Saturday, December 14, 2019
yule ball 2019 horcruxes
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
shereen birthday 2019
Friday, May 24, 2019
The wall book report
Chapter 1: the wall is cold.
Chapter 2: like really cold.
Chapter 3: also there's for shadowing. The Captain is a liar.
Chapter 4: There's girls on the wall so it's not all bad. Hifa is the name of a girl.
Chapter 5: if you screw up they give you more time on the wall. The captain gives people extra time every day. We haven't seen it but sarge says it, so it must be legit. Also the Captain used to be an other.
Chapter 6: you get to visit home after 2 weeks on the wall. Our main character is named Kavanagh. There is lots of drinking on the train home.
Chapter 7: Kavanagh's relationship with his parents reminds me of the lonely island song f*** off.
Chapter 8: they saw lights out at sea.
Chapter 9: a lady got to leave the wall and they had a party to celebrate. They have another two week break and they are using one to go camping. They have slaves they call "help.". There is more foreshadowing.
Chapter 10: they didn't go back to their section of the wall. They went to a different section where you take turns defending and attacking. They started defending and they got messed up.
Chapter 11: now it's their turn to attack and it's the best attack ever.
Chapter 12: they are getting drunk and karaoke is happening. Some political guy gives a speech about how the others are coming in higher numbers. But it's worse than that. They are getting help from the inside.
Part 2: the others
Chapter 13: they got attacked. The lady that brings people tea and cookies died. Hifa asked kavanaugh if he would breed with her.
Chapter 14: they are breeding and things are less bad.
Chapter 15: they are going North. But before that they are visiting Hifa's mom, who sucks.
Chapter 16: they are up north, the politician gave them another speech. Kavanagh got a medal. They got attacked super bad. the captain killed sarge. He is in league with the others. At least a dozen others escaped. That's bad.
Chapter 17: after a lot of bs they are put to sea.
Part 3: the sea
Chapter 18: they are on a boat with Hughes, the politician and the captain.
Chapter 19: they are stuck on a boat and it sucks. The captain explains he has always been an other and has always been working with the other others this whole time. They find land.
Chapter 20: turns out the land isn't land as much as a bunch of rocks but it's enough to make the water calm enough that a floatila of boats has made it home. Kabanaugh becomes a diver. He finds sea weed and all rejoice. The Captain told the floaters they were defenders. There is foreshadowing about fire.
Chapter 21: there was a storm and it was scary. But not as scary as the GIANT ship that showed up after.
Chapter 22: they shoot the captain in the head. They are pirates and they take everything of value from the community. This sucks. Pirates suck. I am anti pirate. The politician takes his grenade and blows up the pirate ship. The resulting explosion causes their little boat to float away from the floatila. Now they are floating out to sea.
Chapter 23: they drift for a while. They figure they can make it a week with the water they have. They collect enough rain water that they figure they could last two weeks now. They find an oil rig. They didn't find any way to climb up. Then they see a ladder that they are pretty sure was lowered down by a person.
Chapter 24: they meet the person. It's a non communicative emaciated guy. Hifa says she doesn't want to breed. They live happily ever after.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Redshirts book report
Dahl gets promoted to bridge duty.
My immediate reaction is to say Luetenant Collins is a garbage person, but that's not fair.
There's a bunch of unexplainable stuff happening on this ship and she's just trying to stay out of harms way.
Jenkins ambushes Dahl and they have a chat. Jenkins says go through with the plan to sneak up on him tonight.
Fair warning, Jenkins has a theory and he's gonna tell it to you and it's gonna sound insane
chapter 9:
Dahl and the gang talk to Jenkins for a while and the punchline is that the only other ship
that has stats like the intrepid is the Star Ship Enterprise of the United Federation of planets.
Jenkins' theory is that they are on a science fiction show.
Mind blown
worse: it's not a very good show
chapter 10:
Dahl is on the bridge and goes through a battle scene that plays out just like Jenkins said it would.
Duvall got called to a senior officer meeting. We're pretty sure she's going to die soon because she's kerensky's love interest now.
finn (a non-believer) gives her a pilll that knocks her out so she can't go on the away mission
now dahl and finn are on the away mission. This plan seems flawed.
Chapter 11:
The attack on their ship was just a cover so that a spy on another ship could attack another alien ship.
The misson is to recapture the another ship. Their prime spy suspect is a guy named Weston that Finn used to work with.
Lots of fun coincidences.
Chapter 12:
fun scene: Finn says hi to Weston and Weston is so surprised to see him that Finn is able to stunn Weston.
Now Weston is in custody and he'll only talk to the captain.
Weston blinks a lot and blows up. Finn dies. :( <- face="" p="" sad="">
chapter 13:
Dahl has a heart to heart with jenkins and it's sad and pointless
The rest of the inner sanctum does some brainstorming to come up with idea sto end this.
a transport cart comes with a note from jenkins. so much suspense...
chapter 14:
time travel.
Back to 2010 to be exact cause we think that's the "present" for the tv show.
Dahl is being put in charge of an away mission.
He's got all his people gonna come along. But he's gonna have to kidnap a main character.
he's gonna use Finn's drugs to make it happen.
Chapter 15:
its kerensky, they've got him naked in a box.
they've flooped into 2012 and they're in a best western.
Dahl has found the actor (brian) that plays him and he's gonna make caontact
to do: come up with a joke involving the phrase "first contact"
Chapter 16:
They meet Brian and he's cool with it. Mostly cause Kerensky is there and the actor that plays
Kerensky (Marc Corey) wouldn't be caught dead with an extra off set.
The plan is to get Kerensky into a club that Marc Corey is known to frequent to get him into
this deal with the eventual goal to make thier way up the food chain to show creator Charles Paulson.
Chapter 17:
They get kerensky and duvall into the club and the bouncer mitch suggests Dahl go down to the irish pub to get a drink.
There's this really great scene with Dahl and the guy that played Finn and Dahl gets a selfie with him.
The whole deal with Marc Corey didn't go so well. The second Corey saw Kerensky he attacked him cause of gaukker.
Now they''re in Marc Corey's car driving somewhere.
Chapter 18:
they get marc corey back to their best western
they take his pants so they can talk. It worked with Kerensky, why not his actor?
Kerensky wants to talk to marc corey alone so everyone else leaves the wrong.
Kerensky and Marc Corey do it.
Marc Corey is going to help them. He'll get a meeting with Paulson.
oh wait, they didn't do it. They just talked. oh well.
Chapter 19:
The whole group is going to this meeting with Paulson.
there's this fun thing where kerensky has him call the set to see that marc corey is there so they can get this whole future people thing on the road.
Hester is played by Paulson's son who's in a coma so when a modern day person aware of the situation sees im shenhanneagnas ensue.
Hester's full name is Jasper Allen Hester.
Chapter 20:
Paulson takes the whole group to meet with the head writer Paul Weinstein
They explain the insanity of living in a world where you're part of a TV show
They ask them to stop the show and Weinstein is all like "uh, no"
So they come up with an idea for negotiations
They take Paulson's son to the future and he can live a long happy life in the future with fture technology
better than being stuck in a coma
Hester stays in the past to be the actor that plays the role of Hester
Chapter 21:
Dahl goes to visit the lady that played Jenkins' wife and talks about her role in their world.
Dahl and Hester have a fun conversation about how crazy this is
they have a talk with paulson about how he's gonna run the show in the future
and they're in the shuttle heading toward the black hole
Hester, who's really Paulson's kid is still stable in the coma
Kerensky is making Dahl sit in the pilot's seat in case it explodes
They come out the other side of the black hole into a massive battle scene.
This is less than ideal
Chapter 22:
Hester is "the Carrier"
We're gonna end the war with the information that's being carried in his cells
They make it onto the ship and it's all dramatic and while he's obviously speaking scripted lines Kerensky says Hester's name so they're pretty sure the plan is working.
They need to figure out what to do with Hester's cells
They only thing they can: THE BoX!!!!1!!!one!!!!!
The box works, but Dahl is stabbed through the liver on the way. Ironic that he was with Kerensky when it happened cause this is what ussually happens to him..
We're in sickbay, it's been 4 days,, Dahl is back with the living. who saved him? JENKINS!!!1!!!one!!!! And he's back for good.
Nick Paulson put in a scene that was cut where Q'eeng reads a thank you message to Dahl. Pretty sweet.
Chapter 23:
there's a lot of pointless talking. I can see why Greg thinks this part of the book SuhUUUCKs!!!
Dahl keeps saying that Hanson (who I believe is his rich friend from the beginning that ddidn't do much )
doesn't really fit the naritive like everyone else does.
Like maybe Hanson is a Q like character and all of this is for his amusement?
Coda: First Person
A writer is posting on the internet that he just found out the people he writes about are real. Obviously Weinstein.
He's got writers block because he's so worried about what he writes affecting them
wrong, he's got writers block becasue he realizes he's been writing garbage
dream sequence saves the day