Monday, February 10, 2025

we are legion (we are bob)


ch 1 pg 7

Bob is a rich software guy.  He just signed up to have his head frozen if he dies and he's going to a scifi con in Vegas.  Being rich he's got the VIP package.  But Jenny won't be there.  Jenny also won't be there in the future if his head gets unfrozen.  Part of the appeal as far as Alan is concerned.  Bob is run over by a car and dies.

Ch 2 pg 16

Bob wakes up and at first he thinks he's gone blind cause he can't open his eyes.  But then he thinks really hard about seeing and he can see.  It's 2133 and he's in Portland.  But it's a postapocalyptic Portland so not great.  Also Bob is an AI and due to fundamentalists taking over the government, he's now owned by a company.

Ch 3 pg 25

Bob has peripherals and he knows how to use them.  He's can even control little robots they call roamers.

Ch 4 pg 30

Bob is up for a job against 4 other forwlmerly human brain AIs.  One was lost yesterday.   Bob asks if he could see if he has any living relatives and is told that not only can't he do that, but all information is strictly controlled by the religious government in the future.

Ch 5 pg 32

A government stooge comes to grill Bob to see if he's godly enough.  Then bobdoes a vr thing where he's in control of anything space station.

Ch 37

Bob is getting pretty good at controlling robots and what not.  The really religious want to shut down the project.  Which is to send Bob out into space and find a planet to colonize.  Also the one guy that talks to Bob warns of sabotage. 

Ch 7 pg 40

There's a bunch of other countries also working on something like this.  Brazil is the most fun cause they're gonna put missels or whatever on theirs to blow up Europe or religious ship.  On the cover there's a ship shooting at another ship.  I hope it's Brazil destroying jesusland's ship.

Ch 8 pg 45

There is an attack.  Bob is able to help fend it off with his rovers.  His guy is real scared by this cause there's a nuke on the property that the powers that be will set off if they are too frightened of Bob.

Ch 9 pg 51

The guy is named dr landers.  A ministry person comes to tell him he's going to hell for his part in this.  Dr landers is a bit annoyed but in a way that informs us that this sort of thing happens to him all the time and it's just a part of the process.   Also Bob can use his rovers to hear through walls.

Ch 10 pg 54

It's been 4 days since Bob was last online. The server room was destroyed and they only had one replacement server to put an AI in from backup.  So Bob is the winner.  Also we might have to really pick up the pace.  So Bob will get to be on most of the day.  Hopefully he won't lose his mind.

Ch 11 pg 58

There a lady here instead of dr landers.  She watches as Bob has the drones build stuff on an assembly line. When he asks about life in a theocracy she has to take a minute to make sure there isn't some government stooge about to barge in.  Bob really enjoys that his people are watching the watchers.  He asks how they know he'll follow orders after launch.  She explains that is part of his program and that brings up a lot of existential questions. How is he to know why he is doing what he's doing if doing what he's told is part of his programing.

Ch 12 pg 61

Bob is sent up to the space ship and they're getting ready for launch.  Dr landers tells Bob he's disabled all the safeties so Bob should be as much Bob as is possible.  Bob decides to launch early as missiles are being shot at him.  The space station gets blown up and Bob sacrifices a couple mining drones  as missile countermeasures. But he gets away.

Ch 13 pg 68

The Brazilians have launched a probe that most likely has missles to kill bob.  On the bright side it will take a long time to catch bob.  Full on nuclear war is happening back on earth.  Bob figures this is as good a time as any to do some grieving. He cries a bunch and his VR cat tries to comfort him.

Part 2

Ch 14 pg 83

Bob makes it to his destination and starts setting up defenses 

Ch 15 pg 87

Bob makes the best use of his time by setting up booby traps.  There's a hella exciting fight scene and Bob wins.  But hes got what's left of the world possibly coming after him so it's time for him to procreate. 

Ch 16 pg 90

Bob explores the solar system and is disappointed.

Ch 17 pg 98

Bob makes more ships and makes copies of himself to man those ships and much to my delight they all seem to have different goals and personalities. 

Ch 18 pg 108

The clones all picked new names.   The original Bob, milo and Mario all left to other systems.  Bill is staying here.  Riker is going back to earth.

Ch 19 pg 110 Milo 2152

Milo finds a system with a diplanitary body and they both have life.  JACKPOT!!!  This system is these system that star trek said vulcan was in so he names them vulcan and romulus.

Ch 20 pg 117 Bill 2145

Bill made an assistant that named itself Garfield and they get along well enough to get to work on their miles long to do lost.

Ch 21 pg 119 riker 2157

Riker's assistant is named Homer like homer Simpson.  Riker is Hella serious and Homer is not so there's some friction.

It's been 9 years ship time but 26 years earth time.   All the scans seem to indicate that the nuclear war pretty much whipped out humanity.  They investigate the solar system and a decoy they send in is destroyed by Brazilian ships.  The missles are hecka advanced.  Riker and Homer are real surprised by this.  The Brazilian AI seemed 100% military and not engineery at all. 

Best of all, there are four other Brazilian drones slowly heading toward earth.  They're all a day apart and Homer figures out they're all pushing mediorites with China as its intended target.  Seems there's something left down on earth in China and Brazil is gonna put an end to it.

Ch 22 pg 125 Bill 2150

Bill builds 3 new copies.  Goku and Calvin hate each other but are inseparable. Like a sitcom married couple.  Those two get really beefy boy ships loaded for bear and with cloaking devices to investigate alpha centuri.  Faith specifically didn't send Bob there because everyone else had said that's where they were going.  

The third one is named Linus and we don't know where Linus is going.  The thought from Bill is that Linus is just happy to be away from the bickering goku and calvin.

Ch 23 pg 127 Milo 2153

Milo is my favorite.   His vr is him in an airship flying over the French country side.  He decides his work at vulcan and romulus is done.  He's got drones out in the further solarsystem gathering resources assuming eventually people will come here and need those resources. He heads off to investigate the nearest star.

Ch 24 pg 119 riker 2157

Seems most of the chapters now are only 2 pages long.  Not this one.

Riker and homer are able to kill all the Brazilian ships.  Fun bit, they talk to the Brazilian and it's a different guy.  

But now they got another type of problem,  what if there are people still on earth that need to be saved?

Ch 25 pg 143 bill 2152

Bill and Garfield have succeeded in creating subspace communication. 

Ch 26 pg 145 riker 2157

There's people still on earth.  They wanna gtfo.  Riker says he's happy to help, but he doesn't have a destination for them.  It'll take a while to build a ship for the people to leave and find a way to get them to the ship without all dying of radiation poisoning.  So the destination can be added to the to do list after that. 

Ch 27 bob 2165

Bob gets to his solar system and doesn't give a fuck about resources or procreation or any of the shit guppy cares about.  He goes straight to the planet that is most likely to have life and discovers intelligent pig/bat/spider people.

Ch 28 calvin 2163

I guess in the calvin goku duo calvin is the big spoon. No, I was wrong about that. Goku isn't here.  They split up.  Goku went to alpha centuri A and calvin is in alpha centuri b.  Nothing cool here.  Calvin meets up with goku at a half way point.  There's Brazilians in them thar alpha centuri A asteroids.  They destroy most of them.  One got away.  Looks to goku like the original Brazilian set up manufacturing and moved along.  They're gonna start building duplicates assuming the Brazilian might Come back and possibly have a l9t of missles. 

Ch 29 pg 162 Riker 2157

The theory of saving humanity is better than the practice of actually having to deal with the humans you're saving.

Ch 30 pg 166 Bob 2166

He finds a single bat/pig/spider kid that is developing tools when nobody else is.  He names him archimidis. Also, Bob makes a few more bobs to monitor the bat/pig/spiders that he is calling Deltans.

Ch 31 riker 2152

Saving humanity continues to be a pain in the ass.  Also, there's 15 million people.  A ship can hold 10,000 max.  So we need 15,000 ships.  Thus far we've identified enough materials for 4.

Ch 32 pg 174 2158 bill

Bills transmission with the plans to make a subspace communicator will take 9 years to get to earth.  I guess Milo is closer than earth cause he communicates back to Bob that he's discovered vulcan and romulus. 

Ch 33 riker march 2158 sol

Saving humanity is still a pain.  But See Germans have a seed vault that will be useful for colinization.

Ch 34 homer 2158

Not only is saving humanity tough, but homer sees how badly riker is doing as their mouthpiece. 

Ch 35 Bob 2165

The deltans are being hunted by gorillas.    Bob and his copies are debating whether or not to intervene.  Bob feels like it goes without saying and others don't feel so strongly about the deltans.  How bob ends up violating the prime directive is that he has a bunch of robots gather up flint and deliver it to archemides and the end of that the deltans are able to defend themselves from the gorillas.

Ch 36 Riker 2158

Saving humanity continues to be a pain.

Ch 37 Bob 2165

Bob interferes more in the natural order of the planet he has invaded.

Ch 38 Riker

Riker is introduced to one of his dependents.  So now he's probably gonna give preferential treatment to faith.  I don't know why but this reminds me of the scene in season 3 episode 1 of Rick and morrt when Rick is holding summer hostage and Rick says something like "we have infinite grand daughters.  Holding her hostage is like trying to use Disney bucks at a ceasers palace." If 8 were Riker is would start sending kill bots to assassinate all of the faith leaders.

Ch 39 Bob 2165

We're just bouncing back and forth between Bob and Riker here.

In the latest attack 40 people died.

Ch 40 Linus 2165

Linus finds the Australian probe.  It's AI has gone crazy.  He helps it regain sanity by building a VR for it where its a sailor and it pooos and peeeeeees. 

Ch 41 riker 2162

Riker receives the plans for the subspace communication. They find out about vulcan.  It doesn't makes saving humanity any less of a pain in the ass. 

42 bill 

He's working on getting ice from the asteroid belt to the planet.  Garfield is sick of being just an assistant, 

43 riker

I haven't read anything and I guarantee I'm gonna type some form of saving humanity is a pain in the ass.  I would probably also say that riker is bad at it and anything good that happens is because of homer working back channels. 

They habe also started pulling materials from earth's surface so they might be able to build enough ships for everyone.  But they are not going to be able to do that before everyone dies.

44 Bob 2166

Bob sends a drone down to talk to archimedes.   He tells him they gotta move to a more defensible position. 

45 Bill 2165

Bill calls who he thinks is goku and calvin but instead gets bart and now all the bobs seem to have the ability to communicate instantly 

46 milo 2165

Let's see if milo is still my favorite. 

Milo f8nds himself in a system with what we're assuming is the Brazilian probe and it shoots a lot of missles at him.  I assume he is dead.

47 riker 2166

Terrorists have succeeded in destroying a lot of food and fuel and what not that people need to survive. But nobody is willing to help anyone else.  

Arthur died. He was blown up by a nuke.  They say it's a boobytrap but knowing abput milo it wouldn't surprise me one bit if thos was Brazilian. 

48 Bob 2166

The deltans are on the move.  They.lose one juvenile from a gorillas attack but Bob convinces other deltans to join them.  They make it through the mountain pass and then there's a fore to as of yet not described disaster. 

49 riker 2166

Homer rules, he comes up with the idea ro use space stations as farms rather than a place for people to live.  As a result, faith offers up current supplies for a spot on the third ship.

New Zealand is trying to hack riker.  Hwy and how?  Because Australia is who came up with the original plans for what eventually became Bob and faith stole those plans.

50 Bob 2166

Disaster. Sooo many more gorillas on this side of the pass.  Bob is starting to get desperate with this whole situation. He is gonna start building explosives.

51 bill 2174

Bill gets the message from milo about the promise of his system and subsequent demise.  Bill is gonna make 4 bobs and send them to take out the Brazilian. 

52 riker 2168

Homer's space farm is going well.

53 Bob 2166

There's also jaguars that like to eat the deltans. 

54 Riker 2170

Ships 1 and 2 are ready.

55 Bob 2166

This place Bob led the deltans to has lots of flint, but many more gorillas.  The deltans won't survive without bobs protection. They build an alter to Bob. 

56 bill 2167

Taking ice asteroids and turning them into water on the planet is tricky.  

56 Mario 2169

Mario finds a system that had already been stripmined.  The theory is that very dangerous aliens did this.

57 Riker 2171

Ships launch with people on them to the new world.  It's real emotional. 

58 bill 2172

The bobs have their first full meeting in the bobiverse that bill has created in VR.  His solar system ain't gonna be great for people, but it's got plenty of materials for Bob clones and whatnot.

60 khan 2185

8 bobs are attacking the Brazilian system.  It's rough.  There's nukes and light sabers and really effective cloaking devices and stuff.  Only one Bob ship makes it out.

61 Howard 2188

The first colony ship makes it to vulcan safe and sound...

...for now.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

all systems red

Ch 1

Yhe narrator is a murder bot and it's on a planet with some scientists.  Two of the scientists are attacked by a monstrous animal.  The murderbot saves them.  It is harmed pretty significantly and if it were a person it would be dead.  It might be a Borg kinda thing as it has biological matter and it will take 8 hours to heal.  Also its regulator has been damaged which I interpret as meaning it won't follow orders anymore. 

Ch 2 pg 25

Murderbot is awkward around people.  It mostly spends it's time watching TV and double checking supplies and surveys and whatnot.  It also spends all of it's time with armor on, which is why after its healed and is summoned and realized its armor needed to be repaired the crew is like, "who the fuck are you?" And it says its their secbot. They ask it why the monster wasn't in their survey pack.  It is able to realize that it was hacked and removed.  Probably before it was sent to them.  The murderbot doesn't have any sex organs.   The main purpose of the murderbot is for the insurance company to keep an eye on people and that makes the murderbot feel bad so it spends as much ch time away from people as it can.  But its required to be close to a member of the crew at all times or it will be deemed a deserter and destroyed remotely.   So when the crew calls to say they are going on a trip and murderbot says it should come along.

Ch 3 pg 39

The trip is to map out some sections of the planet that seem to have gone missing from the survey materials like the monster.  But what they find is that area has a lot of interference with their instruments so maybe it's just standard incompetence or laziness or what have you instead of them trying to hide something crappy for sales purposes as we expect happened with the monster.  Fun tidbit, murderbot was expecting to ride in the cargo hold, but instead the crew made them ride in the cabin and it was HORRIBLE!!!

Something worse is discovered on the trip.  There's a different company doing similar stuff on the other side of the planet and they have stopped returning communications.  Murderbot is pretty sure they're dead, but still talks their way into getting to go on the much longer trip to investigate. The murderbot seems to be programmed without any sense of self preservation. 

Ch 4
They get to the other camp and there's no activity. They go inside and find dead people.  I'm not sure exactly how but somehow murderbot figures out that this is the work of other murderbots.  Something about this and the realization that those murderbots might try to kill their people really pisses them off.  At this point i got real protective mom energy from our murderbot.  If you're familiar with the last Harry potter movie I'm specifically thinking of the not my daughter you witch spell that Molly Weasley uses to kill Bellatrix Lastrange.

They find a dead murderbot and based on the size of this camp they figure they have two other murderbots to deal with. 

And they do.  But then there are other murderbots that show up.  The team does their best to handle them and they all get away alive.  That is until murderbot realizes the offending murderbots had remote control implants and that in the fight one of the offending murderbots also fitted them with one.  They figure the remote controller will use them to kill their people.  So the murderbot commits suicide. 

Ch 5
Murderbot is unsuccessful in its suicide attempt. It tells us it wasn't a fur real suicide attempt. It was meant to incapacitated itself while the
e people figured something out.  And they did.  They figure out some one is coming and they gotta go and they do.

Ch 6 pg 101

Turns out one of the people here is basically the president of their planet. If the bad guys knew this they never would have tried this kind of stunt.  THE COMPANY would stop at nothing to apprehend someone that killed a head of state.  More importantly,  someone that caused them to pay out such a huge insurance settlement.  But they don't know anything about the bad guys. Murderbot might have a solution for that.  He left some drones recording audio and video back at the base.

Ch 7
They go back to their old camp to pick up the footage that the drones recorded.  Fun bit, the bad guys are on camera saying we know you must be recording, meet us at these coordinates at this time to talk.

They come up with a plan.  The murderbot and the president go to the meeting while the augmented human sneaks to their camp to.launch their beacon. They talk woth the bad guys about how their whole deal is that this planet used to be populated and you're not allowed to stripmine a formerly occupied planet.  But oooh eeeeh, if you could get away with it, you could make TONS of money.

Problem is, the bad guys make the president and murderbot come with. But the beacon launch is successful and murderbot grabs the president and jumps off a cliff so they're not incinerated by the beacon's launching rocket.

Murderbot comes to and it appears that their planet was a success as they are now in the big hopper being picked up by a transport.

And murderbot is probably right cause we only have 8 pages left.  Not enough time for a sinister surprise imho.

Ch 8 pg 141

The people buy murderbot so it's free to come to their planet and do whatever it wants there.  It will live with the president. This is a great kindness to a being that everyone else considers to be property.
Murderbot rewards their kindness by hopping a ship out of there never to be seen again. What a dick.