Monday, June 28, 2021

altered carbon CH 13 - 18

CH 13 pg 116
Tak is getting tortured real bad.  It's digital torture and they put him in a small Asian woman's body, or the digital version  of one.  He's getting all the torture and it's very bad.  He tells them everything.  The problem is that they don't believe him.  They think he's someone named Elias Ryker.  He is digitally regenerated without all the torture damage.  He starts making a bunch of threats.  Saying the corps is gonna track them down and kill them all.  And if not them Mr Bancroft and his influential friends in the UN.  

CH 14 pg 125
Tak is back in the sleeve Bancroft gave him.  He is taken into a car with a robot lady, a meat head with a barcode on his head and the driver.  They are taking him to a second location and that will not do.  He kills the two "people" in the back with him and tells the driver if he doesn't land, he'll be super duper dead.  So he crash lands and Tak gets away in Mission street.

Ch 15 pg 131
Tak goes back to the cathouse he was abducted in and kills everyone except for the head dude.  He makes said dude take him to the lab where he was tortured.  He kills everyone there.  He leaves with the head of the main science dude.

Ch 16 pg 144
Tak goes to Bancroft's house.  He and Bancroft talk about hiw expensive this investigation is getting as he's had to pay off the cops and a couple local gangs to keep Tak from getting revenge killed.  They have a longer talk about what it's like to be married for 250 years and why he's so into prostitution.  Makes me think about how Dax from deep space nine was into Morn.  In the end Tak tells Bancroft that the prostitute's dad was his only suspect so far and he doesnt think he did it so at the moment Tak doesn't really have a suspect in Bancroft's murder.

Ch 17 pg 153
The sleeve Tak is in is Ortega's old boyfriend.  Tak is gonna try to use that to his advantage.  He basically tells her either she helps him investigate Bancroft's murder or he's just gonna keep getting into worse situations with more physical violence until this body he's in is damaged beyond repair.  They try to interrogate the guy that tried to kidnap Tak while he was checking into the Hendrix.  They don't get much out of him.  Tak has Ortega look to where the would be kidnapper's lawyer's office is.  They're gonna go for a ride and see if they can get anything out of the lawyer.

CH 18 pg 166
They go to.the lawyer and they dont get any info, but they do plant a bug.  Then they  get ramen noodles 🍜 and Tak has some flashbacks.  They talk about how on his planet they can't really fly cause theres an out of control defense network that shoots down anything that flies.  They get some intel from the bugs.  The lawyer made a call to new york, a call to a local fight club and a call to the Bancroft residence.  

Monday, June 21, 2021

altered carbon CH 7 through CH 12

CH 7 pg 5
Tak is having a bad dream.  Mostly about dead coworkers.
Tak is woken up by bankroft's lawyer.  She's here to take him on a tour of the cloning facility.  They go on a tour and nothing really clicks for Tak.  I guess this is part of the process that his company has with this sort of thing.  When they get "re-sleeved" the system is all about absorbing information.  This is one of the things that makes them useful on any planet In the galaxy.  They are working whatever case they're given, but also absorbing all the cultural info to live in any human civilization.  So it might be a while for this absorption process to kind of run its course and Tak can really focus on critical thinking.
Tak gives the name that Ortega gave Tak to the lawyer.  The lawyer explains that it was a prostitute that Mr bankroft got pregnant and Mrs Bancroft nearly beat to death.  But in the end everyone involved was paid off and the Bancrofts didn't face any consequences.  

CH 8 pg 70
Tak goes to pay a visit to this lady's dad.  The whole thing is very sad.  He's poor and his wife and daughter are both basically dead.  They aren't really dead cause they have digital selves in storage somewhere but he's never gonna have enough money to resleeve them.  He has plenty of motive to kill Bancroft but he sure doesn't appear to have the means of opportunity.

Ch 9 pg 79
Tak goes to a cathouse and talks to one of the lady's of the night.  He claims to be the mom of a girl πŸ‘§that worked there and he's trying to get her resleeved but that's complicated because of the way she was killed.  She tells him to come back tomorrow at the sa me time and she's hopefully have some info but is very clear that she can't make any promises.
He leaves and is attacked by some drug dealers that were hanging out outside.  It's raining ☔ and I guess he's got some sort of superpowers and fights off two of them and the third one runs away and he runs after him.  He catches up to him but then it turns out the guy has some sort of gun and if it weren't for his powers Tak would be a smear on the pavement.  Then a police transport shows up and tells gun guy to put down his gun.  It's fun how they call what we think of as regular cars ground cars and flying cars transports.  The drug dealer shoots at the transport and gets away.  

The cop opens the window and it's our favorite cop Kristin Ortega.

Ch 10  pg 88
Ortega gives him a ride home.  They don't trust each other so they kinda talk about nothing for a while.  Back at his hotel the AI tells him he has a visitor.  Its Miriam burtrum.  She wants him to stop investigating her husband's death.  They, as Amos would say, bang.  She offers him a spot on her private sex island.

CH 11 98
Tak is feeling hung over from his night with Miriam.  He decides to engage in some retail therapy and goes to Bertrum's armorer.  He buys a couple hand guns and a knife.  As he's walking home he thinks he has a tail.  Then all of a sudden he is seeing images of women's naked body parts.  Apparently this is a means of advertising that is outlawed in his planet and he finds the guy doing it and roughs him up a bit.

Ch 12 106

Tak goea back to meet with the Lady of the night.  It goes badly.  She's already dead before he gets there and armed thugs are there to secure him and the dead body and take them to a second location.  There are med techs there to torture him.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Altered carbon prologue pg 3 through ch 6 end pg 56

 Prologue pg 3

Someone is smoking one of Sarah's cigarettes.  They have gun πŸ”« and fun different types of ammo.  Clingfilm condoms must not be good.  It appears someone's name is Tak and gun shooting is going to happen soon.  A wall exploded and a bunch of commandos rush in.  They kill Sarah.  Tak, who the cop calls Kovaks is told not to even thinks about it.  But Tak does it anyway.

Ch 1 pg 9

Kovaks has come back from the dead.  He's part of something called the Envoy Corps.  He is on earth.  The cops want to talk to him.  His new body is a thin white guy πŸ‘¦ that smokes.  This is way in the future because they refer to earth as an ancient planet.  I guess he's done sort of private investigator or assassin.  He has six weeks to get the job done.

Ch 2 pg pg 15

Tak has been hired by a rich powerful man to solve his murder.  If he succeeds the rewards are great.  If he does anything untward, the punishment will be severe.  The cops tell Tak that his employers case was an open and shut suicide.  The cops say they're going to take him to his employer.  Issue is the employers letter specifically said he'd be sending a driver who was.Also his number one most trustworthy employee.

Ch 3 pg 22

Mr Bancroft is the client.  He is pretty sure he didn't kill himself.  He has beef with the police.  Nobody ever really dies in 2500.  Everyone has digital backups.  Rich people have clones at the ready to have their digital selves transferred into.  Mr Bancroft and his wife are over 250 years old.

Ch 4 pg 36

Take interviews Mrs Bancroft.  She's combative and illusive.  He doesn't get much out of her other than an initial sexual excitement of being near someone so old in such a young body and then after talk to her for a while in her room full of antient maps a feeling of horrified oppression from being surrounded by so much old.

CH 5 pg 41

Mr Bancroft's most dedicated employee and driver Curtis gives Tak a ride to the middling to dangerous part of town so Tak can stay at a moderately affordable hotel.  He goes to the Hendrix hotel.  There's a computer there to great him.  He says he will be staying indefinitely and the computer says he will need to put down  a 600 deposit.  Someone puts a gun to his most important digital implant and says if he doesn't then Tak will be fur real dead.  Then the computer says something odd and Tak has the idea to wipe his spit on it to authorize the DNA payment.  At this point he's a paying customer and the hotel defends him by filling his would be kidnappers with bullet holes.

Ch 6 pg 47

Tak has a long conversation with Ortega, the cop that picked him up at what I'm calling the airport.  They dig a bunch of hardware out of the body parts of the would be kidnappers.  They figure out this is two of the same person.  If they can prove it, the penalty is Erasure.  This is shocking to Tak, cause where he's from that was outlawed a long time ago. Ortega calls Bancroft a Mes, short for Methuselah, and talks about how a lot of Meses lose their humanity, or the start thinking of themselves as human and anyone that hasn't lived hundreds of years as subhuman and disposable. Ortega gives Tak a name he can use as a starting point for his Bancroft investigation.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Landmarks ch 10 through glossary XI

chapter 10 the black locust and the silver pine pg 289
John Muir wrote about california nature even though he's a british. He did it so good that he convinced Theodore Rosevelt to turn the sierra nevadas into a nationally protected land. Sweet.

Glossary IX woodlands 305

branches, leaves, roots and trunks
butt - lower part of the trunk of the tree
Cramble - crooked branches used for firewood
griggles - small apples left on the tree

fallen wood and cut wood
shakes - cracks that form in timber as it dries

woods and woodlands
rhedynog - abounding with ferns

ch 11 childish pg 315
Kids should be allowed to go explore in nature.  But they ain't no.more.  That's why programs where adults bring children out in to nature are important.  The show Craig of the creek is pretty good.  It basically shows this life of cartography that Robert is sad children don't have these days.

Post script pg 329
There's a guy in Qatar working on a nature words like st like our friend Robert.  Turns out its
HE sent Robert the B section and it was over three hundred pages.

Glossary X 
You can write your own words here.  I checked this book out from the library so I'm not gonna do that.

Glossary XI gift words
HE wrote some.words here before the.Glossary section
This book was published in 2015.  He got a bunch of people sending him their own nature words.  One from a 96 year old woman.  some times physical materials like flower, seed, bark, etc. Was.also included.  

Here's my favorite of those words

apricity - the sun's warmth in winter
birra - land abounding with wells and springs
bobowler - night time flying insects, but especially moths
dendrophile - lover of trees
eske - trickle of rain before a big storm
flittermouse - bat
milkbottle - ice slide made by children in the winter
noost- a place where a boat could be hauled from the sea and safely left, often a hollow, natural or man made.
petrichor - smell of rain before rain has started
I like that they had puthery twice but once with two Rs
radjel - a pile of rocks a fox hides in.  Remember that time we read that book about foxes.  That was great.
roddie - small foot path
struttle - stickleback
tiffle - to potter aimlessly in a landscape
tweavelet - small leaf bundles snagged around a stick after a flood
wheman - wind that howls around corners