Douglas started this endeavor as a radio thing on The bbc. It started before that when he was hitchhiking through Europe and was about to pass out due to overly aggressive consumption of alchohol and looking at the stars thought if there was a hitchhiker guided to the galaxy he would get the fuck out of here.
I have the teen version with pictures
Ch 0 pg 1
They talk about the hitchhiker guide to the galaxy. Its largely inaccurate, but it's more popular than the galactic encyclopedia because its slightly cheeper and has the words don't panic on the front.
Ch 1 pg 5
Arthur dent is a human man whose house is going to be demolished to make way for a bypass. Ford Prefect (I have not read this book since Harry Potter became a thing.) Is an extra terrestrial and he doesn't care about Arthur's house. He convinces him to come to the pub.
Ch 2 pg 25
Ford orders six pints and tells Arthur to drink up. The world is ending and he needs to drink those beers as a muscle relaxant.
Ch 3 pg 31
Earth is destroyed by a vogon ship to make wah for a galactic highway.
Ch 4 pg 46
Zaphod beeboebrox is the president of the galaxy. But he only took the job as part of a heist.
Ch 5 pg 58
Arthur and Ford have been beamed to a ship. It's a vogon ship. Vogons are jerks and they blow up inhabited planets to make way for interstellar highways. Funny story, having just destroyed am inhabited planet the captain of the ship just got a message telling him there's new kinds of spacecraft that don't need interstellar highways. This is upsetting.
Arthur and Ford were let on the ship by the cook's who are an alien species called the dentrassis. The angry vogon captain sends out a ship wide message. Its basically to the hitchhiker and it's that he's gonna catch you and kill you.
Ch 6 pg 74
Ford and Arthur hunker down in the dentrassis`s room and hope not to be caught while they go through hyperspace.
Ch 7
Ford and Arthur are tortured with poetry and then thrown out an airlock.
Ch 8 pg 82
They are picked up
Ch 9
A lot of highly improbable stuff is happening around them as the probability drive gets us back to normal.
Ch 10
They describe the improbability drive.
Ch 11
Zaphod and trillium are annoyed by the depressed robot.
Arthur and Ford don't think much of him either.
Ch 12
Zaphod and Trillian are trying to map their minds around how the ship picked up Arthur and Ford. The point at which they did so means something to Trillian. It should mean something to Zaphod but he's either playing dumb or really doens't remember whatever it is that Trillian is talking about.
Ford and Arthur are walking towards them. Trillian wants to get a look at them before they get there.
Ch 13 pg 136
Remember how Trillian told zeephod about the point where they picked up the hitchhikers being important? It's because that point is where earth used to be. Why is this important to Trillian? Because she's she was at the party Arthur was talking about. The guy that she left with was Zaphod. He only had one head and two arms and called himself Phil, but it was him and Arthur is pissed off about it. Zaphod is Ford's brother.
Ch 14 pg 144
Arthur is sleeping. No one else can. Trillian has mice she brought from earth...
They are in the midst of the horsehead nebula. Complete darkness. But there's a planet where it's very improbable that there would be one.
Ch 15
A long long time ago there were people that made designer planets for the ultra rich.
Ch 16
This planet is the hime base of the people that made planets.
Ch 17
This planet does not want guests. There are several recordings telling them to fuck off. They do not. Missiles are launched. Evasive maneuvers happen. The hitch hikers guide to the galaxy gets lose and starts talking about stuff.
Arthur figures if they're about to die, try the improbability drive.
Ch 18 pg 172
The improbability drive turns the missles into a whale
Ch 19 pg 179
They land and go outside.
Ch 20 pg 184
The whale smashing into the ground penetrator the surface and zaphod is gonna go in. He and Ford go in and Arthur and the robot do not. Zaphod explains to Arthur that he's a bit of an idiot savant. He has these ideas to do amazing things and kinda without knowing how he just does whatever he has to to accomplish those goals. It's very disturbing but he just keeps doing it. The worst part Is that he did some brain scans and found the initials ZB carved into parts of his brain. I suppose the idea is he did this to himself.
Ch 21 pg 194
The robot is terrible company so Arthur goes for a walk and runs into an old man.
Ch 22 pg 199
This is that old man.
He's been asleep for five million years or so. They did that on purpose because of the resession . But the stock market is up so the system woke them up cause it thinks the economy is good enough for people to start buying designer planets again.
Ch 23 pg 207
The dolphins knew the vogons were coming and left earth before it got blewed up.
Ch 24 pg 209
Earth was an organic computer run by mice. It was about to finish the program it was running when it got blowed up. Mice aren't mice. They're the physical manifestation of a Trans dimensional entity.
This place isn't back in the planet making business. It's just making another earth for the mice because it was destroyed and I guess when they're done with that they'll go back to sleep.
Ch 25 pg 220
There were some scientists trying to figure out the life, the universe and everything riddle. They made a super duper computer they named deep thought.
These two guys asked it to give them the answer to life, the universe and everything. The computer's response was that it will take 7.5 million years to give them the answer.
Ch 26 pg 231
Slartibartfast offers to let Arthur walk around on earth 2. Arthur says no thanks, it wouldn't be the same.
Ch 27 pg 233
They get the answer. You know what it is.
Ch 28 pg 241
Derp thought tells them he will design them another even bigger computer that can give them the question that the answer is the answer to.
Ch 29 pg 245
Zaphod was sent on this whacky trip by the previous president of the galaxy. Its hella complicated.
Ch 30 pg 251
artur abd fatibatfast talk about life.
Ch 31 pg 258
The crew talks to the mice. They say they might not need earth 2. They have Arthur. More specifically his brain. They want to take it out and try to get the question of the life the universe and everything. They'll even replace it with a robot brain. He won't notice the difference because he will be programmed not to.
Ch 32 pg 271
The cops show up to arrest zaphod. For reasons I don't understand, the mice just sorta give up and make up the question "how many roads must a man walk down."
The cops make it to the group...
They start shooting at them.
Ch 33
The cops space suits malfunction and they die.
Ch 34
They get back to their ship. Next to their ship is the police ship.
Also there lying on the ground face first is Marvin. He's extra depressed because he tried to talk to the ship and it commited suicide rather than talk to him. That's what killed the cops. Marvin killed the cops with his depression. Ch 35
They're gonna grab a bite to eat at the restaurant at the end of the universe.
Here's a list of characters
Here's a picture of people
Here's another list of characters
Here's another picture of characters