Monday, August 14, 2023

Black prism ch 65 - 95

 Ch 65 pg 425

They're making battle plans. Plans that involve building giant walls out of Luxin.  Kip sneaks away.  I'm assuming to try and rescue Karris.

Ch 66 pg 429 kip

Liv catches kip trying to sneak out of town and shes gonna go with him.  Theres a kindly fan of the king recruiting people to the army and he tells them where to go.

Ch 67 pg 436 karris

Karris is having her period and its been 5 months since her last so the pain of the experience is making up for lost time.

She puts on a fancy dress and reminices about her youth.  Big reveal here is that Dazen took her virginity.

Also after Dazen rebelled and she was engaged to Gavin, he took advantage of her one night when she got drunk at a party.

She is taken to the king and his right hand man js her long lost brother Koios.

Ch 68 pg 449 gavin

Gavin is trying to build his wall.  He's got five days til the army gets here.  He got some of the foundation built today.  He is not optimistic about his ability to get the wall built.  In a surprise turn of events a bunch of super powerful drafters have shown up to help.  These are a lot of people that fought on both sides of the war and knew Gavin and Dazen super well.  Gavin is real worried that somebody here is gonna figure out that Gavin is really Dazen.

Ch 69 (nice) pg 456 

Iron fist is gonna go get kip and Liv. Gavin is building the wall.  He's gonna be fine.  He's got Aheyyad on his side.  He's the best.

Ch 70 pg 463 kip

It took them two days to get to the army.  Liz goes to check out the center of camp.  Kip goes to get food and he mistakenly shows the people with food he's got a lot of money.  They try to rob him.  At first it doesnt go well.  He stabs a guy with a liquor bottle and throws him into the fire.  Then a bunch of other guys show up and beat kip up real good.  They are gonna throw him into the fire.  So he uses hus superpowers to kill him.  This attracts the attention of an army drafter and he says the greatest thing.  "You can kill whoever you want , but we prefer you not be so indiscriminate.". Then like an idiot he gives the guy his real name.  I predict that will come back to bite him.

Ch 71 pg 476 Liv

Liv finds Karris.  She hears about a fat boy killing a bunch of people with Fire.  She knows kip is somehow involved, but it.couldn't have been him cause he can only do green and blue.

Ch 72 Gavin

The wall is pretty much done.  But the army is here so the pretty much part is a big problem.  Gavin still has to build the gate.  Real dramatically, as he's almost done a cannon ball goes right through and destroys the gate.

Ch 73 pg 492 

Fight happen and it go bad for gavins side.  But as theyre being overwhelmed via the big hole where the gate should be, gavin digs deep and shoots magic that not only kills everyone in the gate hole, but also burns their bodies to nothingness.  The only man left is the king.  He appears to be invincible as tons of people are shoots guns at him but nobody hits.  Gavin does the next right thing and passes out.

Ch 75 pg 508

Gavin wakes up and his mom is there.  She's gonna do her freeing.  She sends for the general. The general tells Gavin they should flee.  Gavin says he wants to kill the king.

Ch  76 pg 515

Kip is tied up and ends up in the same wagon as karris.

Gavin kills the former governor for trying to flee when orders where no ship leaves the harbor in case they need all ships to evacuate the city .

Ch 78 pg 523

Apprearantly the freeing Is basically you show up and the prism stabs you to death and I guess the theory is you go to heaven.

This chapter flips back and forth between Gavin doing this and the king (or karris's brother.  I was a bit confused as to who was talking.) Giving a speech about how the freeing is a lie.

Also the last guy Gavin puts down has figured out that he's really Dazen.

Ch 79 pg 533

Gavin kills his mom after she drafts one last time.  Theres fun stuff in here abput the.people they killed to keep his secret.

he leaves the room and theres a ton of drafters outside and theyre all "we talk."

Ch 80 pg 540

Kip and karris have these light blocking goggles glued to their faces so they can't see, but they can hear Karris's brother giving his speech.  Then theyre moved and they can hear the king giving his speech.  Then there's cannon fire from the city.  Karris seemed to know this was coming and she blames ironfist.  In the ensuing chaos, kip knocks out one of his goggle lenses and ends up with a musket and now hes part of a group of soldiers storming the city.

Ch 81 pg 545

All the drafters want to help Gavin fight rather than contuing the freeing.  Ther2s a beautiful lady that knows he's Dazen.

Ch 82 pg 549

Kip is in the shit.  All around him people are fighting and dying.  He takes advantage of the chaos and first heads toward the king to kill him.  But then he sees Karris and decides to go help her.  He's tempted by the box with the white luxin dagger and trying to kill Karris's brother. But in the end helping Karrris is the best choice.

Ch 83 pg 554

The boy did it.  He killed a ton of dudes and made it to Karris and melted the black goggles and now the two of them can draft.  They're gonna kill the king together.  I really hope it turns out she's his mom.  What a wonderful mother and son bonding experience killing a king is.

Ch 84 pg 561

karris's sister lord omnicrome has liv tied up and is trying to convince her to join his side.  His main argument is two fold.  

The first is that the chromeria claim that drafters that break the halo go insane is false.  He calls it hatching from the egg.  You become a lot more powerful after you break the halo.  Some drafters can't handle that extra power and do go insane.  But killing anyone that breaks the halo is wrong.  This isn't easy to swallow as it's a pretty big cornerstone of society and if it is true it means everyone has been supporting murder for centuries. 

The second is that the Cromeria sucks.  This Liv immediately agrees with.  

At that moment she sees kip and karris charging up the hill trying to kill the king.  Liv tells lord omnicrome that she will join him if she saves kip and karris.

Ch 85 pg 569

Kip and karris are doing just fine.  Karris is good at staying under the radar and kip is the next prism so he's Killin left and right with his raw power.

Gavin is trying to organize the boats to get everyone out of the city.  Hes set up rules that should allow everyone to escape. But people arent following the rules and he killed the guy that he put in charge of the docks cause he wasletting his mates break the rules.

he sees karris's brother with his cool gun.  He theorizes that lord omnicrome is trying to get rhe king killed.

Ch 87 pg 580

The plan works, Kip kills the king.

Ch 89 Pg  592

Lord omnicrome and his army are gonna destroy everything in their path.  That includes Kip and Karris.  But then super heros come and save them so they can get out.  As they get to the docks karris realizes that Dazen is Gavin.

Ch 91 pg 602

People are trying to kill ironfist and kip saves him.  An assasin with the white luxin dagger is trying to kill Gavin and kip saves him too.  Also, kip ends up with the dagger.  Good chapter for kip.

Ch 92 pg 610 the real Gavin

Damn, the boy did it.  He blew a hole in the wall.  FREEDOM!!!!! I wonder if the dead man he keeps talking about is Karris's brother. 

Ch 93 pg 615

Gavin and kip have a great father son moment. Then he finds a note from his mom telling him that Gavin raped her and ruined her life and that kip should use the dagger to kill Gavin.

Ch 94 pg 619

Gavin escapes from the blue prison into a green prison.  At that moment he's sure there's seven prisons.  It took him 16 years to escape the first prison.  He is not optimistic about his odds of escaping the rest.

Ch 95 pg 621

Gavin and the general have a nice talk. Gavin realizes he can't draft blue.  He's dying.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Divinci's cat parts 3 and 4

 Ch 17

Fred and bee talk about stuff.  They're gonna hang tonight and tomorrow they're gonna go see Raphael. 

Ch 18

Bee finds a pot to piss in while Fred is distracting his maid and tutor.

Ch 19

Fre dresses Bee so they can go see Raphael. 

Ch 20

They walk to Raphael and all the way people are calling Fred my lord and bowing and we run into the architect with all the keys that fred stole once when he overserved him and the pop, but herb never showed up so fred couldn't show him the Sistine chapel.  Michaelangelo shows up and insults the architect and they keep walking to Raphael.  Fred warns Bee that they're going through the pope's palace and to be competent.

Ch 21

Fred takes Bee to the aviary so she has a place to hang out until its late enough for them to sneak Raphael into the Sistine chapel.

Ch 22

SOOOO much drama in this chapter.  Fred goes back to his room and like ALL his people are here and they all scream at him for missing his lesons and they beat him for hiring this new page without asking them about it.  They have all heard the stories about Bee's horrible behavior and its gonna be real bad when they tell his parents.  

He waits til late and then gets Bee and goes to the chapel.  They use the key to get in.  But Michelangelo is there.  He throws a bucket and hits Raphael in the head.  Chaos ensues and Bee and Fred go back trough the cabinet to the future.  The first thing Fred sees in the future is an encyclopedia open to am entry on him saying his lifetime was 1500 to 1511.  That can't be good.

Ch 24 pg 197

Bee comes out of the closet and shes in herbs office but its wierd.  Its not dusty.  She goes downstairs and theres a man and a woman she doesnt know.  Shhe runs back upstairs and frantically tries to make phonecalls.  She finds Fred and she reads him  his encyclopedia entry.  It says he disappeared in 1511 and Michelangelo was the prime suspect and he fled to Florence and died a couple weeks later.  Also there's a 1942 calendar on the wall.

Part 4

Ch 25 pg 209

They go back through the wardrobe to 1511 and Fred bribes the stable man to let him borrow the fastest horse to chase after Michelangelo who he knows is headed to Florence thanks to the encyclopedia. 

Ch 26 pg 218

After Fred leaves a Swiss guard comes along and asks Bee what's going on.  She says she doesn't know and the guard grabs her and drags her down some stairs and throws her in a cell.

Ch 27 pg 225

Fred has a rough ride.  He's attacked by bandits twice.   He makes it to Michelangelo and gets a door slammed in his face for his trouble.

Ch 28 pg 233

Turns out Bee isn't in a prison cell, she's just in one of the dorm rooms for the Swiss guard. There's someone else in there with her.  It's Raphael. She has the key so she takes him to the sistine chapel. 

Ch 29 pg 240

Fred gets Michelangelo to return to Rome by explaining how famous he's going to be if he finishes painting the Sistine chapel. 

Ch 30 pg 248

Raphael draws Bee and signs it.  She's about to go through the wardrobe when Fred shows up.  She gives him the drawing to put in a chest so Herb can find it in the future. 

Ch 31

The Pope and the architect dismantle the cabinet cause its for spies and the pope doesnt wanna take any chances.  A swiss guard named Franz Giovanni comes along and with his carpentry background he agrees to turn the dismantled pieces of the cabinet into a trunk with a hidden compartment for Raphael's sketch of Bee.  Juno comes back.  Also the Swiss guard offers to become Fred's body guard since his time as a swiss guard is almost up.  Also somehow chocolate shows up.

Ch 32 Pg 267

They all live happily ever after. 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Divinci's cat parts 1 and 2

 Ch 1 

Frederico is a child prisoner of the pope to ensure his family's support.  He doesn't have any friends.  He does get the perk of interacting with some of the greatest artists of the time like Michelangelo and Raphael.  He gets a little excited when he realizes Michelangelo is spying on Raphael. But gossip isn't worth anything if you don't have a friend to tell.  He finds a kitten and he's super psyched. The kitten goes into a wardrobe and disappears.  Moments later there's a cat and Frederico decides that this is kitten all grown up.  The cat heads to the wardrobe and Frederico is like, no no that's way too dangerous. 

Ch 2

Frederico gets a collar for his cat.  He writes a short letter to his mom.  He inspects the wardrobe.  It's got mirrors and a ball full of water.  Federico thinks it's all about reflecting light.  But why would you go to the trouble when you can light a candle.  As he's inspecting,  cat gets away and goes into the wardrobe. A man comes out of the cabinet holding the cat and says nice to meet you 

Ch 3 pg 21

The man says he's herb from new jersey and the cat is named Juno. Frederico shows herb around and one of the paintings he sees is og herb.  Herb gives Frederico some chocolate.  With peanuts in it.  He makes Frederico a deal. If Frederico can get his hands on some of Michelangelo or Raphael's sketches, herb will buy them from him for chocolate.  To Fernando this is a no Brainer.  Trade what's essentially garbage for the most delicious food he's ever tasted.

Ch 4 pg 30

We find out that Juno is Divinci's cat. Frederico sneaks into the pope's office to steal a couple sketches to trade to herbert.  When he returns the mood is somber.   Some one has stolen all of Raphael's papers.

Ch 5

Herb is the stealer . But really Frederico doesn't care.  He's VERY morally flexible when chocolate is involved. Herb puts on what he thinks are fancy clothes and asks to meet Raphael. Frederico is like, hell no, that outfit sucks.  He will get herb clothes he can meet Raphael in, but it's gonna cost him ALot of chocolate. 

Ch 6 pg 46

Frederico takes Juno to see Raphael. He says sorry about the drawings that were stolen.  Raphael isn't bothered by it.   He'll just draw more.  The General idea seems to be that paintings are valuable and sketches are not.  This is reinforced when Frederico goes to see Michelangelo painting the sistene chappel and as soon as he has no further use for his sketches he tears them up into bits.  Frederico wishes he had those sketches to trade for chocolate. 

Ch 7 pg 54

Herbert comes with clothes that are now worthy of Frederico's standards.  He has a beard and Grey hair.  It's been 12 years for him.  He leaves to go see Raphael. He has a drawing that he needs to have signed so he can sell it for TONS of money.  Frederico tells him it's not safe.  Frederico follows herbert and there's a girl with the plague or something and a Swiss guard spots Frederico and drags him back to the pope abd herbert takes the girl back through the cabinet to the present cause he's all like, this girl ain't dying on my watch.

Ch 8 pg 62

The guy with all the keys is supping with the pope.  Frederico volunteers to serve them dinner rather than the normal servers.  He way overserves them wine and they both end up passing out.  He takes the keys so he can show herbert the sistene chappel. Not only doesn't herbert come, but Juno goes through the cabinet back to the future. 

Part 2

Ch 9 pg 72

Theres a girl named bee.  She and are staying at an old house where someone once found a drawing by Michelangelo that they sold for 6.5 mil.  Be catches a cat that caught a bird.  She takes to tue neighbors house and a scary old lady calls the cat Juno.

ch 10 pg 82

Crazy Italian lady is Herb's daughter.  So we're way in the future from where we used to be.  Crazy Italian lady has a drawing that looks JUST like bee that she claims was drawn by Raphael. 

Ch 11 pg 90

Bee is home alone cause mom is at her talk and moo is still on the train.  She is staring at the woman from Italy house and she swears she sees lights flicker in the morse code SOS pattern.  She calls mom and moo hoping one of them will give her permission to go over there.  They both say to stay put.

Ch 12 pg 98

She goes over to the woman from Italy house anyway cause she's an idiot child and this is what idiot children do when left to their own devices. 

She's fallen and she can't get up.  Bee calls her an ambulance. 

Ch 13 pg 106

Bee goes looking around the house after the woman from Italy is taken away.

Ch 14 pg 114

Bee finds the wardrobe and gets in and fully expects to be transported to Narnia.  But instead she's transported to darkness.

Ch 15 pg 121

Bee goes through the wardrobe and is sad to find Frederico instead of Mr Tumnus.  She quickly gathers the whole situation and the action item is Raphael needs to draw her.

Ch 16 pg 129

Old Italy smells bad.  Bee convinces Frederico to help her get drawn by Raphael and get gum to sign it.