Sunday, December 22, 2024

the mercy of gods

Ch 1 pg 3 David
There's a scholarship named Dafyd.  I'm calling him David from now on.  David likes a girl named Else who's boyfriend Tonnner is in charge of the project David works on.  But it's not like David is trying to get his boss's girlfriend cause David's Aunt is the HBIC in terms of who gets funding so David would be on whatever project she tells people he should be on.  David has a sort of go along get along attitude and likes to put people at ease.  But it's about God Damned time that he grew the duck up and started living up to his potential rather than spending all his time worrying that he wasn't making other people's lives easier.  His first step in doing so is staying at this work party and networking instead of going home like he wants to.  He heard a rumour that someone is trying to take over their department and he talks to Else about it.

Ch 2 pg 16 Jessyn

Jessyn is on David's team.   I gather she's an older lady.  They don't give ages but from the conversation it seems she's older than irynna and a guy named Nol is too.
Humans came to this planet 3000ish years ago through the ring gates.  But they don't know that.  What they know is the human biology and the native biology don't mix.  That is until now when their team cracked the code.
They're celebrating this achievement. Jessyn isn't anymore cause she's got am angry email from Tonner that just says we need to talk tomorrow.  There is a special place in hell for people like Tonner.

Ch 3 pg 23

Someone higher up has declared that the team is going to be split up.   Sounds to me like David should  have a talk with his aunt to see what she knows. Toner is convinced they have been betrayed.  

That's meaningless.  What matters is the girl listening in on their conversation while eating a sandwich.  She's been possessed by something she calls the swarm.  It's going to use her and then kill her and move onto another host.  This feels like the protomolecule alien magic.

Ch 4 pg 33
The betrayer is named Rickar.  Autocorrect will be referring to him as Richard if he's a going concern.  
Tonner feels bad.  Mostly cause he feels embarrassed. 

Ch 5 pg 42
The swarm has moved onto a new host and finds it still enjoys sweet pickles the way it's old host did.  As its host it introduces itself to someone named samar austad.
Some of the people on David's team talk about their meaningless lives.  It becomes meaningful when someone tells them that Samar Austad has been murdered.  Probably by whoever the swarm is currently inhabiting. 

Ch 6 pg 52
Samar was in charge of the group Richard was going to. So they don't really have to worry about their group getting broken up.  But they're also murder suspects. 
Also, that's additionally, more meaningless than I previously thought cause not only is the swarm a thing but there's things in space heading to their planet.  Probably space ships.

Part 2: catastrophe pg 71
It's an excerpt from a log where the writer says basically that the universe is cold and unfeeling so it's ok for them to be the same.

Ch 7 pg 73
This chapter is heckin fun.  It describes the invasion from the invaders side of things.  How they observe that we communicate with only a limited sonic and light spectrum. They are a hivemind and so they are interested in how we of the same species are not connected and how different people in different places are kind of doing the same stuff even though we are separated. 
The fun part is they've discovered another significant species. The way they describe it as mostly existing underground it's like an intelligent fungus.  I'm guessing this is what the swarm is.  The invaders aren't going to worry about them.
Makes me kind of excited about the idea of people and the swarm working together to defend their planet.
With the amount of communication the planet is sending to the invaders they kind of expect to be attacked by spaceships as they kinda figured out the people must have arrived here on spaceships. But no,  there aren't any space ships to attack them.  
But the people do shoot some nukes at them.  These are easily dealt with by the probes and don't make it anywhere near the ships.

Ch 8 pg 81

The invaders are like mini Thanos and say they'll only kill 1/8th of the population. We see one of the resesrch assistants on David's team die.  He describes it as being stung by a bee.

Ch 9
David is taken to be Corraled with other scientists after successfully hiding out for 5 days.  He meets one of the other lab assistants on his old project there.  Alien life exists and they are assholes.

Ch 10
David is caged up with a veritable who's who of the planet. They might be on a spaceship. The swarm is there and calls the invaders they great enemy. 

Ch 11
A group decides to fight the aliens.  It kinda works.  They successfully overpower one.  But then as it is nearing the end it kinda explodes poison on everyone nearby.  David is near by and has all his clothes melted off by the acid spray and has to be nursed back to health.

Ch 12 pg 131
They appear to be nearing the end of their spaceship journey.
The only interesting thing that happens is that Tonner is there and Else tells him she will be staying in her own room and he's all butt hurt about it. 
I view this as a win for David.

Part three puzzles pg 147
War is the way for the CarryX.  It doesn't matter if its unethical. To not be at war would be denying the truth of all life.

Ch 13 pg 149
The concuring aliens have brought the resesrch team back together.  The aliens want them to do what they did on their planet with making it possible for the people to eat the native planets vegitation but with spieces from two other planets.  Tonner tells the guy that betrayed them back home to fuck off and die.

Ch 14 161
The concuring aliens are trying to concur a new planet.  It goes badly.  They're basically killed by what I would describe as space zombies.  But when you're a small part of a hive mind it's no big deal.  You run away with the data you have so you can come back and win the next fight.

Ch 15 pg 172
Jessyn is a bit traumatized so she is just kinda running on autopilot.  Going though the motions when she really wants to lose her shit.  Compared loses his shit.  But it all rounds out and everyone goes back to doing science.

Ch 16 pg 184
In this chapter it struck me that this place is kinda like the prison in season 3 episode 1 of Rick and morrty where it wasn't just a prison, it was also a highly defended important government building.  This place isn't just a prison, it's also a highly important government research facility. 

David works on overcoming the fear of this place as a prison and focusing on getting what he needs for research.  It takes him 8 hours, but he's able to procure pens and paper.

Ch 17 pg 196