Ch 1 pg 5
Dex is a person. They decide they hate their life in the city becuase there's no cricits. They decide to become a tea munk. That doesn't go well. They drive for a while and end up at what I'm gonna call a small village farmers market and decide to grow herbs in their trailer.
Ch 2 pg 25
We are in the future now and Dex is very successful tea monking around all the villages. Some calls Dex the best tea monk on the moon. They live on a moon. Half the moon has been given back to nature and people don't go there. But dex doesn't find the crickets. Frogs, but not crickets. Dex reads a thing about how near the top of a mountain that's in the nature reclamation area ( not special, it's half the moon) there used to be crickets. So Dex fucks off towards that mountain.
Dex is quite enjoying the solitude. So much so they play loud m7s8c and sing and its wonderful until an Allalae (which im pronouncing as Allah Lei) Damned robot comes around and ruins everything.
Ch 3 pg 51
The "parting promise" was a deal the robots and humans made. The robots would leave and the humans would leave them alone and one day the robots would come back. This robot has decided to do just that and a traveling tea monk would make for an excellent guide in the human areas of the moon.
Dex doesn't want to do this. Dex wants to be alone. Dex just wants to go to the top of the mountain in peace and hopefully hear the crickets. The robot suggests a compromise, it will go with dex to the top of the mountain and it will keep dex safe and dex will tell it about the current state of humanity. Dex has to think about it. The robot will sit and wait until Dex comes to a decision.
Dex starts to talk and the robot shushed Dex. Why? Cause there's a bear and the robot is excited to see a bear. The bear eats what's left of Dex's food and Dex jumps inside the trailer and the bear decides to leave.
Ch 4 pg 68 (so close)
The monk decides to travel with the robot. They talk about things like how the robots don't have a network where they instantly communicate nor do they have a hive mind. There are dropped boxes where they put notes for other robots to pickup. Those use the human communication network. Nobody knows about it cause robots are good at covering their tracks. Also how some robots decide to do things like stare at an anthill for a decade or so. Our robot is easily distracted and likes to do a lot of different things. That's why they're the first one thats interested in seeing what's going on with the humans.