Section2 pg 100
They land on hyperion and things are fucked. The shrike is killing people left and right and everyone has come to the capitol city to try to get off the planet. The group is a bit conflicted as to what to do. They go to a bar. A robot comes and says to follow them. So they do.
Pg 114
The robot takes them to a badge and they are floating down the river. It's gonna take them six days to get where they're going. So it.s story time and fedmahn kassad is gonna tell his story.
Pg 118 the soldiers tale: the war lovers
Kassad is in a military training Sim where he's an English bowman and they're outnumbered 3 to 1 by the french.
Pg 121
Kassad is about to get killed in the woods by a French knight. Then a woman whacks the Frenchman and right next to his dead body they make love.
This repeats itself several times in many different simulations. He kills people, this lady finds him and they make love.
Fast forward a ways and he's fighting the ousters. I guess they're people but with squid tentacles. Anyway he's fighting and dieing and getting resecitated and long story short he ends up on hyperion and she's there and the shrike is there and its explained to him they can use the t8me tunels to go back in time. the shrike slows down time so he can kill all the ousters and they make love and right before he is finished she turns into metal and tries to kill him and somehow he gets away.
Section 3 pg 175
The poet
He was born on earth. This was a time where natural birth was highly regulated. If you went out to space you can have all the sex babies you want. But not on earth.
The poet ended up getting shipped off by his mom to a distant planet in a slow moving ship in a get rich "quick" scheme with the theory that by the time he got there his investments would have matured and he'd me rich. It didn't work out. Also the cryo didn't work great and he came to missing a lot of brain function. It came back and his writing was "discovered" and he had a long relatively successful career. Until eventually he ended up on hyperion. He started researching and writing poetry about the shrike and shortly after, the shrike appears and starts killing people.
The King has the city evacuated. There's a couple hundred people that stay. They all end up dead except for the poet. There's a final scene with King Billy and the poet and the shrike in the time tubes where the king is killed by the Shrike.
Section 4 pg 232
There's some drama on their adventure. They have to pass through the giant gr a ss sea. A wind ship should have been there when they got off the boat. It eventually showed up. There's no people on it. Must be automated. Someone suggests they sleep. They say it's too weird and they won't be able to sleep. So it's story time again.
Og 244 the scholar
The scholar starts by downplaying their own story stating they have not had a dramatic meeting with the shrike.
They are a professor at a college on a planet that is described as if it's Iowa. Flat and wide and full of corn.
He gets married and has a daughter. That daughter grows up and becomes an archeologists and goes to Hyperion. He has a dream where "god" tells him he needs to go to Hyperion and sacrifice his daughter for the good of the universe.
The daughter is investigating the structure people refer to as the sphinx. Something weird happens and the equipment all stops working and the walls start closing in and she wakes up in a hospital on another planet. Her parents come and the doctors tell them she's somehow aging backwards. They try all sorts of things for the next thirty years. The next interesting thing that happens is the scholars wife tells him she has the same dream where God tells her to sacrifice their daughter. He tells her she needs to go to Hyperion and sacrifice herself. She dies in a car crash on the way. The scholar goes on TV with his daughter and begs people to contact everyone they can to allow them to go to the time tunnels.
This part kinda got me a little emotional. It was like that part in avengers when black widow is fighting some evil lady and she says "you're all alone" and then you hear a voice say "she's not alone" and all the ladies jump in and they win the fight.
Next thing he's on a ship that takes them to the tree ship ygrissil headed to hyperion.
That's right, the guy with the baby is the scholar and the baby is his daughter that's really over sixty years old and they're on the wind boat going across the grass sea. Baller.
As they're hanging out, they see lights in the sky. They pull out some binoculars and see the tree ship yygraskle get shot out of the sky.