Saturday, September 30, 2023

11 22 63 ch 9 through 13

 Ch 9 pg 223

Jake comes back to the present and he and Al talk about it.  The picture of Harry on the wall is gone.  Replaced by some guy Al says he doesn't know.  Jake needs sleep, so he gives Al a ride home and says he'll be back to get him and do the time travel at 7 pm.  

Jake's cat wakes him up at 4:45 and he does some googling.  He shells out some cash to get access to the online newspaper archives.  There's an article in the derry paper a out the murder.  He keeps googling and finds one of Harry's sisters. Turns out he died in Vietnam. Fun bit, one of her other brothers was a tech wiz.  Guessing it's cause he found Jake's cell phone.

Jake goes to pick up Al.  He's dead.  So Jake is on his own to try to save JFK.

Ch 10 pg 245

Jake does soooooo good the second time around.  He kills Harry's dad when he's visiting his parents graves and doesn't leave a trace.

He makes $3,000 betting on the world series. 

Ch 11 269 (nice)

Jake feels conflicted on killing Harry's dad.  So he decides he's also gonna do Al's thing to make himself feel better.  With a bit of luck, or maybe divine intervention,  he sees that the hunter that accidentally shot the girl plays cribbage. So instead of blocking the road and faking a heart attack to stop things from happening,  he pays the guy to teach him cribbage all day.

Thing i learned today, Methodists don't gamble.

Ch 12 pg 279

Jake goes to Florida, makes some money gambling and gets the hell out cause he's got a bad feeling.  He makes his way to New Orleans and when he makes a call back to Florida finds out his apartment had been burned down.  He feels real good about following that feeling.  He makes his way to Dallas and starts to monitor Lee Harvey Oswald's family. He won't be there for a couple more years.  He doesn't like Dallas and decides to move to a small town a ways out, but close enough he can easily get to dallas and spy on Oswald's family. 

We're left with a bit of a cliffhanger as he wins a bet in Dallas and Something bad is going to happen on the ride home. 

Ch 13 pg 317

Jake enjoys his small town life and little trips to Dallas.  He's a substitute teacher and he writes his murder novel and he directs the school play.  People like him.  Not sure why.  I don't.  

Big decision,  they want him to teach full time next year.  School is out in June.  Oswald doesn't make it back to America til June 13th.  So he takes the job.

Also, the librarian, who has been important in all this, has what we are lead to believe is a fatal disease and so a new librarian is coming in and she's a buxom beauty so Jake is gonna fall in love with her probably. 

The librarian dies, Jake and the new librarian plan her memorial together.  They don't fall in love.

They go to the first football game together and there is a bit of a flirty energy.  Seems like Stephen is creating a real will they won't they kinda thing.  During the halftime show Jake has a bit of a flashback to the yellow card man.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

11 22 63 ch 1 - 8

 Preamble pg 1

Narrator teaches a GED class.  He is divorced and his ex thinks he's not in touch with his emotions. His life changed when he read a story written by a janitor about the time his dad killed most of his family.  Narrator cried when he read that story and he gave the janitor an a plus.

Ch 1 pg 9

To celebrate the janitor getting his GED narrator takes him to a diner called Al's.  Narrator is one of the few regular customers at Al's.  The guy that runs the place is named Al.  There's a time machine or something in his pantry and narrator is going through it. 

Ch 2 pg 29

Narrator goes back in time.  He has some real good rootbeer and gets to wander around town a bit.  

He comes back and Al explains things a bit.  First, when you go back you always go back to the same day and time.  Also, you're always gone for two minutes.  The reason his burgers are so cheap is he buys the meat in the past.  

I wonder where he got the old money to start with.

He has a big plan that he needs narrator's help with.  But the cancer is wearing him.out too much to explain.  He says he's gonna go home,  pop an oxygen and rest and Narrator should come over at 9:30 to talk it over. 

Narrator doesnt really love this idea.  He doesnt wanna waste years of his life in the past

Ch 3 pg 53

Al wants Narrator wants to go back in time and save JFK.  He thought he could do it himself, but then before he got the chance, he was diagnosed with cancer.  At one point he saw Lee Harvey Oswald on the street and could have killed him, but didn't.  His plan now is to try to catch Lee at what is thought to be a previous assassination attempt.   But he can't make it there again. He might only have months to live.  But narrator could try and he'd be back in two minutes. And if Al's impending death wasn't enough of a ticking clock, LL Bean has bought the land the restaurant is on and is kicking Al out so they can build a store there.

Al knows he can change the past cause he went back and stopped a girl from getting shot in a hunting accident and ended up in A wheelchairas a result.  Two things, 1 it was super hard.  Something was trying to stop him from changing the past.  2 narrator's last trip undid said saving.  Every trip back rewrites history.

Ch 4 pg 79

Narrator has a great idea.  He's gonna go back and save the janitor. He tells Al if thus works, then he'll try to save JFK.  Narrator is thinking this is a necessary task before trying to save JFK.  If Al had so much trouble stopping the girl from getting in that wheelchair,  how much harder will it be to stop 3 people from getting murdered?

Al is good with this.  They go down to the diner and Al says he'll start a pot of coffee.  It will be ready by the time narrator comes back.

Ch 5

Narrator has a fun first day in the past.  He's really saz2 all the things that were slightly different than his first visit.  he gets a haircut,  buys a suitcase,  opens a checking account,  gets a cab to the motor inn and throws all the future stuff he accidentally brought with him into a nearby pond.

Ch 6 pg 119

Narrator buys a red convertible and drives to Harry's home town of Darry.  When he gets there he hates it.  Everyone seems to be real standoffs.  Turns out that's on account of the child murders.  The bartender at the bar near Narrator's hotel gives him all the info.  So Narrator is going to do his best to avoid kids and not catch a beating for his trouble.   He has been asking around about Harry's dad.  He says he's and old army buddy name of Dunning.  Harry is informed the town is full of dunning.  Look in a phone book.

Narrator is a bit defeated by this.  How cane find Harry if can't talk to kids and his dead could be one of a long list of dunnings.  

Fate steps in.  Early in his dating career with his ex wife they went swing dancing.  Did competitions.  They mostly danced to in the mood by glen miller.  He hears this song and finds a couple of his tweens dancing to it.  They chat with narrator. They know one of Harry's siblings and give narrator the lowdown. 

Ch 7 pg 149

Narrator is casing Harry's dad to try and come up with a plan to stop him on Halloween night.  This ends with him following him to a grave yard and putting flowers on two graves.

Ch 8 ph 177

Narrator does it.  He saves the janitor. Excited to see what the janitor's life is like now.