Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Babylons ashes prologue through ch 18

 Prologue: Namono pg 11

Remember Anna, the Russian priest from book three that saved Naomi from peaches?  Well, Namono is her wife.  They are on earth ๐ŸŒŽand it sucks.  They're getting rations of wheat and water recyclers so they can survive, but that's kinda it.  They are just surviving.  Making each day, hoping another rock ๐ŸŽธ doesn't fall from the sky and kill a bunch more people and kick up ☝ a bunch more dust to block out the sky, which is just now starting to have some blue peek through.

Chapter One: Pa 

Pa is a free navy captain.  They find ships heading to the ring and confiscate their goods for the good of the OPA.  They get a call from Marco Inaros.  He says we're changing plans and having a free navy leaders meeting.  So they need to head to Ceres.  One of the crew is like, another change of plans.  Seems like Marco has a lot of those.

Chapter Two: Filip 

Filip thinks Naomi is dead.  He hates James Holden.  He and Marco are meeting with a guy in charge of some asteroid.  They are packing up the supplies and launching them into space so that there's nothing of value there so earth doesn't destroy it.  They are meeting with other higher ups in the free navy.  One is an old man who has pretty good intel earth side.  He tells Filip how a couple of the ships that they expected to blow up, the Roci included,  didn't get blown up and in amongst other info, he tells Filip that Naomi is still alive.  More than that, pretty much everyone else already knows it.  This pisses Filip right off.

Chapter Three: Holden 

Holden and the crew of the Roci have been getting interrogated for weeks.  Naomi the most.  There used to be thirty billion people on earth.  We might be down to twenty now.  Avasarala summons them in the middle of the night.  She has identified a free navy ship that she wants them to destroy.  There's a catch, they want to assign them a mission commander.  Holden throws a fit at this. Everyone is quiet for a while.   Bobbie breaks the tension by saying it's her.  So it's all good.  The people that were on the Roci at the end of the lasr book are going on a mission together.

Chapter Four: Salis 

Salis is a belter.  He's in the void on the other side of the ring.  There's only two things in here.  Medina station and the alien ๐Ÿ‘ฝ structure they also call a station.  They have attached three rail guns to the alien station.  They are super proud of it.  They can shoot any of the ring gates with those rail guns.  Now this place feels like home.  A place they can finally live in and defend.  

this got me a little emotional.  I'm not saying the ends justify the means, but for the first time the belters can really feel good about their situation and that wouldn't have happened if it weren 't for Marco Inaros killing a dozen billion or so earthlings.

Chapter Five: Pa 

The heads of the free navy are all together at last.  Marco has a phase three of.his plan.

Chapter Six: Holden 

They find the ship and take out its drive.  They doc with it and things go bad.  Bobbie is stuck on the bridge between the two ships and mechs are on the Roci trying to get inside.  They are gonna have to go outside and fight sime bad guys.  Clarissa Mao is all about it.

Chapter Seven: Clarissa 

so we're back to calling her Clarissa huh?  RSVP peaches.  

Clarissa is outside the ship fighting bad guys with Amos.  She is less about it in her own head than she appeared to be in Holden's chapter.  But thats the guman condition for you, other people's perception of your outside is often more confident than your insides.  And then it turns bad.  She's been shot twice.  She thinks she might die.  At least it's an honorable death fighting and dying for your friends.  Scream out into the heavens so stovokor knows a warrior is coming.  But then the guy in the mech suit she was sure to be her doom goes limp and floats past her.  She feels someone grab her by the arm that hasn't been shot and a voice says it's ok, i got you.  It's Holden's voice.  Inside the ship Holden tells her no more gun fighting in vac suit for her.  She is part of his crew and his job is to protect her.  So he won't be having her do anything she isn't trained to do.  Vac suit gun ๐Ÿ”ซ fighting is one of them.

Chapter Eight: Dawes 

The free navy heads are meeting for fifteen hours a day to talk through their plans for the OPA.  Drama ensues cause Philip shot a cop.  Marco tries to smooth it over with Dawes, the governor of Ceres.  Philip wont be procecuted, but his Ceres privileges have been revolked.  He's gotta get gone and stay gone, or he'll be gone.

Chapter Nine: Holden

the g ym on the ship smells like a gym.

He tries to tall to bobbie but she just wants to.punch things.

So he goes and talks to alex about Bobbie.  Alex explains that all Bobbie has wanted for a long time was an honest to goodness fight against obvious bad guys.  They finally get one and she's stuck on the bridge between the ships.  She needs time and space or a real fight she can feel good about winning.  No amount of holden talking to her is gonna help.

Holden talks to Naomi about a variety of topics.

They all go to meet Avasarala and Holden is surprised by his family being there.  So Naomi finally gets to meet Holden's family and it only took the apocalypse to make it happen.

Chapter Ten: Avasarala 

She is sending a message to her presumably dead husband.  She is getting ready for a meeting and it strikes her as ridiculous how much thought and energy she is putting into picking out an outfit.  Half of earth is dead and all she can focus on at this moment is which pair of earrings gives the best image of strength or compasion or whatever.  Shhes meeting with the mars prume miniatwr ir whatever he is.  He's being replaced.  Avasarala says if he gives them all thw intel he has on marco inares and the mars navy defectors she'll give him asylum.  Shhe mets with whats left of the earth government.  They decide its time to take back Ceres.

Chapter Eleven: Pa 

Pa was the XO of the behemoth and she hated Bull, the earther third in command.  Shhe had a relationship with the main mechanic Sam and it was real brutal for Pa when Sam went along woth Bull's plan.  She felt betrayal amd she let sam know it.  Then Ashford killed Sam.  That was the end of Pa wanting to be in the OPA.  Any time Pa got involved in big OPA plans it went bad.  So she went off on her own.  She got married to a man and a woman and now they thrupple.  She meets with the other Free Navy folks.  Marco knows earth is coming to Ceres.  His plan is to abandon Ceres.  He gives this big speach about how the Afghanis were never concurred as a people because people.is what they. Valued.  Not land,  ot property, people.  So when their cities were attacked the people headed to the hills and survived.  This is the plan for the Free Navy.  No one place is that important.  They can move on to another place.  And if all the places are destroyed they still have ships.  

Pa hates this.  She goes back to her husband and wife and she sobs uncontrollably for a while.  They are gonna take their ships and set put on their own and keep trying to fulfill the promise of the free navy by providing for the belt.  Making sure the belters have the food and water and air they need to live.

Chapter Twelve: Holden 

Holden is trying to watch tv, but there's no mindless entertainment.  It's all disaster news.  

Plagues and wars and disasters weren’t supposed to impinge on the manufactured world of entertainment, but of course they did

reminds me of the fall of 2020 when we didn't have new scripted tv cause of covid.

they are getting ready to head out to ceres.  They got a big crew of folks for.this deal.  Holden is worrieed about whos gon a want to stick around for the next mission.  Hes talking about bobbie.  Dooes he pay her a salary, do they make her a part owner?  But he's not really talking about Bobbie.  If it were just Bobbie, she'd be welcomed with open arms and theyรฐ give her whatever she wanted.  The real conversation is about Clarissa Mao.  She will never cal this ship home if its up to holden.  They hang with holdens family amd one of his dads say to give tjose skinnies hell and naomi is very offended.

Chapter Thirteen: Prax 

Prax is doing science on Ganamede.  Hes got a new wife and step daughter.  They have some new yeast theyre psyched about.  One of the science ladies is like lets skip animal trials so we cam start feeding the starving people on earth with our yeast.  She wants prax to come.to a meeting of like minded scientists.  He is not interested.  The.cops come to prax late at night.  Theres been a murder and they want him to identify the body.  It's science lady.  The cops ask if he knows who might want her dead.  Prax knows in his soul it's the work of the free navy.  They kill anyone in the outer planets tjat steps out of line.  But he doesnt say anything to the cops.  For all we know they are in with the free navy.  He's got a wife and two daughters to support.  He's not gonna say the wrong thing to the wrong person and end up dead.

Chapter Fourteen: Filip 

They're stripping Ceres and he's not allowed to take part cause of the guy he shot.  You shoot a guy on Ceres and you don't get to go back.  Shoulda been spaced, but he's Marcos kid so he gets special treatment.  So he's still alive but he's on the ship all alone.  He's sad.  Wings comes back an d gives him a real earth leather jacket.  He's happy for a little bit.  

what is belter clothing made of?

He talks to Marco, t they talk about what a good move this Ceres plan is.  He expects Marco to ask him about the shooting.  He doesnt and for a second he gets that momentary excitement of getting away scott free.

Someone should have kept that from happening, his mother whispered in his memory.

Chapter Fifteen: Pa 

Pa and her small army of ships are breaking away  from the free navy. She has major beef with fred johnson.  One of her captains says they should go to Ceres and work tfred to save the six million marco abandoned there.  Pa says fuck that my enemy's enemy is my friend BS. she has one captain shes not sure of.  She tells the captain the whole deal.   He wants to stick with Marco and offers to go back to pallas station alone.  Not tell anyone what pa has done.  Pa tells him to surrender or shell blow up hia ship.

Chapter Sixteen: Alex 

Alex is gonna have sex with Sandra Ip.  They are on Ceres.  Everyone is working super hard to stay alive.

Chapter Seventeen: Holden 

They are making promo videos to humanize the belters that Marco left behind on Ceres.  Fred johnson wants Bobbie to be his Mars representative.  

Chapter Eighteen: Filip

Filip and Marco watch Pa's communication together.  She says she's doing the right thing by taking all the supplies Marco has flung around and giving them to belters.  Marco asks if Filip thinks it's the right thing or not.  Filip is conflicted,  but eventually says it doesnt matter.  She disobeyed orders, period.  She has to go down.  Marco also seems conflicted as he locks himself in his room for three days.  One of the other commanders Rosenfeld tells Philip either Marco starts giving orders or maybe he will take over and start giving orders.  Filip goes and tells Marco about Pa and how Fred Johnson has taken over Ceres and how the belt was United not too long ago but now some people are splitting off to follow Pa and some people are starting to think they should go back to Ceres and join Fred Johnson.  Marco gives the order declaring Pa and anyone following her as an enemy combatant.  The way he says the order to Rosenfeld makes Filip think maybe Marco is gonna do something bad to  Rosenfeld.  Then Rosenfeld asks about Fred Johnson and Marco says he'll bleed when it's his turn, makimyg it clear dealing with Pa is the priority.

Friday, July 2, 2021

The anthropocene reviewed ch 1 never alone through CH 14 the internet

Introduction of 1

Human beings are destroying the planet. John Green listens to a band called the mountain goats when he writes. He also has vertigo and a tree house.

Ch 1 you'll never walk alone pg 9

This is a song from a play called Columbia and it's sung twice. Now people sing it at soccer games.  

Ch 2 humanity's temporal range pg 13

Human beings have not been around very long when compared to the history of earth as a planet.  But we've had more of an impact than any other animal.  The climate catastrophe we're causing is scary.  But it's probably not gonna be the end of the species.

Ch 3 Haleys comet pg 23

Halley's comet is a good example of a scientific phenomenon that took multiple people from different generations documenting it for us to figure out.  It'll be back in 2061.

Ch 4 our capacity for wonder pg 29

The great Gatsby was a flop.  So much that Fitzgerald's next book was about his mental and physical breakdown in the aftermath of that failure.  What turned it into a success was during ww2 it was sent to service men.  Ever since it has been regarded as a classic.

Ch 5 lascaux   cave painting pg 35

There's a cave in France where there's a thing that rhymes with France.  Its got lots of prehistoric cave paintings.  They were discovered by four teenagers during WW2.  Two of them thought it was important enough to guard until the government closed up the cave with giant doors.  Then they opened it up like it was a museum until they realized the people were ruining the art with their bodies.  So they put back the giant doors and people aren't allowed to go in there to save the art.

Ch 6 scratch n sniff stickers pg 41

Microencapsulation.  That's what is used to infuse scratch n sniff stickers with smells.  They can last super long.  John green got bullied a lot as a kid.  I used to think I got bullied, but I never had a whole classroom try to pull my arms off and pour trash on me.  

Ch 7 diet Dr pepper pg 47

Diet Dr Pepper is one of the great accomplishments of humanity.  Made by a chemist in texas to taste like the soda machine smells.  It's hard to identify what Diet Dr Pepper tastes like.  Except that it tastes more like regular Dr Pepper.  This is actually very remarkable.  There's no other diet soda that has a significantly similar flavor profile as it's regular counterpart.  Texas has a lot of local sodas that never make it out of the state.  Diet doctor peopper is a wonder in the regard that not only did it leave Texas but is known around the world.

CH 8 velociraptors pg 51

The velociraptors from jurrassic part are a lie.  The dinosaur Michael Chriton was really describing was a deinonycus.  But that's not a very dramatic name.  But even though he knows they're fake, John Green loves him some computer generated Velociraptors.  I can't blame him.  Jurrasic park is a great movie based on a great book.  Doesn't really matter that it's super duper fake.

CH 9 Canada geese pg 55

Not too long ago Canada geese were relatively rare.  Entirely due to human hunting.  Hunters would do this thing where they would have a pet goose and cut its wings and use it as bait for wild geese.  When the geese would eventually show up, they would be shot with bullets until they died.  I assumed they ate them.  I've never eaten a goose.  This sort of goose luring isn't legal anymore so goose hunting isn't as big of a deal and geese don't really have any natural predators so they're EVERYWHERE.  Especially in Amberglen park.

CH 10 teddy bears pg 61

People really enjoy killing bears.  Teddy Rosevelt didn't kill that bear, but he ordered it to be killed.  But the story helped toy makers sell stuffed bears.  So it gets repeated a lot even though the punchline in reality was still a dead bear.  We're killing bears more than ever.  But we're doing it with climate change.  It's super sad.

CH 11 the hall of presidents pg 67

Johnny was angry ๐Ÿ˜  at 14 and mostly identified with what he hated.  One of.those things was disney world.  Plastic is the word.  That summer his mom ended up with season passes to disney world ๐ŸŒŽ.  The place he hated the least was the hall of President s.  There was never a line, he could sit and write and it had the best air conditioning.  Its a monument to a bunch of racist lying murderers.

CH 12 air-conditioning pg 73

I mean, you know the deal with airconditioning.  It's allowing people to live in places that are too hot for people to live.  It's significant as its 10% of all electric use and that's adding to.the climate catastrophe.

CH 13 staphylococcus aureus pg 79

staph infections suck.  They kill over 50k people every year.  It used to kill a lot more because we invented penicillin and it did a good job of.killing Staph before it.could kill us.  But now 98% of staph is resistant to penicillin.  This is the case with a lot of bacteria these days.  But we have lots of other antibiotics and after you try a few the staph usually dies and the person lives.

CH 14 the internet pg 85

This chapter is all about the early days of the internet when aol and compuserve chat was the height of internet goodness.  John Green was a manager of one of these chat rooms and they paid him to be on the internet and do that job.  He had his own phone line to do so.  I would have killed to have my own phone ☎ line when i was in middle school so i could be online all the time.