gets his stuff out of the safe deposit box.  He's gonna try to go it alone.  His plan just sorta seems to be to be there at the book depository and shoot Oswald right before he shoots Kennedy. He rents the Oswalds' old place and his plan to go it alone falls apart because Sadie shows up.  She found me, I don't know how but she found me.  RUN FOR IT MARTY!!!!

Ch 28 pg 715

HE DID IT!!!!! Jake saved JFK.  Oooohhhh weeeee it was Hella dramatic, but he got the job done.  The car blew a tire, the bus he took got run over by a garbage truck.  Sadie tried to get someone to give them a ride and the guy attacked her and she slashed him with the knife her ex slashed her with.  They end up making it to Lee right before he takes the shot.  Jake ends up shooting the window and that was enough for Lee to miss Kennedy.  Lee ends up shooting Sadie.  You wanna make an omlette, eggs will be broken.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

11 22 63 part 4 ch 14 - 22

 Ch 14 pg 353

Jake (george) goes to a pawn shop and buys some bugs.  The kind you can put in a lamp with a connected recorder.  The best the early 60s had.  He then goes to the house he knows lee harvey Oswald is gonna rent in August next year and pays the lady living there to  call him when they're moving.  Hes gonna put the lamp bugs in the house before lee moves in.

Jake agrees to shaparone a dance with the new librarin.  They get a luttle hot and heavy after.  Then she runs out.  She calls him after and tells him to come over tomorrow at 5 with condoms.

Ch 15 pg 377

They do it.

Jake gets the bug lamps from the pawn shop and theyre great.

new librarian says she loves Jake and he says it back.

she's having a hard time trusting him with all these trios to dallas he can't talk about.

Ch 16 pg 400

Jake has got lee.harvwy oswalds future house all bugged up.  He's also got his sights set on renting the house across street.

I don't care about his relationship to the librarians or the school play 0r how the librarians gonna get a job in reno during the summer so after two months she can get a divorce without interacting with her astranged husband.  Or how she's sick of narrator's shit and is primed to dump him.  So I'm not gonna talk about that. 

Ch 17 pg 431

Jake goes to the airport to see lee harvey Oswald come home.  He does.  Fun thing, he also sees librarian leaving for reno.  He goes back to little town for dinner.   You know the librarian plot line I don't care about?  Well, they won't shut up about it, so the one thing I'll report about it here is that at the dinner, someone brings librarians high-school yearbook specifically so they can get a picture of her astranged husband and Jake is worried he's gonna come to town and cause trouble. 

Cool thing that also happens back in small town is there's a reporter covering the football team and he has a fancy new listening device. He goes back to the pawn shop and the guy there just heard about this.  So Jake is probably going to get one.

Ch 18 pg 459

Jake listens to Lee and family with the fancy new listening device. This works pretty well as he can listen to people when they come to the door.  Like when a boy comes selling magazines and lee gives him the communist manifesto. 

What doesn't work as well is the bug in the house that's hooked up to a tape recorder.  Mostly cause when they're home, the Oswalds speak Russian. 

Ch 19 pg 490

Jake moves into the apartment one floor below where the oswalds are going to move. The Cuban missle crisis is starting.  Jake is worried about Sadie and calls her.  She doesn't answer so he drives to her house and finds her passed out.  He tells her how the Cuban misses crisis goes and she's cool with it. 

Ch 20 pg 523

I had forgotten that there was some military guy that al thought Lee harvey Oswald tried to assassinate before Kennedy.  In this chapter we learn that Oswald did have an axe to grind against this guy as he tried to organize a protest against said military guys tv appearance. Jake didn't care enough to see if anyone showed up.  But he did watch the TV thing and while he didn't think he deserved to die, he could do with some shaking.

At the end it is revealed that lee harvey Oswald's wife is pregnant again.

Ch 21 pg 539

Jake tells librarian his name is Jake.  Jake loses the bug in Lee Harney oswalds apartment.  He's kinda flying blind heading toward Lee possibly trying to assassinate the military guy.  But he knows when and where so at least he can be there to see it.  He thinks it might go so badly that he has to go back to the future.

Ch 22 pg 559

Jake is preparing to go witness lee harvey Oswald try to kill the white supremacist former military guy and the fate stops him.  Sadie's ex husband shows up at Sadie's house and makes her call Jake and Jake drives three hours to save her.  He calls Deke (the former principal) to help and he saves Sadie with a casserole dish of chop seui. Jake doesn't wanna shoot Sadie's ex cause it'll bring too much scrutiny.  So he doesn't and the punchline is that he kills himself with a knife.  Here's hoping suicide brings less scrutiny. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

The blinding knife ch 1 through 39

 Ch 1 pg 1 Gavin

He's kinda drifting on a boat.  Sad about losing the color blue.  A sea demon swims under his boat.  For a second he's filled with a sense of awe and wonder.  Then he realizes said sea demon is headed toward the fleet that's fleeing from garrison. 

Ch 2 pg 3 Dazen 

He's going crazy in the green prison.  Blue makes you fully logical like a vulcan.  Green mkes you wild like a Klingon.  So the adjustment is hard.  But hes logicing his way into hope of escape.

Ch 3 pg 4 gavin

Gavin uses color magic to lead away the sea demon.  Looking forward to shia lebeuf peeforming this scene in the series im hoping gets made in 2035.

Ch 4 pg 10 Karris

Karris knows Gavin is Dazen. She does calisthenics on the deck, ironfist joins her.  When theyre done, she tells hum the prism is going to leave again.  She wants him to make sure she goes with the prism.  Speak of the devil.  Gavin shows up and says shes pretty.  This part of the book (as are all the women's viewpoints) being written bt a 12 year old boy, she says something mean and walks away.

Ch 5 pg 14 gavin

Gavin tells the general that hes lost blue.  He has a plan.

Ch 6 pg 18 iron fist

Gavin tells iron fist to make kip a black guard and iron fist makes him take Karris wherever it is that he's going.

Ch 7 pg 22 kip

Gavin tells kip he has to destroy Luxlord Klytos Blue.  I'd necessary,  by killing him.

Ch 8 pg 27 karris

Karris is going with Gavin to seer Island. That's where he wants to put all the Tyrean refugees. 

Ch 9 pg 31 kip

Kip talks to iron fist about how it's hard to make good chouces in the heat of battle.  Good choices come from trauning and experience.  Kip has neither of those things, so it's nit a huge surprise that he.wouldn't see killing the king as a strategic mistake.

Ch 10 pg 34 gunner

This is one of the guys on the pirate ship that Gavin sank.  He's floating in the ocean and being circled by sharks.

He kills a sharp and makes it to a row boat.  He's gonna get vengeance against Gavin.

Ch 11 pg 38 kip

Kip is at rhe chromeria training with the black guard.  Kip has the blinding knife.  He is trying to hide it and it's going very badly.   He ends up hiding it in some other person's trunk 

 Ch 12 pg 43 kip again

Kip is in class and it goes badly.  He's sent to the hallway.  His grandfather's slave comes to fetch him.

Ch 13 pg 48 gavin

Gavin makes it to seers Island and they're all, you have to wall four hours to talk to the hbic.  He's all, nah, I got work to do.  They can come to me. 

Ch 14 pg 52 kip

Kip meets his grandfather.

Ch 15 pg 53 LIV!!!!!

Liv hangs out with the color prince.  He's more luxin than man now. He's working on revitalizing Tyrea. Also, he's not planning any specific military action.  He's gonna send his people out into the world to subtly inspire revolution. He is also putting out word that all magic users are welcome at his Cromeria. None of the pay to play bulkshit that encourages the corruption. He loses his shit a but when Liv calls one of his plans diabolical. I'm leaning in the direction that he is insane but does a relatively good job of hiding it.

Ch 16 pg 60

Kip has to fight other people training to become black guards. He does ok.

Ch 17 pg 68 (so close)

Kip likes the girl that's been assigned to be his partner.  He breaks a bully's arm.

Ch 18 pg 84

Gavin and karris are doing stuff to prepare for the incoming Tyrean refugees.   At night she cries cause it's one of her dead brothers birthday. 

Ch 19 pg 79

Kip goes to breakfast and eats with the outcasts.  Appearantly his partner was told to try out for the black guard yesterday. 

Ch 20 pg 83

Kip and his partner are on mirror adjustment duty.  Then they go to  class.

Ch 21 pg 88

Gavin wakes up after holding karris cause she couldnt stop crying.  He has internal monologue about his goals.  One of which is to tell karris everything.

Ch 22 pg 90

Kip goes to engineers class and there's maths and kip doesnt know maths.  They do a thing where they weigh 1 square foot boxes of luxin to show how much each weighs.  Then they are given a math problem the idea is you're supposed to do the math and then diagram how you would replace a weight with blue luxin.  Instead of doing that he makes a diagram where he has reassembled the broken parts of the weight with blue luxin.  He gets an A on tue assignment cause it would work, but now another teacher hates him.

Ch 23 pg 96

Ironfist talks to the white about how he r husband was an awesome poker player.  He never payed against gavins father cause he had soo much money the stakes of any bet was basically meaning less.  But then she says gavins dad wante to be the white.  The intimation is that the whites husband worked the system (That is supposed to be random) to make her the white.

Ch 24 pg 100

In this chapter they explain color magic more in a classroom setting. The teacher makes it clear she hates Kip and is real religious about color magic.  Anybody that tries to do anything different,  is sinning before God.

Ch 25 pg 104

Kip talks to his partner as they walk away from class.  Turns out she's colorblind.  Not sure how she's able to do color magic that way.  I'm sure they'll explain. The next thing is she tells him not to trust all the people offering to sponsor him.  He's Hella confused. He's the prisms son.  Why would he need a sponsor?  Because his grandfather disavowed him.  He's all alone here at the chromeria. 

Personal note, if i were him, id go back to tyrea and join the rebel army.

Ch 26 pg 106

The head of seerer Island and she tells him he's dying and he shouldn't be dieing yet.

Ch 27 pg 107

The physical training to be a black guard is hard.  Today Kip was the last in everything and he threw up.  Iron fist tells him he can quit if he wants. His grandfather has ordered iron fist to throw him out.  Ironfist is ignoring that direct order.  Kip is gonna stay.  It's gonna be torture, but he's gonna stay.

Also he's punished for swearing and has to run 5 laps and his partner has to run with him.  

Ch 28 pg 110

Kips partner gets a lecture about the difference between boys and girls.

Ch 29 pg 116

Kip's grandfather might just be the worst person in the kingdom.  He's decided to torture kip by beating him at cards and then kicks one of his "friends" out of the chromeria. 

Ch 30 pg 120

Gavin isn't making any friends on seer Island. He's forcing them to take in 50,000 refugees and this will completely destroy their way of life.  But they've gotta go somewhere. 

Ch 31 pg 122

Kip goes to the library and reads some books about cards.  It kinda helps in the he can see why he's losing now.  This time the punishment for losing is that he can't eat tomorrow and he can't go to the practicum, which is kinda a study hall for drafting.  So the kip torture is going well.

Ch 32 pg 126 Teia

Kip's partner has a chapter.  She's a slave so her life is worse and her master makes her do worse things than normal chromeria students.  In this particular case she has to steal something from a man.  She has a special secret color called paryl.   She uses it to see where metal objects people are holding are so she can steal them.  She steals a snuff box from a man.  But paryl is also good for murder I guess as she sees a man murder a woman with it.

Ch 33 pg 134 kip

The blue talks and kip tries to listen.  This man is his target after all.  After the talk, which was too quiet to hear most of, kip and his classmates tall about light bringer.

Ch 34 pg 139 Liv

Liv has a tutor.  Today he just takes her to a dress maker.  At the dress maker, Liv takes a bath and has an existential crisis. I think this guy is the guy that stabbed Gavin with the blinding knife 🔪 

Ch 35 pg 145 kip

He is spending every hour he possibly can to learn about the Blue and how he might take him down.  I wonder if he's still trying to beat his grandfather at cards.

Its black guard fight day.  Kip picks a fight with a boy that was likely getting kucked out of the black guard.  But not a real sanctioned fight.  A sudden headbutt to the nose kinda fight.  They both go to the medic.  So he doesnt have to fight today. 

Ch 36 pg 153 Teia

Teia wins her fight.  Ironfist shows up and tells them that things are about to get real hard.  The Black guard needs new recruits fast.  So training will be accelerated and some at the end of this year the top 14 join the Black guard.  Twice as many as usual. 

Ch 37 pg 156 gavin

The seer tells Gavin that the real Gavin has escaped the blue prison and intimates that it's not a coincidence that the escape happened and he lost the ability to lose blue.  I'm sure Greg will know what caused what.  Also if he has lost blue that means he's not really prism and that means there is no prism and that's Bad.   And as theyre talking about how bad, it starts to snow.  But it's not normal snow.  It's blue luxin.  

Ch 38 pg 166 liv

The rebels don't just have political differences with the chromeria and the rest of society that lets them call the shots.  They also have religious differences.  They dont believe in the one god Orlam.  They believe in the many gods.  Each color has its own god.  When you draft a color and you feel different, that is that color's god working its magic in you.  

liv's tutor is telling her all this and teaching her his idea of freedom and why its better than being in the chromeria and their (compared to.the society the rebels are trying build) conservative values.

ch 39 pg 168 ( nice) kip

Kip and his partner are getting extra secret training.